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Posted: 10/9/2005 9:00:38 PM EDT
So I am driving through the local Pollo loco chicken place and waiting on the drive thru line. I am behind a car that is at the menu board who is placing their order.

then I see it... something in the corner of my eye moving... I look .... look closer...

HOLY CRAP! In the tree!!

Not ONE..... NOT TWO... NOT THREE!!!



Link Posted: 10/9/2005 9:01:18 PM EDT
did you draw down on them????

Link Posted: 10/9/2005 9:02:36 PM EDT
SoCal at a Pollo Loco... what did you expect?  
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 9:03:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 9:07:52 PM EDT
question is did you order or leave?
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 9:19:30 PM EDT

question is did you order or leave?

BOTH... ordered and then left.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 10:10:29 PM EDT
I wondered what that thing in my BRC was....
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 10:13:55 PM EDT
Secret herbs and spices.  Did you really think that it was chicken?
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 10:15:23 PM EDT
Thats WHY they make the tacos so spicy
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 10:28:50 PM EDT
Well , what did you expect ?

They can't very well keep them in a aquarium like lobsters for you to
pick out the one you want
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 10:32:41 PM EDT
I was working nights at a warehouse once. Went to the bathroom and as I came out there was a rat right around the corner. Damn near stepped on his ass, he scared me as bad as I scared him. He ran under a pallet, so i went and found a pallet jack and big stick of wood.
Co worker came wandering by and thought I had lost my damn mind jacking up a pallet and sticking a stick under it.
Until the rat came running out and ran behind a steel frame holding a bunch of other pallets.

never did get the little bastard.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 10:32:57 PM EDT
BAH! That was just the low cost kitchen staff on a smoke break!
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 10:46:16 PM EDT
That's OK, just don't ask how many spiders were added for seasoning
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 11:04:22 PM EDT
Rats climb around in trees?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 5:06:31 AM EDT

So I am driving through the local Pollo loco chicken place

I think I found your problem.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 5:22:55 AM EDT
Have you heard of that show "pimp my ride"?

I don't watch very often, but I am a car guy...  They were tearing down this old POS car, and when they ripped out the dash, there was a rat inside.  A big one.  Live, too.   WTF?  How do you get a rat in your car????   I'm glad I live in the midwest!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 5:26:20 AM EDT

Rats climb around in trees?

Rats go anywhere they want.....seriously.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 5:31:21 AM EDT

Rats climb around in trees?

Hell yeah! Rafters in building too. We had one in the building that would come & go at night. Mind you all metal building with steel roll up doors. He would climb the steel door track on the outside and come in over top the door drum. Fuckers can climb better than Spiderman.

True rat story:

As a kid I worked on the grandparents farm, farm=rats. Anyway, they had a grain truck, more or less like a dump truck, high wall sides and a removeable dump gate.

They had bags of rye seed that had been sitting in the truck over the winter, maybe 100 bags or so. Rats had gotten into it & it was last years seed, so it had to be dumped. My job was to drag the bags to the tail of the truck and cut them open & spill them out as gramps drove the truck across the pasture.

So I'm working my way thru the stack and start getting to bags with burrows, I see a rat run thru a burrow and when I gab the next sack he runs off the tail of the truck. Big, rye fed housecat ass kicking rat.

So I keep at it, and a few more rats run out. So I say fuck this, jump off the truck and have gramps dump the rest of the bags while I stand behind the truck witha stick.

Big fucking mistake, there must have been at least 100 or more rats burrowed in the remaining bags of seed. One big wall of gray fur came running out as the bed dumped & the bags started sliding out. I was running like track star & rats were passing me on the left & right, running up trees, fence posts, no doubt they'd ran up me if I had stood still. Truly a nuke from orbit situation.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 5:34:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 5:38:26 AM EDT


Rats climb around in trees?

Hell yeah! Rafters in building too. We had one in the building that would come & go at night. Mind you all metal building with steel roll up doors. He would climb the steel door track on the outside and come in over top the door drum. Fuckers can climb better than Spiderman.

True rat story:

As a kid I worked on the grandparents farm, farm=rats. Anyway, they had a grain truck, more or less like a dump truck, high wall sides and a removeable dump gate.

They had bags of rye seed that had been sitting in the truck over the winter, maybe 100 bags or so. Rats had gotten into it & it was last years seed, so it had to be dumped. My job was to drag the bags to the tail of the truck and cut them open & spill them out as gramps drove the truck across the pasture.

So I'm working my way thru the stack and start getting to bags with burrows, I see a rat run thru a burrow and when I gab the next sack he runs off the tail of the truck. Big, rye fed housecat ass kicking rat.

So I keep at it, and a few more rats run out. So I say fuck this, jump off the truck and have gramps dump the rest of the bags while I stand behind the truck witha stick.

Big fucking mistake, there must have been at least 100 or more rats burrowed in the remaining bags of seed. One big wall of gray fur came running out as the bed dumped & the bags started sliding out. I was running like track star & rats were passing me on the left & right, running up trees, fence posts, no doubt they'd ran up me if I had stood still. Truly a nuke from orbit situation.

Grain fed rats are good eating and they dont have all disease crap of garbage rats. Ask the Indians, or is it the Pakistanis?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 6:33:50 AM EDT
"Pollo" Loco, huh?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 6:35:24 AM EDT
Who the hell eats at a place called crazy chicken!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 6:35:54 AM EDT
"Where's Eddie?  He normally eats these things."
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 6:36:25 AM EDT

Who the hell eats at a place called crazy chicken!

That shit is good!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:26:50 AM EDT
Hmmmmm, dats some gooooooood EL Rata Loco...!

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:30:42 AM EDT
A rat in the taco is worth five in the tree as they say.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:32:09 AM EDT

So I am driving through the local Pollo loco chicken place and waiting on the drive thru line. I am behind a car that is at the menu board who is placing their order.

then I see it... something in the corner of my eye moving... I look .... look closer...

HOLY CRAP! In the tree!!

Not ONE..... NOT TWO... NOT THREE!!!




And you thought you were eating CHICKEN!  
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:55:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:00:13 AM EDT

Hmmmmm, dats some gooooooood EL Rata Loco...!


Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:21:27 AM EDT
So WTF is wrong with rat meat?

Do you think it's worse than any other meat?

How do you know?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 12:45:21 PM EDT
I was just at Disneyworld and saw a rat (no not Mickey Mouse) running around after dark at one of their fancy-shmancy resorts.

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 12:50:30 PM EDT
i cannot believe people being upset about eating rats. cooked up they aren't bad. heck they're a mamal after all. closer to being decent food than a chicken. chicken aint nothin but an upgraded lizard, cold blooded filith creatures.

chickens live and die nastee. rats have a decent family ethic at least.

anyway.. you said you saw them rats in the trees.. perhaps they was squirrels?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 12:57:42 PM EDT
at least you won't get bird flu....maybe the plague, but not the flu
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 1:30:38 PM EDT
There were hundreds of rats behind my buddy's bar in the city. Used to shoot them with the pellet gun and then take a break for some cold ones. Lots of fun..
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 1:47:48 PM EDT
When I was younger I would help the parent's neighbor shell corn every spring. Any one that has been around a farm knows that rats and mice love to build nests in corn cribs over the winter time. There would always be a rat or two that would come running out every time you took a scoop ful of corn off the pile. Usually the cats or dogs would get them, play with them a little, then leve the dead rat out in the yard somewhere.

The last year we shelled corn, we had a new guy come out and help shovel ear corn from the crib into the  elevator that ran the length of the crib, and dumper the ear corn into the sheller. A few of the old farmers tried to tell him to duct tape his pant legs to his boots, to keep the mice and rats from crawling up your pant legs. Of course he wouldn't listen.

About half way through the day the new guy come running out of the crib screaming like a little girl, ripping his clothes off as fast as he could. Turns out a rat made his way up the guys jeans, and got stuck in his underwear. Guy stripped naked, ran to his car, and drove off. For some reason, he didn't come back to help finish.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 1:55:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 1:59:34 PM EDT

Hmmmmm, dats some gooooooood EL Rata Loco...!


dude that's not a rat, they eat guinea pigs which is just as bad
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 2:27:48 PM EDT
I was working at a Whirlpool warehouse, and I used to see a big rat (the same one) everyday by the break room.  I started to call him swirlly, he was like our mascot for a while.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 2:32:44 PM EDT
What are you gonna think the next time you go there and DON'T see them in the tree?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:37:35 PM EDT

What are you gonna think the next time you go there and DON'T see them in the tree?

Well WTF makes you think there WILL be a next time? I just called my friend who goes there all the time and warned him... or at least to look in the tree next time he goes after night fall... WILD!!!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:47:45 PM EDT
The Management of Pollo Loco would like to clear things up a bit.

What the original poster observed was not just "rats in a tree"....but actually was our new drive up Self Serve Line--All You Can Eat.

Only $3.99 w/ coupon (Look for them in Sunday's paper with the big picture of Willard on it)

Thank you
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:52:17 PM EDT
I once dated a girl who had a pet rat.

Link Posted: 10/11/2005 8:23:30 AM EDT

I once dated a girl who had a pet rat.

Oh we had a few pet rats... Great pets to have... we had one that was so smart... she would hang out on your shoulder... she wouldnt piss or crap on you... but the second you put her in her cage she would let go.

I dont mind them as pets. Seeing them in trees at a restaurant is not good.

We have a japanese rest near our home that we used to frequent all the time. One night my daughter wasacting up so I took her outside as to not disturb the other patrons and we are walking around and go towards the service entry and two HUGE ASS rats go running across the entryway of the service door.

We NEVER ate there again.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 8:31:07 AM EDT

HOLY CRAP! In the tree!!

Not ONE..... NOT TWO... NOT THREE!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, the new Dr. Seuss!!
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 8:33:00 AM EDT


HOLY CRAP! In the tree!!

Not ONE..... NOT TWO... NOT THREE!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, the new Dr. Seuss!!

Link Posted: 10/11/2005 8:51:05 AM EDT


HOLY CRAP! In the tree!!

Not ONE..... NOT TWO... NOT THREE!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, the new Dr. Seuss!!

<sigh> they always forget the 'D'
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 11:51:35 AM EDT



Originally Posted By DrFriDge:
HOLY CRAP! In the tree!!

Not ONE..... NOT TWO... NOT THREE!!!


Ladies and gentlemen, the new Dr. Seuss!!

<sigh> they always forget the 'D'

Link Posted: 10/11/2005 2:26:45 PM EDT


Hmmmmm, dats some gooooooood EL Rata Loco...!


dude that's not a rat, they eat guinea pigs which is just as bad


Yes I know, but it's a lot easier to find pic's of Cuy than of fried rat...!
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 1:44:10 PM EDT
RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!! i sertainly hope you split!
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