Quoted: The question on the 4473 means nothing.
Lie? No way to track it.
Caught lying? They won't prosecute (hell, no one goes to jail for felon status, they just don't get the gun).
If the question on the form is to mean anything, mental health records will have to be checked. I don't see any reason why this shouldn't happen, so long as "depression" does not bar you. Just because you were put on Prozac when you were 16 doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to buy at gun at age 25.
Declared whacko? No gun for you.
- BG |
The NRA has been advocating the additon of such mental health (adjudications of mental defectiveness) info to the NICS database since the NICS database was started. The anti-gunners were never interested in joining them for the cause, they were too busy trying to extend the assualt weapons ban, ban magazines, or what not.
Tell me, what is the ONE thing that would have prevented this Cho kid from buying that gun at that gun store (I realize he still would have eneded up getting regardless)?
It was a month before - a 7-day waiting period would have been worthless.
He reloaded often. 5 less rounds per mag would have been meaningless.
The ONE thing that would have prevented the purchase is what the NRA, and not the anti-gunners, have been advocating.