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Posted: 3/11/2001 9:49:47 AM EDT
Governor Taft stated last week that he MUST
have the FOP approval, or at least the
MAJORITY of PD's approval (read endorsement)
in order for him to vote yes. I hope we can
get it this time. It's time to contact our
respective politicians ASAP. I have no idea
how Ohio's police forces feel about CC,
but I can guess :(
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 1:38:42 PM EDT
You might be surprised jewbait. Most line officers and the FOP are in favor of CCW. The upper ranks (read politicians) in the FOP had been opposing gun owners rights until this past year when the membership (read line cops) raised Hell that they and their views were not be represented. Police cheif and sheriffs (not deputies but the actual sheriff) associations are, for the most part, opposed to CCW.

A big word of caution that needs be addressed now:
If the measure does get on the ballot your state will be inundated with anti's campaigning hard against the measure. This is to be assumed and all far in any election. What needs be watched is that "they" [i]will[/i] use ballot fraud in order to defeat the bill. This practice has became so common it is predictable. Call whomever is in charge of elections in your area before the vote and tell them that you demand an honest count and encourage as many others as you canto do the same.
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 2:01:55 PM EDT
gunslinger: Thanks for the information. It
sounds positive from the line LE types.
I don't understand how exactly the vote will
proceed at the state level, just my wife and
I are emailing our congressmen and senators
that represent us. One Senator is diehard
anti, but the others write very positive about
the 2nd Amendment. I hope that will equate to
a "yes" vote.
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 2:25:45 PM EDT
Taft is a piece of shit who ran for Gov. stating he'd sign CCW for Ohioans.  He is an anti-gun politician using the anti-gun heads of the F.O.P. as a shield.  We have a case(lawsuit) in Ohio that is working it's way through the system that may grant us VT style carry in Ohio, which is the way it should be anyway.  Screw Taft!!!!


[b]This one is awesome; Judge Reuhlman rocks[/b]  [url]http://enquirer.com/editions/2000/07/20/loc_pulfer_its_open_season.html[/url]
Link Posted: 3/11/2001 3:10:29 PM EDT
[:D]  btt
Link Posted: 3/12/2001 11:53:34 PM EDT
All your CCW in Ohio belong to us! As much as I hate to say it, a CCW in Ohio will never pass in Ohio, even though it it was approved by the Ohio House and Senate, because Taft hasn't got the b^lls to sign it! He's afraid of all the bloodshed it would cause, even though it had a positive effect in KY. and IND. We in the Buckeye State are not to be trusted! Who cares about the facts!!!
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 1:50:38 AM EDT
NoSheep hit the nail on the head!
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 2:00:04 AM EDT
I moved to WA state last yrfrom OH.  CCW  WAS a consideration in my move. It passed BOTH house and senate, but our last POS gov would NOT sign it. This time it has enough SPONSORS to pass!!!

Gunslinger, as I understood it, it has no parts of a ballot. PASS, PASS, SIGN...its law.

Taft alwasy was a piece of work and we all knew it when he ran! I wish either the Ohio bill OR Natl CCW will pass so I can come home for a visit!!!!

Good Luck, but DONT hold your breath.

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