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Posted: 5/2/2011 7:20:12 AM EDT
They was just chummin' on their way home.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 7:23:28 AM EDT

I hope they wrapped some anchor chain around his body and just threw it overboard without any fanfare. The POS deserved no dignity whatsoever.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 8:01:32 AM EDT
wonder when the pictures will be released?
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 8:03:35 AM EDT

I hope they wrapped some anchor chain around his body and just threw it overboard without any fanfare. The POS deserved no dignity whatsoever.

Never mind the anchor chain.  They should stuff bacon in his mouth first.  Use rocks instead of anchor chains.  Rocks are free.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 8:09:18 AM EDT
If they did it like this, just think of it as the ultimate waterboarding!

Link Posted: 5/2/2011 8:12:33 AM EDT
more ocean pollution!!! just think of the oil slick from that scumbag.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 8:24:46 AM EDT
They made him take a bath as a final "fuck you."  
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 8:29:20 AM EDT
I hope they wrapped him in a swine carcass before his final swim.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 9:31:38 AM EDT
If they had him on board any longer they would have to delouse the whole crew.

I like the fact they threw him off the ship..it has a coldblooded touch to it
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 9:32:48 AM EDT
Hopefully they all took a big piss on his carcass before we went to meet Davey Jones
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 9:36:50 AM EDT
They dropped his body at the end of the deck......then pissed on him........boot kick to the head. "Get the fuck off my ship!"

At least that is how I will "always" picture it in my head.
Link Posted: 5/2/2011 10:27:58 AM EDT
Do you really think they gave him the deep six?  About 50 years from now the truth will come out  They  stuffed him and made  a coffee table out of him  for  GW
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