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Actually, yes. If the NIH didn't fund basic research, many, if not most of the new pharma innovations would not exist. R&D on drugs is already incredibly expensive; and that research is only the directly translational aspects of biomedical research. Translational research builds off of decades of high risk/low reward basic research that very few pharma/private companies will ever want exposure to.
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and it requires big daddy gubmint to fund & manage all that research? LOL
Actually, yes. If the NIH didn't fund basic research, many, if not most of the new pharma innovations would not exist. R&D on drugs is already incredibly expensive; and that research is only the directly translational aspects of biomedical research. Translational research builds off of decades of high risk/low reward basic research that very few pharma/private companies will ever want exposure to.
Yes and no.
Basic research in chemistry and physics gets managed.
Often by the subsidy of a PhD student. You get grant money to design, develop, and execute your experiment.
I now a physics PhD that was granted for a better measurement of the 'size' of subatomic particles.
The precision was improved by a couple orders of magnitude since that payed into a lot of other things.
Like superconductivity.
DOE funded research.
Discovering new drugs not so much.
Evil 'Big Pharma' spends their money searching for the source of the next great antibiotic.
Mount a Rain Forest expedition to collect samples of plants.
Or grab some dirt from the ground and see what grows out.
Or exploiting the discovery (Nobel Prize awarded for mechanism and details) that mammals use NO in the body as a control and signalling agent.
Once that was shown we ended up with Viagra to alter the rate of NO breakdown in the body. It slows it down so the NO you naturally make sticks around longer.
Better erections.
We already knew NO levels had something to do with erections. Thus the use of 'poppers' in sex play.