Send your kids to school have them ask obungo "How are raising taxes supposed to help a weak economy?"
I'd love to see him get stumped by a second grade student.
Have them ask, why are you so stupid.
1. Why do you blame Bush for deficits that YOU voted "Yes" to while in the Senate?
2. You said unemployment wouldn't rise above 8% if you passed your stimulus. You were wrong. Why should we believe you again?
3. Why can't you admit you were wrong when you predicted that The Surge in Iraq would fail and make things worse, and that you were wrong to vote against it?
4. Why do you take so many vacations and play so much golf?
5. Why did you bow to the Premier of China, the King of Saudi Arabia, the emperor of Japan and the Mayor of Tampa Florida, yet constantly look down your nose at common Americans?
6. How did your wife and Han Solo first meet?
7. Why haven't you closed Gitmo yet, like you promised you would?
8. Why do you call yourself a "mutt" and a "mongrel", then complain about imaginary opponents referring to you as a dog?
9. Why do you let Mexican Drug Cartels continue flooding into the country so that your own BLM has to close down control entire regions of Arizona because of Mexican invaders - and then only send 30 National Guard "observers" there three months after you promised we'd have over a thousand Guard troops sent?
10. Why is killing a baby better than being pregnant for 9 months?