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Posted: 5/5/2006 6:52:58 AM EDT
Okay boys, all this talk about my running for President has convinced me it's time for a Platform.

How's this for starters:

1.  Right to Keep and Bear Arms - What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

2.  War on Terror - You started it.  We'll make you wish you hadn't.

3.  Illegal Immigration - What part of "illegal" do you not understand.  Round 'em up and ship 'em out.

4.  High Energy Prices - Don't like the prices?  Don't buy it.

5.  Machine Guns - What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

6.  Anwar Drilling - Let Alaska decide.  It's their land.

7.  Oil Drilling Off California Coast - Don't want us to drill?  No problem.  No oil from anywhere else to California.

8.  United Nations - You've got one week to get out.  Building will become the National Firearms Museum and DCM Outlet Mall.

9.  Foreign Aid - Don't make me laugh.

10.  Director of Civilian Marksmanship - Budget increased by 1000%.  If a rifle isn't presently used by the military, it's for sale, cheap.

11.  National Shooting Range - To be built behind the White House so I've got a place to shoot the Box O' Truth.

How about it fellows?  Got any other ideas?

(Edited to fix #8)
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:54:30 AM EDT
Free Hookers and Blow for everyone!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:55:12 AM EDT
I'd vote for you!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:55:57 AM EDT

Okay boys, all this talk about my running for President has convinced me it's time for a Platform.

How's this for starters:

1.  Right to Keep and Bear Arms - What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

2.  War on Terror - You started it.  We'll make you wish you hadn't.

3.  Illegal Immigration - What part of "illegal" do you not understand.  Round 'em up and ship 'em out.

4.  High Energy Prices - Don't like the prices?  Don't buy it.

5.  Machine Guns - What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

6.  Anwar Drilling - Let Alaska decide.  It's their land.

7.  Oil Drilling Off California Coast - Don't want us to drill?  No problem.  No oil from anywhere else to California.

8.  United Nations - You've got one week to get out.  Wrecking ball goes through the building next week.

9.  Foreign Aid - Don't make me laugh.

10.  Director of Civilian Marksmanship - Budget increased by 1000%.  If a rifle isn't presently used by the military, it's for sale, cheap.

11.  National Shooting Range - To be built behind the White House so I've got a place to shoot the Box O' Truth.

How about it fellows?  Got any other ideas?

Sounds good to me.  You have my vote!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:56:04 AM EDT
Who would you appoint to your "Cabinet O' Truth?"

Ya got my vote, OP.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:56:37 AM EDT
Stance on guarding our borders?

I'd vote for ya.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:56:45 AM EDT
You have my vote
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:57:28 AM EDT

Okay boys, all this talk about my running for President has convinced me it's time for a Platform.

6.  Anwar Drilling - Let Alaska decide.  It's their land.

A man who knows the meaning of "States' Rights"!

Hell yes I'd vote for you!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:57:57 AM EDT
You've got my vote.

How about a flat-rate tax system, though?
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:58:06 AM EDT
You got my vote!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:58:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:58:34 AM EDT
I have only one complaint with your platform.

8. United Nations - You've got one week to get out. Wrecking ball goes through the building next week.

Why ruin a perfectly good building? How about the new national firearms museum (and gift shop)?
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:59:00 AM EDT
Any other ideas?

Social securiy reform?
Tax reform?

Come on man!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:59:28 AM EDT
O_P and Tman in '08

You all ready know where I stand OP.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 6:59:31 AM EDT
You've got my vote O_P

Party 'O Truth will sweep the nation!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:00:01 AM EDT
Sounds great unti the press starts asking you the tough questions:

How would you have responded to Hurrican Katrina?  (softball)

What's your plan to ensure the solvency of Social Security?  (hardball)  

And finally, the questions that will fracture your base:  What's better an AR-15 or an AK-47?  What .308 battle rifle is the best?  Glock or 1911?  
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:00:02 AM EDT
I'm in.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:00:55 AM EDT
Can every Tuesday be "Kick a Kennedy Day"?  We could rotate through members of the Kennedy clan, maybe throw in the occasional Baldwin for variety.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:01:12 AM EDT
I'll vote for you.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:01:14 AM EDT
O_P's always had my vote.  We've got approximately 100K on this site that'd vote for you..not a bad start!


Old_Painless for President of the United States in '08!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:02:16 AM EDT
I like that platform. I'd vote for ya!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:03:03 AM EDT
Here here! You have my vote.

I DO however like the idea of making the UN building the new Firearms of the Free World Museum however!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:04:07 AM EDT
How about adding:

BATFE:  New mission is research and development.  We want next generation firearms, improved explosives, and cheaper booze.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:05:59 AM EDT
How about national CCL
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:07:58 AM EDT

I have only one complaint with your platform.

8. United Nations - You've got one week to get out. Wrecking ball goes through the building next week.

Why ruin a perfectly good building? How about the new national firearms museum (and gift shop)?


Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:08:24 AM EDT
I like the soapbox o' truth, I will put my vote in the ballot box o' truth.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:09:22 AM EDT
you got my vote. Need any help with the campain?
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:09:32 AM EDT

You've got my vote.

How about a flat-rate tax system, though?

I fully support a flat tax rate system.

If everyone had to pay taxes, everyone would be against tax increases.

If you don't pay, you don't care.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:12:35 AM EDT

Sounds great unti the press starts asking you the tough questions:

How would you have responded to Hurrican Katrina?  (softball)

You want protection from disaster?  Buy insurance.

What's your plan to ensure the solvency of Social Security?  (hardball)

Congress will no longer be allowed to "borrow" from social security.  The money would be invested in mutual funds.

And, if you didn't pay into it (like illegal immigrants), you can't draw out of it.

And finally, the questions that will fracture your base:  What's better an AR-15 or an AK-47?

Get both.

What .308 battle rifle is the best?  Glock or 1911?  

Get both. In fact, get several of both.

That's what I did.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:14:25 AM EDT

How about national CCL

We already got one.

It's called the Second Amendment.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:15:03 AM EDT
How about elimination of sales tax?

And what party are you fronting?

Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:17:32 AM EDT
Sounds like a great platform.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:18:03 AM EDT

How about elimination of sales tax?

One national tax, the Flat Tax.

States may do taxes however their citizens wish.

And what party are you fronting?

The Party O' Truth.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:18:40 AM EDT

Quoted: How about it fellows?  Got any other ideas?
Flat 5% income tax
Auction off 'gubment property: land, buildings, equipment, etc... to pay for shortfalls
Eliminate several alphabet soup agencies and lay off the unionized 'gubment employees
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:19:23 AM EDT

You've got my vote.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:21:34 AM EDT
How about this for a campaign slogan:

Vote OP - Because shooting stuff is fun!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:22:54 AM EDT
I'll vote for you!

I do like this idea as well:

How about adding:

BATFE:  New mission is research and development.  We want next generation firearms, improved explosives, and cheaper booze.

Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:24:57 AM EDT
Add passage of the FairTax and Social Security reform to your platform and you would have my 100% support

(With what you have posted so far you pretty much have it)
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:25:14 AM EDT


Quoted: How about it fellows?  Got any other ideas?
Flat 5% income tax
Auction off 'gubment property: land, buildings, equipment, etc... to pay for shortfalls
Eliminate several alphabet soup agencies and lay off the unionized 'gubment employees

Don't know yet what the rate might be, but 5% might be it.

Eliminate foreign aid.  

Eliminate unnecessary agencies such as Department of Education (a state problem), BATF (don't make me laugh), Environmental Protection Agency (a state problem), Department of Housing and Urban Development ( States want development?  Pay for it yourself), etc, etc, etc.

Scale down the Federal Gooberment by about 85%.  It would cost a lot less.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:25:47 AM EDT

O_P and Tman in '08

You all ready know where I stand OP.


Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:27:29 AM EDT



Quoted: How about it fellows?  Got any other ideas?
Flat 5% income tax
Auction off 'gubment property: land, buildings, equipment, etc... to pay for shortfalls
Eliminate several alphabet soup agencies and lay off the unionized 'gubment employees

Don't know yet what the rate might be, but 5% might be it.

Eliminate foreign aid.  

Eliminate unnecessary aagencies such as Deaprtment of Education (state problem), BATF (don't make me laugh), Environmental Protection Agency (state problem), Department of Housing and Urban Development ( States want development?  Pay for it yourself), etc, etc, etc.

Scale down the Federal Gooberment by about 85%.  It would cost a lot less.

That said, I'd be for the preservation of federally owned public land (I saw that you'd mentioned auctioning it). If it weren't for national forests, we'd have pretty much nowhere to go for our fishing, camping, shooting, hiking, biking, etc. needs.

What say ye, OP?
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:27:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:29:10 AM EDT
Ya got my vote!!!!!!!

how about a "National Pie Awareness Week" when it's virtues and niceties can be discussed and sampled at length?
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:33:02 AM EDT
The bad thing about a Flat Tax is that it doesn't help with the problem of FICA/Payroll taxes, capital gains taxes, corportate taxes, or any of the other taxes that punishes hard work and strangles the economy.

The FairTax is much, much better.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:33:19 AM EDT

That said, I'd be for the preservation of federally owned public land (I saw that you'd mentioned auctioning it). If it weren't for national forests, we'd have pretty much nowhere to go for our fishing, camping, shooting, hiking, biking, etc. needs.

What say ye, OP?

Actually, I wouldn't auction it.  I'd give it back to the states to do with as they desire.

The citizens want campgrounds?  Great!  The states can build some.

Except for a very few National Parks, the states ought to own the land and control it as their citizens desire.

Many Federal Parks do not allow you to "go shooting".  In my adminsitartion, it would be up to the states.

The Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they knew how much land the Federal Gooberment "owns".

The Federal Gooberment shouldn't "own" land.  The land belongs to the states and the people.  Not the Federal Gooberment.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:34:30 AM EDT


Sounds great unti the press starts asking you the tough questions:

How would you have responded to Hurrican Katrina?  (softball)

You want protection from disaster?  Buy insurance.

What's your plan to ensure the solvency of Social Security?  (hardball)

Congress will no longer be allowed to "borrow" from social security.  The money would be invested in mutual funds.

And, if you didn't pay into it (like illegal immigrants), you can't draw out of it.

And finally, the questions that will fracture your base:  What's better an AR-15 or an AK-47?

Get both.

What .308 battle rifle is the best?  Glock or 1911?  

Get both. In fact, get several of both.

That's what I did.

You have my vote.  
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:35:10 AM EDT


The Federal Gooberment shouldn't "own" land.  The land belongs to the states and the people.  Not the Federal Gooberment.

ETA Government owning land causes land, timber, mineral prices to be artificially high because it reduces the amount of developmental/logable/mineable land.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:36:33 AM EDT
I can do your TV ads....its what I do.....seriously!
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:38:21 AM EDT

The bad thing about a Flat Tax is that it doesn't help with the problem of FICA/Payroll taxes, capital gains taxes, corportate taxes, or any of the other taxes that punishes hard work and strangles the economy.

The FairTax is much, much better.

The biggest problem that a Flat Tax would solve is that everyone would pay taxes.  The best way to make all citizens hate taxes is to make them all pay some.

If everyone paid a flat tax, then a guy making $10,000 a year would pay $500 (if the rate was 5%).  A guy making $100,000 would pay $5,000.  Everyone would "feel the pain" of paying taxes.

Nowadays, if the Feds want to increase taxes, the guy making $10,000 says, "What do I care?  I don't pay any taxes."

He'd care under a flat tax.

Free citizens need to hate taxes.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:40:20 AM EDT

I can do your TV ads....its what I do.....seriously!


Check with UH_SALT_RIFLE.  He's my Campaign Manager.
Link Posted: 5/5/2006 7:40:20 AM EDT


That said, I'd be for the preservation of federally owned public land (I saw that you'd mentioned auctioning it). If it weren't for national forests, we'd have pretty much nowhere to go for our fishing, camping, shooting, hiking, biking, etc. needs.

What say ye, OP?

Actually, I wouldn't auction it.  I'd give it back to the states to do with as they desire.

The citizens want campgrounds?  Great!  The states can build some.

Except for a very few National Parks, the states ought to own the land and control it as their citizens desire.

Many Federal Parks do not allow you to "go shooting".  In my adminsitartion, it would be up to the states.

The Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they knew how much land the Federal Gooberment "owns".

The Federal Gooberment shouldn't "own" land.  The land belongs to the states and the people.  Not the Federal Gooberment.


Maybe you and T-Man could find a place in your administration for Tancredo from CO!

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