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Posted: 1/21/2013 9:52:02 AM EDT
President Obama launched into his second term with a sharply worded inaugural address Monday -- using the platform to "reject" steep cuts to entitlements, press for an immigration reform package and wag the finger at Washington's penchant for "name-calling" and "spectacle." Declaring that the country cannot succeed "when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it," he described those programs as a vital safety net -- though, without some intervention, budget forecasters warn they will not be sustainable in the long term. "We must make the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit. But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future," Obama said. "The commitments we make to each other -- through Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security -- these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great." |
Get fucked, cock wad. i have nothing other to add than what this man has said that would not prevent me from becoming banned from this site |
Declaring that the country cannot succeed "when a shrinking few do very well earn money to steal and a growing many barely make it wait for the Federal government to steal it.
Cleaned that up. Damn...dude is doubling down on ignoring the spending/debt and insisting we can borrow our way to prosperity. |
All hail the dear leader! I can't wait for the statue of him made out of banned NY AR mags.
I vote that Obama leads by example and starts spending some of his approximate $12,000,000 to help those less fortunate. What does a man who gets free housing, some free food, free security, free transportation, a first-rate pension, free access to the best healthcare for life, $400,000 in salary, $50,000 in expense fund, free chefs, equivalent of free life-insurance for the widow and free usage of the USPS need with all of that cash anyways??
There are people in this country who are barely getting by with welfare, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, free phones, free utilities, loan repayment programs, unemployment benefits, Social Security, child tax credits, earned income credits, pell grants, disability, subsidized housing, mortgage deductions, etc. Share the wealth and lead by example, Mr. President! |
Safety net? Get real, it's a hammock. Cradle to the grave entitlements have to go and put strings on that hammock so it can once again be a safety net.
I wonder if anyone has ever piped up and asked why only a few do well? Could it be they worked harder and sacrificed to get there?
Get fucked, cock wad. i have nothing other to add than what this man has said that would not prevent me from becoming banned from this site Same here. |
President Obama launched into his second term with a sharply worded inaugural address Monday -- using the platform to "reject" steep cuts to entitlements, press for an immigration reform package and wag the finger at Washington's penchant for "name-calling" and "spectacle." Declaring that the country cannot succeed "when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it," he described those programs as a vital safety net -- though, without some intervention, budget forecasters warn they will not be sustainable in the long term. "We must make the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit. But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future," Obama said. "The commitments we make to each other -- through Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security -- these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great." Anybody else notice that he was talking about himself right there? |
Don't raise the debt. ceiling without serious beginning to cuts.
Let it expire if you have to, let the credit rating drop if you have to. The country is going to feel the debt one way or the other, you're just putting it off until it blows like Fukushima. Right now the country debt spends without having to feel any consequences. The consequences are still there, just being delayed and shoved into a pile that's going to get dropped on us all at once if we don't deal with it. The country needs to feel what a debt call feels like.... oh, you don't like it do you? HA! That's nothing compared to what's coming if we don't get a handle on this right now. Anyone who thinks our creditors will let us raise our debt limit forever or will always have the money to lend (just wait 'til SHTF in their own country) is an idiot. Creditors always come calling eventually. |
Since he has no plan to cut entitlement spending which makes up the bulk of federal spending and we cannot possibly raise taxes enough to ever cover what we spend much less what we owe, how does he ever plan to follow through on that promise of shrinking the national debt? Oh that's right he actually doesn't' give a shit about wrecking the economy and selling our children and their children into debt to pay for his bullshit today.
Since he has no plan to cut spending and we cannot possibly raise taxes enough to ever cover what we spend much less what we owe, how does he ever plan to follow through on that promise of shrinking the national debt? Oh that's right he actually doesn't' give a shit about wrecking the economy and selling our children and their children into debt to pay for his bullshit today. Year five of the budget is where the massive cuts come to meet the stated goal. Next year make new five year plan. |
"But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future" The image I get in my head when I read that line- A child with his fingers in ears and eyes shut screaming, "nananananananananananana" |
"when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it," Should get off their behind and become one of the shrinking few "We must make the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit." And when are you going to start "But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future," No WE don't you do Where are they then? Oh the one's on gov hand outs.... The commitments we make to each other -- through Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security -- these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great. Um if you need these then you are a TAKER not a provider Yes there are people who need this help but 3 Fracking YEARS I have been unemplyed several times in the last few years I FOUND A JOB ON MY OWN I took unemplyement when I could because I and my emplyer support it for just why I used it As a TEMPORARY help when laid off Never over 6 months |
Quoted: Would you be willing to represent us in DC? I like your style. Very succinct. Get fucked, cock wad. |
Get fucked, cock wad. What is it about this place that makes the first post so concise and well stated. I mean Eas Texan just sums it so nicely and concise. The only thing I can possible add is, "And your fat ass Wookie too." |
The problem is that for many Americans, math is hard. They can't understand that just about every dollar taken in taxes by the federal government is spent on entitlements. Everything else, most of the DoD budget, the Parks Service, FBI, you name it, is paid for using borrowed money. Entitlements are a sucking black hole that take an ever greater portion of the GDP.
Semper Fi |
To those of you who think that Ayn Rand was FOS, or whatever, here it is:
...we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future. The commitments we make to each other -- through Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security -- these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great. This man is not stupid. No matter how much I despise him, he is not a fool. Nor does he sit around like some cartoon madman, giggling and plotting the destruction of the universe. He is James Taggart. No matter what he does, he's certain that someone else will fix it. You will never, ever lay the blame for his actions at his feet because he is morally certain that whenever something goes wrong, it was because you didn't share in his vision. Barack Obama has never produced a useful thing in his life. He's only stuck out his hand and demanded money from someone else, then prided himself on his accomplishment when he begged or extorted another dollar for his daily bread. It is not his fault that begging did not pay enough. It is your fault. He is truly one of the most frightening leaders of the last century. When more of his projects fail, he will become vicious. He will see that all of you are not worthy of his gracious vision of your future. Since he can not reward you (with something he doesn't have) he will punish you. Those will be ugly days. |
Everyone knows we want to cut wellfare, ssi abuse, HUD, and all the other welfare crap. We don't want to take SS retirement or Medicare. Medicaid needs some fat cut.
Everyone knows we want to cut wellfare, ssi abuse, HUD, and all the other welfare crap. We don't want to take SS retirement or Medicare. Medicaid needs some fat cut. We need to eliminate SS and Medicare. |
Screw that guy. How about a growing few working and carrying the rest.
To those of you who think that Ayn Rand was FOS, or whatever, here it is: ...we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future. The commitments we make to each other -- through Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security -- these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great. This man is not stupid. No matter how much I despise him, he is not a fool. Nor does he sit around like some cartoon madman, giggling and plotting the destruction of the universe. He is James Taggart. No matter what he does, he's certain that someone else will fix it. You will never, ever lay the blame for his actions at his feet because he is morally certain that whenever something goes wrong, it was because you didn't share in his vision. Barack Obama has never produced a useful thing in his life. He's only stuck out his hand and demanded money from someone else, then prided himself on his accomplishment when he begged or extorted another dollar for his daily bread. It is not his fault that begging did not pay enough. It is your fault. He is truly one of the most frightening leaders of the last century. When more of his projects fail, he will become vicious. He will see that all of you are not worthy of his gracious vision of your future. Since he can not reward you (with something he doesn't have) he will punish you. Those will be ugly days. I have had this thought for a long time but you did an excellent job putting it clearly and concisely. I honestly believe that the Dems are planning this debt ceiling fiasco knowing that the Repubs can't fold repeatedly. As soon as Obama has an excuse "Repubs refuse to 'negotiate' and are gambling with your children's futures" for why the economy isn't recovering, he no longer has to play even remotely fair. 2013 will be an interesting year. A shit sandwich is being served and we're all going to take a bite one way or another. If 2014 brings a windfall of support for fiscal responsibility, maybe the Repub controlled Congress can at least take some minor measures or at least play the President's game back at him/expose him for what he is. |
Everyone knows we want to cut wellfare, ssi abuse, HUD, and all the other welfare crap. We don't want to take SS retirement or Medicare. Medicaid needs some fat cut. We need to eliminate SS and Medicare. Not without finding a way to take care of those that paid in and now depend on it while not making others pay in with no hope of any benefit. |
Great idea, let's be compassionate until we no longer have a dime and are taken over by the Chinese.
Great plan. |
They are floating cap and trade again (was on Drudge).
So, that will provide moar dollars to siphon off to the FSA. Also, how many millions of tax exempt dollars are magically appearing in the coffers of his "campaign apparatus" that has been restarted to do a full frontal media blitz on getting rid of the 2A. Shit is gonna go bad wrong here in the next 6 months to a year. He feels a wind and (IMO) he is gonna go for broke and try to slam everything he can through as soon as possible. |
Everyone knows we want to cut wellfare, ssi abuse, HUD, and all the other welfare crap. We don't want to take SS retirement or Medicare. Medicaid needs some fat cut. There are a large number of people who disagree with any cuts to anything -- in fact they want more. |
Not without finding a way to take care of those that paid in and now depend on it while not making others pay in with no hope of any benefit. That would be a neat trick. Next you can solve our energy problems by repealing the law of gravity... we can all just float from place to place. |
The FSA needs to be cut, or it just keeps getting bigger.
of course that is what jugears wants |
Everyone knows we want to cut wellfare, ssi abuse, HUD, and all the other welfare crap. We don't want to take SS retirement or Medicare. Medicaid needs some fat cut. We need to eliminate SS and Medicare. Not without finding a way to take care of those that paid in and now depend on it while not making others pay in with no hope of any benefit. There is no graceful way out of a ponzi scheme. |
I wonder if anyone has ever piped up and asked why only a few do well? Could it be they worked harder and sacrificed to get there? Of course not. Successful people clearly only get to their station in life by propping themselves up on the backs of the poor. I can't tell you the last time I met a poor man who was hard working (I'm sure they're out there, but they're damn hard to find). I'm so sick of hearing this, "we're a nation of hard workers, but some people just can't get ahead" shit. Every person I meet who is poor is there because they are either a deadbeat FSA asshole or repeatedly make poor decisions that chain them to their station in life. "We're not a nation of takers"????? Where the fuck have you been Obama. It's buying votes, that's all this is about. |
Everyone knows we want to cut wellfare, ssi abuse, HUD, and all the other welfare crap. We don't want to take SS retirement or Medicare. Medicaid needs some fat cut. We need to eliminate SS and Medicare. Not without finding a way to take care of those that paid in and now depend on it while not making others pay in with no hope of any benefit. There is no graceful way out of a ponzi scheme. Yep. The first beneficiaries didn't pay in anything, or a small pittance compared to what they received. And even today, many are taking far more out of the SSI system then they ever paid in. Social Security is a massive Ponzi scheme. If it was a private entity, the government would have shut it down years ago, and imprisoned all of the executives. |
The FSA needs to be cut, or it just keeps getting bigger. of course that is what jugears wants Yup. Commit to an untenable action. Fight against changes. When the adults finally take over and take away the entitlements point fingers and solidify your voting base for the next century. Straight out of the Progressive Playbook. |
Hey fuckwad.... I am entitled to my full paycheck far more than anyone else who thinks they're "entitled" to a third of it! By confiscating a third of my personal paycheck without my personal consent, they are in fact, enslaving me for a third of the workday - forcing me to labor without pay for hours a day just to benefit those who sit back and believe they're "entitled" to the fruits of my labor. By the way - the word "entitlement" never even existed in the English language until FDR invented it as a way to justify his New Deal socialist policies. |
Quoted: Quoted: Quoted: Quoted: Quoted: Everyone knows we want to cut wellfare, ssi abuse, HUD, and all the other welfare crap. We don't want to take SS retirement or Medicare. Medicaid needs some fat cut. We need to eliminate SS and Medicare. Not without finding a way to take care of those that paid in and now depend on it while not making others pay in with no hope of any benefit. There is no graceful way out of a ponzi scheme. Yep. The first beneficiaries didn't pay in anything, or a small pittance compared to what they received. And even today, many are taking far more out of the SSI system then they ever paid in. Social Security is a massive Ponzi scheme. If it was a private entity, the government would have shut it down years ago, and imprisoned all of the executives. HELL yes! |
Hey fuckwad.... I am entitled to my full paycheck far more than anyone else who thinks they're "entitled" to a third of it! By confiscating a third of my personal paycheck without my personal consent, they are in fact, enslaving me for a third of the workday - forcing me to labor without pay for hours a day just to benefit those who sit back and believe they're "entitled" to the fruits of my labor. By the way - the word "entitlement" never even existed in the English language until FDR invented it as a way to justify his New Deal socialist policies. I did not know that. But there Merriam-Webster shows the first use in 1942. Wow. |
He's just getting warmed up, folks. Relax. How much damage can he possibly do in the next 1,460 days left in his administration. |
I own a high powered assault weapon designed to mow down children with an assault capacity assault weapon bullet clip of assault magazines so that I may defend myself against capitalist running dog swine who seek to destroy glorious people's worker.
It's not impossible, just improbable. The steps necessary to accomplish this aren't that complex, but it would mean doing a few things they aren't prepared to do.
1) phase it out. anyone entering the workforce after dd-mmm-yyyy won't get SS. 2) the SS taxes go into an actual account and are not put into general funds - like they originally were. two things happen: the budget problems start to look more like reality, and we can see how much underfunded we really are in SS –– they play games with the numbers. It's way worse than they let on. 3) allow people that have paid in to opt out either fully or partially by offering to reduce their taxes by the amount paid in (over time, like a 10 year period). Those that wisely invested and aren't depending on SS would be foolish not to take advantage of this. 4)cut redundant programs and use that funding to help pay for SS. 5) Allow for some of the money to move to private investments. 6) force congress to use SS 7) only legal citizens or permanent resident aliens can get SS, and only if they have paid in, with some sort of time required to be fully vested. there are other steps, but this would go a long way to solving SS. Quoted:
Not without finding a way to take care of those that paid in and now depend on it while not making others pay in with no hope of any benefit. That would be a neat trick. Next you can solve our energy problems by repealing the law of gravity... we can all just float from place to place. |
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