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Posted: 7/25/2013 7:36:33 AM EDT
New Evidence Suggests the Black Teens Accused of Shooting White Baby Were NOT Involved!


Have you heard of the story of a white woman, mugged by two African American teens, who – after begging for her baby’s life to be spared – witnessed her baby callously murdered by her “thuggish” attackers?

Chances are, if you get on any form of social networking websites, you have heard about this story. While you might have missed it when it first appeared on the news, there is no doubt that you have heard of it since the George Zimmerman verdict.

During the height of the Zimmerman trial, when media attention was focused heavily on Stand Your Ground Laws and the question of whether or not a white man would be found not guilty of killing an unarmed African-American teenager, the shooting death of 13 month old Georgia infant Antonio Santigio, also made national media headlines. After the mother, Sherry West, told police that her baby was killed by two black teenagers, the right-wing went crazy with this story. Meme’s about the killing could be found on every social media web-site, public page and in every group where the Trayvon Martin story was discussed. Most of these meme’s showed photos of the infant side by side with one of two accused African-American teenagers.

For months, right wingers have leveled accusations of reverse racism against the President, the Department of Justice and even the media, which did not touch the Trayvon Martin case until public outcry was so widespread that the media could not ignore the protests, rallies and celebrity calls for an arrest to be made. Never mind the fact that these youths were arrested immediately, as soon as they were fingered for the crime, rather than 45 days later. Never mind the fact that they never confessed to the killing as George Zimmerman did. Never mind the fact that unless the following – breaking – evidence is spread far and wide to demand a fair trial for these young men, they will almost certainly be convicted, in spite of all of the damning evidence that implicates the parents in the killing (as you will see).

In spite of the social media “outrage” and the right-wing media narrative, however, the Baby Santiago case only illustrates just how prevalent racism really is in the United States. Just days after Sherry West told police her 13 month old was shot and killed by two black teens, West’s 21 year old daughter went to police to tell them that she suspected her mother may have killed her infant brother.
Ashley Glassey told CBS News in March, that her mother has serious mental health issues. These include a diagnosis of bi-polar with accompanying schizophrenic tendencies. West also talked with the media about how she was removed from her mother’s care at the age of 8, because of abuse and neglect in the home.

Immediately after the shooting, Glassey said West began asking questions about how long it would take her to collect the insurance money. West’s daughter also told both media and police that her mother made conflicting statements to her, regarding the child’s death - including different stories about who was shot first. West’s inconsistencies and suspicious behavior caused her own daughter to tell police and reporters that she suspected her mother was not telling the truth about how the infant was killed. CBS News reported several days later that police had not followed up with Glassey, nor had they taken her statement. A follow-up call by the press to the police, was never returned.

In fact, both the father and mother of baby Santiago, had gunshot residue on them the day their son was killed, according to the state’s forensic report obtained by CBS affiliate WTEV.

Click me
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:37:52 AM EDT
...and your point is?
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:39:25 AM EDT
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...and your point is?
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He/she hates white people.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:39:44 AM EDT
This should be good.  Let me get my popcorn.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:41:03 AM EDT

Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:42:07 AM EDT
I'm confused. The teens admitted to it no? Why would they do that if the mother actually killed the baby? Was she robbed at all? This story is trying to make right wingers look bad, but not giving ANY details
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:42:13 AM EDT
That story raises some issues, but leaves out some significant facts, like the murder weapon that the accused hid, the lies told by their family members, and a bunch of other things. The discrepancies turned up with the family of the victim point to something, but we don't know what, as of yet.

I'm not saying either party is guilty, but if there was ever a time for patience while the police work things out, this case would be it. So far, the only weapon turned up was in the possession of the accused, and was recovered after they and their families gave up the dump site location. How that squares with the mother shooting the baby? You've got me...

Biased article is biased, is all I can say.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:42:19 AM EDT
fucking socialist 13er troll. nice try.

too bad some of us can read and have an IQ above yours:

"This supports the possibility that (Santiago) discharged a firearm, was in close proximity to a firearm upon discharge, or came into contact with an item whose surface bears GSR."
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yeah like maybe his wife who got shot.

Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:42:36 AM EDT
Article is part of a no name, conspiracy/truther sounding toned domain.

All I know is, I don't care anymore.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:43:52 AM EDT
OP your going get some tender lovin, that's if your a troll of some sorts.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:44:34 AM EDT

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...and your point is?
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Just going out on a limb here, but 13er, Illinois, 21 posts, puts up a story implying that white folks are trying to frame a couple of black youths for killing their baby when they may have actually done it...so I'm guessing it's supposed to make us feel racist? Or something?
So how are rehearsals going for Swan Lake Mr. Emanuel?
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:45:19 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:47:10 AM EDT
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Never saw that gif, but im now in love with it. LMAO.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:47:31 AM EDT
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fucking socialist 13er troll. nice try.

too bad some of us can read and have an IQ above yours:

yeah like maybe his wife who got shot.

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fucking socialist 13er troll. nice try.

too bad some of us can read and have an IQ above yours:

"This supports the possibility that (Santiago) discharged a firearm, was in close proximity to a firearm upon discharge, or came into contact with an item whose surface bears GSR."

yeah like maybe his wife who got shot.

Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:47:39 AM EDT
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Shoulda been first post
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:48:00 AM EDT
DU is that way -->
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:48:20 AM EDT
DU is that way -->
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:48:40 AM EDT
DU is that way -->
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:48:44 AM EDT
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Never saw that gif, but im now in love with it. LMAO.
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Never saw that gif, but im now in love with it. LMAO.

Same here.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:48:57 AM EDT
If a couple of black utes shot my baby I'd be feeling pretty racist too.

"You're gonna have to kill some crackas.  You're gonna have to kill some of they babies."

-Malik Zulu Shabazz, Chairman of the New Black Panther Party
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Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:49:47 AM EDT
Anyone who uses the term "reverse racism" needs to either be educated or socked in the pancreas, depending on whether they simply haven't considered the phrase or whether they use it maliciously. Racism is fucking racism; no race has anything close to a monopoly on it.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:49:58 AM EDT
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Quoted: DU is that way -->
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TruckTurner should shoot a black teen in Chicago. Who knows, he might bless us by killing a future Obumbo. Heck, that's all Chicago is good for, killing black teens.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:50:03 AM EDT
What is "reverse racism"?

Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:50:57 AM EDT
Shocker. I called this shortly after the shooting and details of the mom started coming out.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:51:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:53:31 AM EDT
I don't know one way or another what happened, but these details are being reported by major area news agencies.


BRUNSWICK, Ga. -- Louis Santiago is now locked up in the Glynn County Detention Center along with the teen charged with murdering his 13-month-old son, Antonio.

The child's mother claims Santiago "went nuts" in the months following the baby's death and he violated a restraining order.

"He was throwing things through the window and terrorizing me, saying that I killed my baby and it should have been me," said Sherry West, the mother of the slain baby.
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Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:53:51 AM EDT
One of the two black teens is also charged in a shooting and robbery that happened 10 days before the murder of the infant.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:54:15 AM EDT

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Anyone who uses the term "reverse racism" needs to either be educated or socked in the pancreas, depending on whether they simply haven't considered the phrase or whether they use it maliciously. Racism is fucking racism; no race has anything close to a monopoly on it.
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I've said that to people more than once, that there's no thing as reverse racism, just racism. Then again a lot of people in this country believe that it's impossible that minorities can be racist too, so it can sometimes be sort of like jousting at windmills.

Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:54:51 AM EDT
For months, right wingers have leveled accusations of reverse racism against the President, the Department of Justice and even the media, which did not touch the Trayvon Martin case until public outcry was so widespread that the media could not ignore the protests, rallies and celebrity calls for an arrest to be made.
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What a load of horseshit.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:55:33 AM EDT
How is posting a news article trolling? Im confused I just found it interesting and wanted to share lets unbunch the panties
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:56:32 AM EDT
Not up to date on this case but I can easily see the article itself cannot be taken seriously as it contains some huge flaws in logical thinking and its conclusions are simply not supported.

The article being a POS  does not prove the two black youth did it but I would only call that one on review of all the evidence.

Sorry Op I took you seriously for one moment. That site just a bunch of Trayvon Martin conspiracy stuff.

Me being Euro trash and working in the legal field here can say that those who believe the Trayvon camp side of the story don't live in reality and are quite frankly a bunch of
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:56:53 AM EDT
Your soooo cool man! you joined a website before me pat yourself on the back
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:56:59 AM EDT
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How is posting a news article trolling? Im confused I just found it interesting and wanted to share lets unbunch the panties
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Whats your angle?
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:58:18 AM EDT
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I've said that to people more than once, that there's no thing as reverse racism, just racism. Then again a lot of people in this country believe that it's impossible that minorities can be racist too, so it can sometimes be sort of like jousting at windmills.
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I don't care- green light people to defend themselves coast-to-coast and cut welfare by refusing to re-up spending for it and see what happens.

The root problems are always the same- the liberal welfare state and the politicians who profit from protecting its members.

Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:58:39 AM EDT
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One of the two black teens is also charged in a shooting and robbery that happened 10 days before the murder of the infant.
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Well that might prove inconvenient to the new conspiracy theory.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:58:53 AM EDT

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I'm confused. The teens admitted to it no? Why would they do that if the mother actually killed the baby? Was she robbed at all? This story is trying to make right wingers look bad, but not giving ANY details
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Thats all I got out of it.

Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:59:17 AM EDT
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Your soooo cool man! you joined a website before me pat yourself on the back
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Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:59:30 AM EDT
Methinks the OP is a troll.  A piece of shit DU lovin' troll.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:00:25 AM EDT
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Whats your angle?
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How is posting a news article trolling? Im confused I just found it interesting and wanted to share lets unbunch the panties

Whats your angle?

No angle I just remember when this happened all the comments on " executing the wanna be rappers"  before they make trial
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:01:53 AM EDT
BS Article

Here's another gem from OP's "news" site.  Apparently, the judge in the Zimmerman trial allowed more jury tampering than any other trial in modern US history!!!!!!11111!!!!!
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:02:33 AM EDT
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How is posting a news article trolling? Im confused I just found it interesting and wanted to share lets unbunch the panties
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You're not very good at this.
If you're going to troll, you might want to study with some masters-as it is, you're not even good enough for amateur hour.

Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:02:53 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:03:31 AM EDT
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No angle I just remember when this happened all the comments on " executing the wanna be rappers"  before they make trial
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How is posting a news article trolling? Im confused I just found it interesting and wanted to share lets unbunch the panties

Whats your angle?

No angle I just remember when this happened all the comments on " executing the wanna be rappers"  before they make trial

Maybe they are innocent, maybe they aren't. The fact you pulled it off the website adds to a credibility issue.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:03:46 AM EDT
What next?

The convicted perpetrators of the Knoxville Atrocity were railroaded?
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:04:44 AM EDT
Wait, after reading the article and seeing it was nothing but FUD, what was your point again?
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:05:01 AM EDT
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How is posting a news article trolling? Im confused I just found it interesting and wanted to share lets unbunch the panties
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it is viewed as trolling by some because it has alot of information that is pro left, anti right in it. If it had just read the information about the case itself it would have probably been decent.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:05:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:05:45 AM EDT
So what is that link? The Black version of Prison Planet?
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:06:45 AM EDT
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You're not very good at this.
If you're going to troll, you might want to study with some masters-as it is, you're not even good enough for amateur hour.

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How is posting a news article trolling? Im confused I just found it interesting and wanted to share lets unbunch the panties

You're not very good at this.
If you're going to troll, you might want to study with some masters-as it is, you're not even good enough for amateur hour.


I shouldn't be good at it as stated thats not what I was trying to accomplish I dont have time to play kid games on the internets
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:08:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 8:08:43 AM EDT
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Anyone who uses the term "reverse racism" needs to either be educated or socked in the pancreas, depending on whether they simply haven't considered the phrase or whether they use it maliciously. Racism is fucking racism; no race has anything close to a monopoly on it.
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I disagree.  You NEVER hear of black/liberal racists yet they are the ones who are the most guilty of racism and race-baiting.
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