Hmmm...where to start?
Most firearms that were seized, that I know of, mind you (bear in mind we had zero commo, and much went on in different area that I was unaware of,) was done by NG units, the California Highway Patrol, and NJ State Police.
The NJ types in my area stopped doing this once we appraised them of LA gun laws, like open carry being legal for instance, but we had issues in my area with CHP and, especially, NG units, that did not want to allow people to be armed.
I personally seized two (2) firearms from living people: 1 was an SKS being carried by a man in his 20s who was running with the rifle in his hands behind houses, trying to avoid detection---and who declared that the weapon was not his when we cornered him and he dropped it.
The other was a Beretta 92 I seized from a NG Captain in order to return it to its rightful owner, an MD who was riding around on his bicycle rendering what aid he could to any who needed it, and who was openly carrying the sidearm to discourage anyone who might want the drugs in his bag.
In my area, barring the NG, we had no problem with people carrying firearms, so long as they were not shooting at us or stealing them. I did participate in the removal of firearms from houses that the CHP (I have no idea who told them to start doing this,) had broken in to in order to check for bodies. In those cases the weapons were now unsecured and free for the taking by any of the numerous looters. I was at that time blissfully ignorant of the fact that my department was going to try to never return the weapons. Every one I took from a house like that was documented, and the address listed on what passed for evidence tags (we were writing on scraps of paper and tying them to the weapons, which were then piled in a trailer.) It should not really have surprised me that this dept. would pull some crap like they did---even when they were "returning" the weapons, they were open for *one week* from 10am to 2pm, and required either a bill of sale or a notarized letter listing the serial number(s) of the weapon or weapons.
I know some idiots on my dept. who think that the little people shouldn't have firearms, and who are pissed that our state has outlawed their confiscation (I even know of one who plans on seizing them anyway......) But to tell the truth, there is no "other side" in this one. We were not, and could not be, everywhere. Some of us, including some who have not been fired, were comitting crimes themselves. There was not, and is not, any justification for the seizure of firearms from people not engaged in criminal activity. I can sort of stand by the taking of unsecured firearms, simply to prevent their theft, but now am shy about that, given what the dept. is doing now.
Heck, I could go on for days about this and other issues, like our idiot mayor and superintendent saying there was a "curfew" and having people arrested for it. They never bothered to read the law which allowed them to establish such a thing, or they would have known it can only last 5 days, tops, unless the governor extends a declaration of emergency-----every five days. Accompanied by rather heavy standards of public notification.
Arrgh.........catch me when I'm drinking and posting some time, not when I'm sitting at the office waiting for the S.O. to bring someone in for debriefing.