User Panel
Posted: 10/11/2016 10:13:13 PM EDT
Because I can't answer all the IMs....
Get your official site issued callsign. One per customer. No choices. No trades. No re-dos for participants of last threads. I have already issued 1,200 of these in last threads so be patient while I make sure there aren't dupes. I will try to do 50 or so. No bitching because all the good names are gone (they ARE.). Thread can lock at any time. Post "Hit me" to get one. |
Already assigned: 12 ounce, 12th man, 3 gun, 6 pack, 8 track, Armadillo, BOHICA, 10 ring, Canada, Canine, Captain latex, Chest Rockwell, Cicero,Cream-Wheat, Einstein, FIGMO, FUBAR, MARPAT, RKBA, Siegfried, TEOTWAWNI, TP, The Cock, V8, abalone, ace, acog, alamo, amnesia, amoeba, amphibian, andouille, angry, angst, animal, anonymous, anteater, apathy, ape, apex, apocalypse, apoplectic, argyle, armbar, armpit, arson, assault, ate up, austria, avalanche, baby carrot, babydaddy, backstroke, bad attitude, bad decision, bad luck, badgebunny, bag man, bakersfield slim, ballast, baller, ballistic, balls, balut, banned, barack obama, barbwire, barnyard, battlefield, beaker, beanbag, bear, bear trap, beavertail, bedpan, bedsore, bee keeper, beef, beezlebub, beggar, behemoth, ben hammer, bender, bennie the wrench, beret, beta, beetle, biff, big chicken dinner, big daddy, big deal, big league, big ten, billy ray, bingo, bipod, biscuit, bite, black fog, black ops, black talon, black widow, blackjack, blackout, blank stare, blind willie, blindside, blister, blitzkrieg, blizzard, blood and guts, blood type, bloodlust, bloodsport, blowback, blowhole, bludgeon, blue, bluejay, bluster, bo, bob, bobcat, bodie, bojangles, bolo, bologna, bolt, bombardier, bondo, boner, bones, boneyard, bong, boo boo, booger, booker, boom, boone's farm, boots, bootsy, boozy, borsch, bossman, botfly, bottles, bouncing betty, boxcar, boyscout, brainfart, brainfreeze, brandy, braunschwager, brawler, brazil, breakdown, breechbirth, breeze, bren, brick, brickhouse, britney, brocephus, brock, brofist, broseph, brotein, brown nose, browser, bruiser, brutal, bubba, bubbleguts, bubbles, buccaneer, buck, buckets, buckeye, buckfutter, buckshot, buddha, buford, bulkhead, bullet, bulletproof, bullseye, bullwhip, bumpfire, bumpkin, bumrush, burnout, burp, bushy, butcher, buteerfinger, butter cookie, butthurt, buzz killington, buzzard, cabbage, caboose, cactus, caddyshack, caffeine, callsign, camo, canker sore, cannibal, cannonball, cans, capra, captain America, captain crunch, carcass, carl saggin, carlos the knife, carnage, carnivore, cashflow, cat gut, catfish, cauliflower, ceasefire, chachi, chamberpot, champ, chaos, chardonnay, chase, chaser, chassis, chatterbox, cheapskate, checkers, checkmate, cheddar, cheerio, cheese, cheesepuff, cheeto, cheez whiz, cheezburger, chef, chemtrail, cherry, chicken strip, chief, chigger, chisel, chitlin, chocula, chokehold, chopper, chromium, chronic, chump change, chunks, chupacabra, cinderblock, clambake, clams, cleancut, clepto, clobber, clorox, clothesline, clusterfuck, cobb, cockroach, coconut, cod, code three, codeine, coffee, cold war, coldcut, colic, comatose, combover, compton, compund fracture, condor, confligration, contusion, cookie, cool hand, coolwhip, copout, copycat, cornbread, corndog, cornflake, cosby, cousin it, cowpie, coyote, crabgrass, cramps, craps, crash, crawler, creampuff, creepy lester, cretin, crimp, crimson, crisco, critter, crowbar, cruiser, cueball, cup check, curly, curseword, cutthroat, cyclone, cyclops, d-day, dagger, damage, danger, dash, dead center, deadlift, deadweight, death monkey, deathblow, deathpenalty, deepthroat, defilade, demented, denali denied, desolation, desolation, desperado, detonation, detox, deuce, dewclaw, diesel, digger, dillo, dim sum, dingus, dipstick, dirty, dirty laundry, dirty mike, dishrag, distress, ditto, doc, dodgeball, dog, doge, dogface, dogfood, doghouse, doink, dollar bill, dolphin, doom, doorknob, dorito, double barrel, doughboy, downtime, dozer,drago, drifter, drillbit, drip, drive thru, dropkick, drumstick, dry rot, duck tape, duffel bag, duke, dumbass, dumpster, dumptruck, dung beetle, dustbunny, dwarf, dysentery, eagle, eagle eye cherry, earl the flatulent mime, earmite, earthquake, earthworm, earwax, easy, eclipse, eightmile, el burro, el chupacabra, el presidente, empathy, emu, endo, engagement, english, epic, ex-lax, exit wound, expressway, extractor, faceman, faceoff, facsimile, fade, failsafe, fanboy, fang, farva, fat albert, fatality, fate, feels, felony, fender, fetch, fig, fighter, filth, fingers, finland, finn, fireball, fish, fishlips, fishtank, fission, fist, flaccid, flaco, flapjack, flaps, flashback, flatfoot, flatus, flea, fleabag, flick, flinch, flip, flop, flounder, fluffy, flush, flypaper, flytrap, fo'tay, foie gras, fokker, fonz, foo fighter, foreplay, forge, forgotten, fortune, forty five, foul ball, fowl, fracture, frag, freakshow, freddy the mule, free, freebird, freejack, freeway, freight train, french-fry, fresh meat, frito, fritter, fritz, frog, froggy, frontman, froot loops, frosty, full auto, function check, furry, fuzz, gadget, gadsden, galoshes, gamble, gamer, gangrene, gangster, gasman, gator, gene the perv, george, gerbil, ghetto, ghost, giant eagle, giblets, gilligan, gimme, gimp, giraffe, girlfriend, gloom, glutes, gnat, goat locker, goblin, goggles, goon, goose, gopher, gorgonzola, gorilla, gov't cheese, grammar, gramps, grandfather, gravel,grease fire, greed, green, green bean, green meanie, grim, grinch, gristle, grits, grizzly, grope, growler, grubby, grudge, grumpy, guardmount, guinea pig, gumball, gumbo, gunfight, gunner, guppy, gut check, gutpile, gutter, gypsy, gyro, h-bomb, hackjob, haggis, hairball, hairlip, half cocked, half empty, halitosis, hambone, hamburger, hammer, hamster, handcuff, hangfire, hangnail, hangover, happy, happy meal, happy the gerbil, hardcore, hardon, hardtack, hardware, hasenpfeffer, hashbrown, hat trick, havoc, hawkeye, hazmat, headcase, headcheese, heat mizer, heathen, hedgehog, heel, hellcat, hemhorroid, hemlock, herring, hi-top, hiccup, high ready, highwayman, hijinks, hillary, hilljack, hippy, hitchhike, hobbes, hogtie, hold fast, hollowpoint, hollywood, holster, homerun, honey boo boo, hooch, hoodie, hoodrat, hook, hooker, hooligan, hoot, hoplite, hornet, hornswoggle, horseapple, horsepower, horshack, hoss, hot wing, hotdog, hound, hound dog, howitzer, howling mad, huck, hurby-curby, hurricane, hype, iceman, icepick, iguana, illuminutti, impact, inchworm, iron butt, jackal, jackass, jackpot, jagger, jambalaya, jaws, jaybird, jelly donut, jellyroll, jester, jimmy apples, jitters, john cocktoasten, joker, judas, juicebox, jumping bean, junkyard, karma, katana, keg, keg, kermit, kickstand, kickstart, kiddo, killdozer, kitten, knob, knuckles, kritter, kumquat, laceration, lager, lampshade, landfill, late nite, lawdog, legsweep, leisure suit, lemon party, lemonhead, lemonjello, lenny the pimp, leonidas, liberache, lightbulb, lightnin', lightnin' pete, lima bean, litter, litterbox, lizard, lobotomy, lobster, lockback, lockjaw, logjam, loner, lonestar, longhorn, loon, love boat, lubejob, lucky, lugs, lumpy, lunchbox, lurker, lush, lynx, macho, maddog, mag change, magdump, magic, magoo, mama bear, mange, manhole, mantis, margarine, marlboro, marmot, marshmallow, mash, meat, meatball, meathead, meep, mephistopheles, metal, mighty mo, milkman, milktoast, misdemeanor, misery, misfire, missile, mistrial, mittens, mobs, moneybags, mongo, monkeywrench, monopoly, monster, monty, moody, moonbeam, moonshine, morale, morbid, moshpit, moss, mothball, mounds, mouse, mouth, mucous, mud, mudflap, muerta, muff, muffin, mugshot, mullet, music man, myth, nacho, nada, nails, nasty, necro, needles, neuter, newjack, nick, nickel, nicky the ant, night train, nightcrawler, nightmare, nimrod, nipples, nissan, nitro, no doze, no mercy, no requests, noodle, noose, nope, nor'easter, nosebleed, nosedive, nubbins, nugget, nugs, nut flush, nyquil, oatmeal, odor eater, officer friendly, ogre, oilcan, okie, old dirty bastard, old no. 7, one, one eye'd sam, one eyed milt, opie, orbit, oreo, osmosis, ostrich, otter, outcast, outhouse, ovaltine, overpressure, owl pellet, oyster, paladin, palmetto, pancake, panzer, parabellum, paranoid, patch, pathogen, patriot, paulie the rake, payback, payday, peaches, peanut, peanut butter, peatmoss, pebbles, peep, peg leg, peligroso, pellets, pepe, peptone, phlegm, pickle, pie, pierogie, pierre, pigpen, pinball, pinecone, ping, pink, pintail, pinto, pinto bean, pipe bomb, pirate, pistolero, pixel, plant, playboy, plebe, plink, plumley, plunger, pockets, poison, polecat, polevault, polkadot, popsicle, poptart, porkchop, porno, possum, postwhore, potato, potsy, pottymouth, power top, power washer, prairie dog, predator, primate, primer, princess, problem, prodigy, projectile, prolapse, propaganda, prozac, prybar, psycho, puck, pudd, pudding, puddles, punchline, purebred, pussycat theatre mop-up guy level 13, putty, pyro, python, q-tip, quads, quaker, rabbit, rabies, rabies, raccoon, radar, radio silence, raincheck, ram, ranch, rancor, rap sheet, rascal, rattler, ray, rayon, razor, reacharound, rebar, rebel, recoil, redneck, reflux, reincarnate, renter, reticle, reverend, rewind, rhino, rhythm, ricky the slob, rimfire, ringer, ringo, ringworm, riptide, roach, roach coach, roadblock, roadflare, roadkill, roadrash, roam, roastbeef, rock hard, rocket, rockwell, rodeo, rogue, rollbar, rommel, roofie, rooster, roscoe, rotor, roulette, rubber ducky, rucksack, rufus, rugburn, rumplestiltskin, run, saber, sack, saddlesore, salamander, salsa, saltpeter, sammich, sandbag, sarge, sass, sauerkraut, sawblade, sawbones, scabs, scallywag, scat, scattergun, scooter, scotty, scoutmaster, scratch, scrotum, shackles, shaft, shag, shakes, shart, sheep, sheepskin, sheetrock, shellback, shellcase, shellshock, shitshow, shocker, shoes, shooter, short bus, shorty, shotgun, shovel, shrapnel, shred, shutter, single stack, sinister sinus, skeeter, sketch, skew, skidmark, skillet, skittles, slagpile, slam fire,s lapnut, sleeves, slick, slide, slidestop, slim, slime, slimmer, slinky, slinky, slobber, slop bucket, sloppy seconds, sloth, slow joe, slow mike, slurpee, slut, sly, smack, smash, smiley, smooth randy, smoulder, snail, snapper, snaps, sneeze, snickerdoodle, snitch, snot, snowjob, snowman, snow mizer, snuff, snuggles, so-so, soap, soft sixteen, soot, soup sandwich, spam, spanky, sparkplug, spasm, spaz, special ed, specter, speedball, speedboat, speedy, spelling bee, spigot, spit cup, splatter, splint, spook, spoonfed, spotlight, spunk, spurt, square deal, squatch, squeegie, squeeze, squiggy, squirrel, squirt, stag, stain, stakeout, stalker, stang, stank, star trek, starboard, starman, starry eye, static, steed, steelers fan, steeltown, sterno, stick, stiff, stifle, stingray, stinkbomb, stogie, stoic, stomp, stone cold, stool, stopsign, stork, stovepipe, streetfight, streetwise, strikeout, stripe, stryker, stump, suave, subway, suckerpunch, suede, sugar smack, suicide, sunkist, sunshine, swamp ass, sweatsock, sweetchuck, swordfish, syndrome, syphillus, syrup, t bone,t-bird, tackle, taco, tailgunner, tailstrike, tampon, tang, tank, tarantula, tardy, target, tarheel, tartar sauce, taser, taskmaster, tater, tatertot, tax stamp, taz, techno, ted, temper, terminal, terrible ivan, the admiral, the bear, the beav, the bishop, the blowfish, the boar, the brain, the bull, the butcher, the cable guy, the cap'n, the claw, the colonel, the coyote, the deacon, the ferret, the fink, the geek, the germ, the german, the horse, the hulk, the last word, the law, the legend, the listerine kid, the llama, the lord of funk, the marksman, the mayor, the mechanic, the milkman, the mole, the mute, the plan, the porcupine, the preacher, the sandman, the serpent, the sheik, the show, the spleen, the squire, the suck, the tongue, the troll, the walrus, the warlock, thing, thorny, throwback, thug life, thumper, thunder, tilt-a-whirl, tin can, tinfoil, tinkerbell, tiny, titmouse, toadstool, toast, toejam, toenail, toilet, tomcat, tongs, tonka, toolbox, toolshed, torque, tough guy, toy, trainwreck, trajectory, trapdoor, trashcan, trauma, tremor, trenchfoot, tripod, trojan, tsunami, tubesock, tubesteak, tubs, tug, tugboat, tugjob, tuna, tundra, turbo, turgid, turnip, turtle, tweek, twinkletoes, twix, two guns, u turn, uncle feo, underscore, undertaker, upchuck, uppercut, uppercut, upwind, urinal, vegan, velocity, viagra, viking, violence, vulture, waaaambulance, waffle king, walleye, walnuts, wanted, war, warlock, warp, warped, warrant, warthog, wasabi,wash bucket, weasel, weaver, webster, weedwhacker, weevil, whacko, whammo, wheelbarrow, wheelgun, whiplash, whiteout, whitewash, whitewater, whiz-bang, whoosh, why not, wiggles, windage, wingman, wings, wizard, wolf boy, wolfman, wolverine, wonderbread, woobie, woodchuck, woolite, worm, worms, wrecker, wrinkles, wtf, yak, yams, yard car, yardarm, yawn, yeti, yoda, yoke, yuck, yukon, zipper, zippy, zit, zoidberg, zoloft, zombie, zoomie, zulu |
I didn't see my name in the list......or I am crosseyed while drinking but you gave me mine the last time around!
Thanks-ill add it. -NorCal |
Holy shit, I haven't seen NorCal in forever. I thought he got found familiar.
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