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Posted: 8/23/2006 4:54:05 PM EDT
I have been wondering lately after reading Into the Storm awhile back
they only mentioned in passing about the marines having M60s at the time

I would imagine aside from the reactive armor they are a pretty even match with the T72

Or were the M60s armament, armor  and sighting systems updated to the point they were vastly superior

I assume there had to be some engagements and that the crew probably made more of a difference than anything else

any Israeli M60s run against T72s at any time?
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 5:57:25 PM EDT
They had a good day, and they had a bad day.

The good day was when they assaulted Kuwait City Airport. Quite a sizeable fight, M-60s went up against T-55s in defensive positions, and didn't lose anything.

The bad day was on day 1 when a tank company expended 55 main gun rounds to destroy an APC and two trucks. The horrible accuracy wasn't such a problem, however, when it was discovered that they were shooting up another Marine unit. It was TF Ripper shooting up TF Grizzly.

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 2:40:45 AM EDT
I was with Task Force Rippeer/ AT TOW Gunner. When did that happen?
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 5:17:19 AM EDT
Morning of the 24th, crossing the 2nd minefield line, according to the book.

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 5:18:14 AM EDT
"Fare" not "fair".
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 5:29:13 AM EDT
I thought it was Ripper being shot at by Grizzly?
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 5:38:36 AM EDT
I served as a tank crewman in the Marine Corps Reserve from 1991 to 1995.  My unit was freshly back from the Gulf when I joined them.  They had a lot of problems with the 60s breaking down, due to their age.  It was a lot of work keeping them going.  By their accounts, they did well against Iraqi armor.  They had DU sabots for the 105, which was more than a match for their encounters.  

The reactive armor on their tanks was for show.  One night, a tank crashed into a wall, tearing up the reactive armor.  To their surprise, the reactive armor boxes were empty.  I don't know if that was a universal situation, or just for the reserve troops.

The T-72 could definately penetrate an M-60.  Some accounts I heard, only being faster than the enemy allowed them to prevail.

My unit lost one tank to a mine.  No one was injured, but it reportedly really tore the tank up, first two road wheels gone, shocks gone.  Did not penetrate the hull though.

My TC in tank school told me about an encounter where a ZSU 23-4 engaged them.  They lost everything stowed on the outside of the right side of the tank, really rang their bell.  

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