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Posted: 4/16/2007 11:09:35 PM EDT
I give it 90 days or less before a new anti-gun law is introduced by our newly elected gun banners because of Virginia Tech. What say ye on a time line?
Link Posted: 4/16/2007 11:10:39 PM EDT
I guess you don;t keep up to date on this stuff...
Ever heard of HR 1022?
Link Posted: 4/16/2007 11:10:49 PM EDT

I give it 90 days or less before a new anti-gun law is introduced by our newly elected gun banners because of Virginia Tech. What say ye on a time line?

I give it a week tops.
Link Posted: 4/16/2007 11:15:39 PM EDT
Ill put 100 dollars that HR 1022 is brought to the floor by friday for a vote.  
MOLON LABE!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 4/16/2007 11:21:14 PM EDT
Nlinc. We are not talking about HR 1022! Re-read the TOPIC!
Link Posted: 4/16/2007 11:27:27 PM EDT

I give it 90 days or less before a new anti-gun law is introduced by our newly elected gun banners because of Virginia Tech. What say ye on a time line?

This is a helpful post. It sure is a new sentiment for today, this whole "Gosh, bad things are coming!"

Why don't you get off your ass and try to effect a change with your representatives, your local paper, or the people who don't bleed gunpowder and brass?

If it concerns you enough to cry on a gun forum, why not try reaching people who don't already believe in our cause??

I'm not trying to hammer you, but you're the 12,063rd person today to fret about something that hasn't happened yet, or to predict it. Stop it, do something.
Link Posted: 4/16/2007 11:28:09 PM EDT
Molon Labe
Link Posted: 4/16/2007 11:30:06 PM EDT

Nlinc. We are not talking about HR 1022! Re-read the TOPIC!

Yes and what could be worse than 1022 short of an all out ban? I mean really, not like they can offer a bill that would be much worse at this point, it would just be redundant.
Besides why would the dems waste time with a newly introduced ban as a result of the shooting when they can just use it to gain support for something that already exists and is in subcommittee.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 10:50:06 PM EDT
Well, Lets see swingset. No, your not trying to "hammer me", YOUR just telling someone you don't even know, to stop crying?? on this forum and get off their ass?? and do something??

Crying? Do you read you own POSTS? Well IMHO, YOU, mister Dr. Phil wannabe, must spend all your free time sitting on your fat ass, trolling the discussion forums, and looking for trouble.

All one has to do is LOOK at your 14,685 post's to figure that out. Take a LOOK guys, 14,685 post's and counting. How about that! SUPER TROLL! I probably have spent more time at State Legislature hearings on gun control, than you have hair on your upper lip!

And that doesn't include all the days spent picketing anti gun public servant's at state Capitol buildings, in 5 or more different states, in my lifetime.  Are you a Life member of the NRA? Benefactor? Life member of the NAHC? SASS? And to talk your talk, I'm not trying to trash you. You did that all by yourself!

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 11:05:42 PM EDT
Well, at least we all agree that we need LESS not more gun control and that stupid gun laws and the people who propose/defend them are contributors to this tragedy.

I specifically requested to my REP that he NOT vote for HR1022 as a preface to the letter I sent him.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 11:12:45 PM EDT


I give it 90 days or less before a new anti-gun law is introduced by our newly elected gun banners because of Virginia Tech. What say ye on a time line?

This is a helpful post. It sure is a new sentiment for today, this whole "Gosh, bad things are coming!"

Why don't you get off your ass and try to effect a change with your representatives, your local paper, or the people who don't bleed gunpowder and brass?

If it concerns you enough to cry on a gun forum, why not try reaching people who don't already believe in our cause??

I'm not trying to hammer you, but you're the 12,063rd person today to fret about something that hasn't happened yet, or to predict it. Stop it, do something.

Amen brother!

Hey foxfire5, if you are truly concerned, then you need to take a look at this thread:


Action, not hysteria my friend.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 11:35:02 PM EDT
Wow somebody got cranky...
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 11:53:14 PM EDT

Wow somebody got cranky...

If it weren't the last in a long, tired line of "the sky is falling" bullshit from yesterday, I might have been in a better mood.

I called reps all day long yesterday, so my anger wasn't misplaced.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 12:51:03 AM EDT
NYPatriot. I take offense at the suggestion I am yelling fire in a theater. No hysteria here my friend. Just a pointed question on the possibility of new future gun control, and what someone's take on it may be.

I have seen the thread in question. Very eloquent words, but not worth their content, if they are only read and not acted upon. Yes, the power of the pen is one avenue of approach to the problem of gun control. Definitely a part of a grass roots effort.

However the commitment to grab a sign and walk the lines at your State Capitol, in all kinds of weather, to protest a wrong on our 2nd Amendment rights, throws a hell of a lot of weight. The legislature's view this as a true commitment to a cause.

Yes, every effort to stop this constant assault on our right to bear arms, needs the commitment of all gun owners.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 2:11:15 AM EDT
If we let them.

We have to voice our support for our Rights, and don't let them be trampled.

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