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Posted: 10/26/2010 11:06:41 PM EDT
Midterm blowout: 50 or more Dem seats set to fall in the election

Source: The Hill
By Shane D’Aprile - 10/26/10 10:00 PM ET

Republicans are headed for a blowout election win that seems certain to seize more than enough seats to knock out the Democrats and take control of the House.

The Hill 2010 Midterm Election poll, surveying nearly 17,000 likely voters in 42 toss-up districts over four weeks, points to a massive Republican wave that, barring an extraordinary turnaround, will deliver crushing nationwide defeats for President Obama’s party.

The data suggest a GOP pickup that could easily top 50 seats (the party needs 39 for control of the House).

Of the 42 districts polled for The Hill, all but two of which are currently Democratic, 31 had Republicans in the lead. Democrats were up in just seven, and four were tied. In addition, there are some 15 Democratic districts that are so far into the GOP win column that they weren’t polled. That would suggest at least 46 GOP pickups, plus whatever the party gets out of another 40 or 50 seats that some experts believe are in play.

“We didn’t even poll in about 15 districts that are already too far gone for Democrats,” said Mark Penn, whose firm, Penn Schoen Berland, conducted the poll. “So that, along with our entire series of polls, points to something in the range of a 50-seat gain for Republicans.”

Republican voters are also more likely to have made up their minds, according to the data.

The Hill’s data confirm other public polling and expert predictions, some of which put the historic wave even higher than the 52 seats Democrats lost in 1994 and the 71 they lost in 1938.

Pollster Stuart Rothenberg wrote Tuesday that Democrats face the potential of “a political bloodbath the size of which we haven’t seen since the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

(story continues here).
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:10:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:12:19 PM EDT
So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right?  Fucking NOTHING.  Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:14:41 PM EDT
So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right?  Fucking NOTHING.  Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

I'm not defending the Republicans... but what exactly should they do with their newfound simple majority in the House of Representatives?
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:17:35 PM EDT
it's cause everyone's so scared
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:22:46 PM EDT



So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right?  Fucking NOTHING.  Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

I'm not defending the Republicans... but what exactly should they do with their newfound simple majority in the House of Representatives?

TRY and  reverse course. Offer solutions to end the socialist crap that is killing this country. Be fillibustered by the dems left ad raght so the people get even more pissed off and give repubs a moajority they can actually do something with.

My biggest fear is they don't even try due to threats of filibuster and the people lose the will to give a shit like they have in the past.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:28:38 PM EDT

It's going to be hard to get anything passed with Zero in the WH. They will not get a veto-proof majority. After 2012 could be a different story.

Regardless, maybe the headlong rush to destruction will reduced to a crawl for the time being.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:30:12 PM EDT

So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right?  Fucking NOTHING.  Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

I'm not defending the Republicans... but what exactly should they do with their newfound simple majority in the House of Representatives?

TRY and  reverse course. Offer solutions to end the socialist crap that is killing this country. Be fillibustered by the dems left ad raght so the people get even more pissed off and give repubs a moajority they can actually do something with.

My biggest fear is they don't even try due to threats of filibuster and the people lose the will to give a shit like they have in the past.

They will not have the votes to override jackasses veto short of 6-10 Dem-to-Repub defections in the senate and 2X that in the house.  2 years of gridlock is all we can hope for.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:36:45 PM EDT
im CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.


because dems have been surging lately in the polls and they are making races way closer than they should be
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:40:18 PM EDT
So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right?  Fucking NOTHING.  Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

I'm not defending the Republicans... but what exactly should they do with their newfound simple majority in the House of Representatives?

Introduce bills to undo what has been done.  It doesn't matter that they won't make it out of the Senate.  Introduce them again.  Create gridlock.  Don't compromise on anything.  I'm not expecting that they can accomplish anything, but I expect them to make valiant efforts.  Sitting on their thumbs saying "what do you expect us to do with a simple majority" won't cut it.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:41:01 PM EDT





So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right?  Fucking NOTHING.  Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

I'm not defending the Republicans... but what exactly should they do with their newfound simple majority in the House of Representatives?

TRY and  reverse course. Offer solutions to end the socialist crap that is killing this country. Be fillibustered by the dems left ad raght so the people get even more pissed off and give repubs a moajority they can actually do something with.

My biggest fear is they don't even try due to threats of filibuster and the people lose the will to give a shit like they have in the past.


They will not have the votes to override jackasses veto short of 6-10 Dem-to-Repub defections in the senate and 2X that in the house.  2 years of gridlock is all we can hope for.

forcing him to veto or for dems to filibuster will keep the momentum on our side until 2012 though.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:47:34 PM EDT
Fillibuster is a Senate tactic.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:51:55 PM EDT


Fillibuster is a Senate tactic.

I am hoping we take the senate by one.  

If we don't get it best we can do is refuse to let anything throuhg the house. same strategy basically.    pass house bills and force dem senate to refuse to take them to the floor in the senate.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 11:59:14 PM EDT

Fillibuster is a Senate tactic.

I am hoping we take the senate by one.  

If we don't get it best we can do is refuse to let anything throuhg the house. same strategy basically.    pass house bills and force dem senate to refuse to take them to the floor in the senate.

And that's what would keep the fires burning.  "We" have to force the dems to act.  If the Repubs in the house don't do anything, the anger will subside and we'll have a repeat of '96.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 12:12:38 AM EDT

It's going to be hard to get anything passed with Zero in the WH. They will not get a veto-proof majority. After 2012 could be a different story.

Regardless, maybe the headlong rush to destruction will reduced to a crawl for the time being.

Yeah but if they had the balls to PUBLICIZE every single Veto.....show the voters that they are trying but Obama is the one stopping everything..that might make the difference to GET that. Veto-proof majority next time around..

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 1:50:04 AM EDT


im CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.


because dems have been surging lately in the polls and they are making races way closer than they should be

MSM wishful thinking and reporting
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 1:50:57 AM EDT




So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right? Fucking NOTHING. Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

I'm not defending the Republicans... but what exactly should they do with their newfound simple majority in the House of Representatives?

Introduce bills to undo what has been done. It doesn't matter that they won't make it out of the Senate. Introduce them again. Create gridlock. Don't compromise on anything. I'm not expecting that they can accomplish anything, but I expect them to make valiant efforts. Sitting on their thumbs saying "what do you expect us to do with a simple majority" won't cut it.

That is the key.  I don't care if every .gov function except the .mil shuts down.

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 6:12:50 AM EDT





So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right? Fucking NOTHING. Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

I'm not defending the Republicans... but what exactly should they do with their newfound simple majority in the House of Representatives?

Introduce bills to undo what has been done. It doesn't matter that they won't make it out of the Senate. Introduce them again. Create gridlock. Don't compromise on anything. I'm not expecting that they can accomplish anything, but I expect them to make valiant efforts. Sitting on their thumbs saying "what do you expect us to do with a simple majority" won't cut it.

That is the key.  I don't care if every .gov function except the .mil shuts down.



Link Posted: 10/27/2010 6:16:18 AM EDT
I'd be rather tickled with complete .gov stagnation thank you.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 6:32:31 AM EDT
They can start by denying funding for bloated projects and socialist programs.  Even if they can't pass veto-proof legislation they can at least cut the purse strings.

My fear is it will be business as usual.  That is because John Boehner, in response to a specific question concerning ending earmarks, said "If we take over, it will not be business-as-usual."  Asked again if he would end earmarks he replied, "it will not be business as usual."  Whenever a politician falls back to that old saw, it invariably means it will be business as usual.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 6:42:52 AM EDT

im CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.


because dems have been surging lately in the polls and they are making races way closer than they should be

MSM wishful thinking and reporting

I wouldn't doubt for a second that some of the MSM outlets will try to give "their" candidates a little help.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 6:44:51 AM EDT
I'd be rather tickled with complete .gov stagnation thank you.

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 6:45:24 AM EDT
Spending bills originate in the House.  The GOP can defund a lot of Zero's agenda.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 6:56:29 AM EDT
They can start by denying funding for bloated projects and socialist programs.  Even if they can't pass veto-proof legislation they can at least cut the purse strings.

My fear is it will be business as usual.  That is because John Boehner, in response to a specific question concerning ending earmarks, said "If we take over, it will not be business-as-usual."  Asked again if he would end earmarks he replied, "it will not be business as usual."  Whenever a politician falls back to that old saw, it invariably means it will be business as usual.

Yeah...I can't see that changing in the foreseeable future...unfortunately...

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 6:58:32 AM EDT
I'd be rather tickled with complete .gov stagnation thank you.

And, maybe some actual investigations, but I know that's too much to hope for.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 7:00:05 AM EDT
doent matter how many seats fall, it will still be buisiness as usual, the whole thing is corrupt and they are all scumbags
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 7:07:27 AM EDT
I'd be rather tickled with complete .gov stagnation thank you.

And, maybe some actual investigations, but I know that's too much to hope for.

Yeah, and maybe some hearings.it's for the publicity and showing how hard we are working for the American people  Then they can write some reports. that no one will ever read and maybe make some speeches. which are all lies and bullshit

So, it will be business as usual is what you are saying.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 7:51:25 AM EDT
it's cause everyone's so scared

and not thinking straight
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 7:53:20 AM EDT
yeah, well, with voter fraud and all that we'll just have to wait till Nov. 2 to find out
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 7:53:58 AM EDT




im CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.


because dems have been surging lately in the polls and they are making races way closer than they should be

MSM wishful thinking and reporting

I wouldn't doubt for a second that some of the MSM outlets will try to give "their" candidates a little help.

Local news stations are doing just that here in VA.

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 8:02:10 AM EDT


So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right? Fucking NOTHING. Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

I'm not defending the Republicans... but what exactly should they do with their newfound simple majority in the House of Representatives?

Introduce bills to undo what has been done. It doesn't matter that they won't make it out of the Senate. Introduce them again. Create gridlock. Don't compromise on anything. I'm not expecting that they can accomplish anything, but I expect them to make valiant efforts. Sitting on their thumbs saying "what do you expect us to do with a simple majority" won't cut it.

That is the key.  I don't care if every .gov function except the .mil shuts down.



Are you kidding me?!

I would LOVE for every .gov function except the .mil to shut down.

It'd be fucking awesome.  I could fly again.  Or buy a car.  Or earn my wages.  Or live on my property.  Or purchase consumer goods.  Or contribute to charitable causes.  All without any interference.  
Fuckin' A, we can only wish...
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 8:10:05 AM EDT


Link Posted: 10/27/2010 8:18:24 AM EDT
So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right?  Fucking NOTHING.  Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

Have to agree. I've seen nothing in 'leadership' of the GOP that gives me confidence. They've articulated no clear agenda, will not have a majority in the Senate, have no budget to work with for spending projects and will face an extremely hostile, volatile leftist coalition hell bent on creating chaos and further dividing America along racial and social class lines.

Clearly, their mandate is to roll back the kenyan's take over of health care and restore tax cuts vital to economic expansion and development. But the deficits created by the Democrats are a black hole sucking American prosperity and vitality in like it was water mist through a jumbo jet turbo fan.

Their only hope to survive beyond 2012 is a dynamic economic recovery plan not based on spending but on fiscal sanity and realistic legislation that will control deficits... and then they'll have to persuade the rest of America to follow!

God Speed America. God Save The Republic.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 8:19:08 AM EDT

it's nice to see, but the problem is that republicans will be the ones holding the ball when the wheels really start to come off. the dems will be sitting on the sidelines and the press will be saying, "...SEE what happens when the evil REPUBLICANS are in office."

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 8:19:09 AM EDT
If Senate has 50 GOP & 49 DEMS & ONE (ID Lieberman) does the VP (Biden ) give control of Senate to Dems ?
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 8:20:17 AM EDT

It's going to be hard to get anything passed with Zero in the WH. They will not get a veto-proof majority. After 2012 could be a different story.

Regardless, maybe the headlong rush to destruction will reduced to a crawl for the time being.

That RESET is not going to be pretty or painless...
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 8:23:57 AM EDT
If Senate has 50 GOP & 49 DEMS & ONE (ID Lieberman) does the VP (Biden ) give control of Senate to Dems ?

Depends who Lieberman chooses to caucus with.  If Murkowski wins in AK she as an independent could choose to caucus with the Dems.  Same with Crist in FL.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:10:55 AM EDT

im CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.


because dems have been surging lately in the polls and they are making races way closer than they should be

MSM wishful thinking and reporting

No kidding. I was just listening to Rush in my car and he made a point of how it's interesting that Harry Reid's race is within 3 points or so with Harry looking good to win, but his kid who is running for governor is down TWENTY.

That motherfucker is GONE.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:16:48 AM EDT




im CAUTIOUSLY optimistic.


because dems have been surging lately in the polls and they are making races way closer than they should be

MSM wishful thinking and reporting

No kidding. I was just listening to Rush in my car and he made a point of how it's interesting that Harry Reid's race is within 3 points or so with Harry looking good to win, but his kid who is running for governor is down TWENTY.

That motherfucker is GONE.
Rory Reid's opponent in the governor's race doesn't have the bad reputation that Sharron Angle does.

Sharron Angle would be in the same boat as Christine O'Donnel of Delaware if she wasn't running against Harry Reid.

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:17:01 AM EDT
If Senate has 50 GOP & 49 DEMS & ONE (ID Lieberman) does the VP (Biden ) give control of Senate to Dems ?

They only need 51 votes to pass major legislation, olympia snowe would have noo problem "being bipartisan"
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:31:31 AM EDT
If we get the house and senate we need to stomp hard on the liberal agenda and stop it now. Then we work on getting Obama out of office and get the country on track.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:39:04 AM EDT
I am Praying for a Landslide win
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:46:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 10:52:18 AM EDT
This election should get ugly pretty fast.  Even the dems don't like each other.  I wonder why?

What's the American Urban Radio Network?  

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The three opponents of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio criticized him in a televised debate Tuesday for saying President Barack Obama can "shove it," with one calling him a "knucklehead" and another saying he acted like a "petulant little child." These guys pretty much got it right.

The debate, co-sponsored by WPRI-TV and The Providence Journal, was the first for the candidates since Caprio said Monday that Obama could "take his endorsement and really shove it" after he learned the president wouldn't endorse anyone in the race.  They should have personally thanked him for withholding the  political kiss of death.

Obama, during an interview Tuesday with American Urban Radio Networks, said he understood Caprio was upset and downplayed Caprio's comments, calling them "not a big deal.

The White House has said the endorsement decision was made out of respect to Caprio's independent opponent, former Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee, who made a high-profile endorsement of Obama before Rhode Island's 2008 Democratic primary. Caprio, the state's general treasurer, endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 10:56:16 AM EDT



I'd be rather tickled with complete .gov stagnation thank you.



watching BHO go batshit crazy over his ego taking a beating will suit me as well. Michelle has a latent anger for Whitey and Im waiting for her to slip up and blurt it out on the news too.

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 11:14:40 AM EDT
but what we also need is the Senate
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 11:16:49 AM EDT
Heard the Onion has 1000 seats

We still have to deal with their lead nutjob for 2 more years
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 11:18:45 AM EDT
Personally, I am not too sure who/what to believe any more. The LAT predicted that such and such a law will be difficult to pass, and then the next morning, WHAM! we got whatever law that was supposed to be difficult to pass. Well I hope it is is true.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 11:19:46 AM EDT

What do you think is going to happen to Obama after having burned so many bridges with the Republicans with comments like we are his enemies?

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 11:21:20 AM EDT



So with all this "mandate" you know what they're going to do with it right? Fucking NOTHING. Which I suppose is better than advancing Obama's agenda, but unless they get off their asses and DO something, this will virtually guarantee an Obama re-election.

I'm not defending the Republicans... but what exactly should they do with their newfound simple majority in the House of Representatives?

With Republicans taking the House and Senate, they can get spending under control. And they better fucking deliver, because if we continue to have record spending deficiets, they will be out of a job too.

They can also make modifications to the healthcare bill to be more palatable, because otherwise, a repeal is not feasible with Obama as President.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 11:23:55 AM EDT

What do you think is going to happen to Obama after having burned so many bridges with the Republicans with comments like we are his enemies?

He already said:  Republicans will have to learn to work with HIM.  He still thinks he is control.

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