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Posted: 10/31/2006 5:33:22 PM EDT

Tomorrow - all supervisory-level employees who have hiring/firing authority are mandated by the powers-that-be to attend two 4-hour brainwashing sessions workshops on diversity. I'm required to attend and partipate in these intensive indocrination sensitivity programs to become better educated on how to hire and retain "the best" employees.


Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:34:57 PM EDT
Do mathematics in your head.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:35:28 PM EDT
You may want to actually consider listening to the session.  That will help you and your firm to avoid lawsuits.  Sucks to be a supervisor sometimes but such education is part of being management.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:37:03 PM EDT
Do this:

Repeat after the following while staring at a spinning top:  "I will not be brainwashed, I will not be brainwashed".  

Say this 200 times and you should be good to go.  

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:37:09 PM EDT
based on the title, I was going to say "turn off the TV"

but in this case...

bring your laptop with wifi, and surf ARFcom the whole time...
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:38:30 PM EDT
That sounds more like indoctrination than brainwashing

To defeat it, pay close attention and take notes, the flaws in their logic should be obvious

Expect a LOT of valid facts and rational thinking to be included in the "lessons"

DO NOT bother explaining the mistakes to them, they probably already have responses ready
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:39:41 PM EDT

Do mathematics in your head.

Resists brainwashing, doubles your stamina...wow, who said math was worthless.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:39:54 PM EDT

Tomorrow - all supervisory-level employees who have hiring/firing authority are mandated by the powers-that-be to attend two 4-hour brainwashing sessions workshops on diversity. I'm required to attend and partipate in these intensive indocrination sensitivity programs to become better educated on how to hire and retain "the best" employees.


Invision your inapropriators as giant slices of pizza.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:42:00 PM EDT
Watch the first season of the British version of “The Office”. Then try not to laugh when you see the same things in your workshop.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:44:06 PM EDT
Realizing you're being brainwashed is the hardest and most useful part of the battle.

You have immunized yourself for the time being.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:44:31 PM EDT
Ask them if you have to embrace all types of diversity, even the right wing 2nd ammendment types.  Then ask why not.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:46:54 PM EDT

Ask them if you have to embrace all types of diversity, even the right wing 2nd ammendment types.  Then ask why not.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:49:13 PM EDT
i had a college class that had a section all about diversity.

we had one particular guy in there that was clearly a fag.

one day, we were all supposed to take out an blank sheet of paper and put our name in the middle of it.

around our name, we had to draw pictures of things that represented us.

i put a rainbow with a circle and a slash through it, and when my turn came to talk about my drawing, i stated that homosexuality was a perversion, and that homosexuals should be institutionalized (spelling?).

well fag man went next. his picture? rainbow behind his name. "The rainbow is there because of my sexuality." Oh really?

wasn't priceless though. cost me an A in the class.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:54:31 PM EDT
You are a very bright guy, and I am sure that class will hurt them much mor ethan it will hurt you.

I guess my angle of attack would focus on this gem:

to become better educated on how to hire and retain "the best" employees.

Any mention of any grouping whatsoever is racist, sexist, etc.

The best means the best. Not the blackest or whitest (or even considering color at all), the male-ist or female-ist (or considering sex anything at all).

The best.Period. Anything else is discriminatory and should be frowned upon.

If you are half as persuasive as I think you are, after a few hours they should all be going:

Cant wait for the report.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:07:35 PM EDT

The best.Period. Anything else is discriminatory and should be frowned upon.

Of course you know that minorities have certain "qualities" that can only enrich the learning environment of students.

And certainly you know that "the best" employee population must include enough people with these qualities such as being able to be a role-model for other blacks and hispanics - and no whiteboy no matter how smart, capable, experienced or competent can ever match the value to young minorities as seeing one of "their own" in positions of authority.

I've been through a similar diversty-sessions when I was first hired.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:13:32 PM EDT

Quoted: Tomorrow - all supervisory-level employees who have hiring/firing authority are mandated by the powers-that-be to attend two 4-hour brainwashing sessions workshops on diversity. I'm required to attend and partipate in these intensive indocrination sensitivity programs to become better educated on how to hire and retain "the best" employees. Yay!
There's only one thing you need to learn from diversity training. Hire more Asians, especially if they are hot and female.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:24:01 PM EDT
Only four hours?  You can't resist for 4 hours?  Our classes are TWO DAYS.

Best one we ever did the instructor duo (male and female) filed a sexual harassment complaint against the entire class.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:27:40 PM EDT

Need some techniques on how to resist brainwashing

I thought this thread would be about marriage.  
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:28:20 PM EDT
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer..............
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:29:12 PM EDT

Only four hours?  You can't resist for 4 hours?  Our classes are TWO DAYS.

This is the first 4-hour session.

The second one is next week.

Best one we ever did the instructor duo (male and female) filed a sexual harassment complaint against the entire class.

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:39:15 PM EDT
I have always wanted to go to one so I could ask questions.  I really want to know what they base their beliefs on.  Why do they think homosexuality is a good thing?  If it is good why would bestiality or child molesting be bad?  If everyone is equal are cannibals good people too?  If women’s rights are a good thing what do we think about Islamists who think women should be circumcised with a rusty razor blade?  Who makes the rules and what makes them right and me wrong?   If diversity is good isn’t my opinion as valid as theirs?  The rules change too so how do we know if something is still bad?  Is there a web site to go to so we can find out if something is still bad today? It is all too confusing, I want answers.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:41:53 PM EDT

You may want to actually consider listening to the session.  That will help you and your firm to avoid lawsuits.  Sucks to be a supervisor sometimes but such education is part of being management.

+1, learn your rights and actions so you can work the system
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:45:12 PM EDT
This is why I left corporate America.

I didnt fit in anymore at all. The PC stuff got to be way too bad.
We had a guy in our office, worked under me, always fucking up, couldn't fire him
Was told to try to "understand him and figure out how to encourage him to do better etc"
I am not PC at all, used to have a grenade on my desk, had ammo delivered at work by the case and gun parts etc.

All I can tell you is to sit through the meeting, act like you give a shit and then get back to your office and relax.

We had those meetings all the time, the nutsac I worked for was a big proponent of that stuff.
Also the "motivational speaker crap" tapes jeez it's amazing I didn't have a stroke.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:47:13 PM EDT

Tomorrow - all supervisory-level employees who have hiring/firing authority are mandated by the powers-that-be to attend two 4-hour brainwashing sessions workshops on diversity. I'm required to attend and partipate in these intensive indocrination sensitivity programs to become better educated on how to hire and retain "the best" employees.


Toe the Line Comrade...

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:51:08 PM EDT
That sucks.

I'd be tempted to ask for actual empirical evidence of the benefits of diversity.  When they are invariably not produced, I'd want to know why our hiring policies are affected by things of unknown effectiveness, unlike things that we DO know affect performance (like general mental ability, etc.)

Than again, it's easy for me talk tough, since I've never had to attend such "training"

The last eight years we've hired people in my department, we've hired white guys.  Our diversity is that three years ago, we hired a short white guy.  
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:57:52 PM EDT

That sucks.

I'd be tempted to ask for actual empirical evidence of the benefits of diversity.  When they are invariably not produced, I'd want to know why our hiring policies are affected by things of unknown effectiveness, unlike things that we DO know affect performance (like general mental ability, etc.)

Than again, it's easy for me talk tough, since I've never had to attend such "training"

The last eight years we've hired people in my department, we've hired white guys.  Our diversity is that three years ago, we hired a short white guy.  

You MUST immediately report for re-programming NOW!!!
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:58:02 PM EDT
Make sure you do your prep work.

Rescue Me - sensitivity training video
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 7:04:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 11:31:34 PM EDT
   This one is easy.  Feign concern about how to be diverse.  Get a couple coconspirators to do the same.  Three people asking rapid fire questions will take the wind out of the instructors sails.  If all goes well, you won't bring up the fact that some places hire people just to avoid a lawsuit.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 11:42:09 PM EDT

Best one we ever did the instructor duo (male and female) filed a sexual harassment complaint against the entire class.

Please, please, pretty please with sugar on top, tell us this story
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 11:48:05 PM EDT
Deep thoughts on left vs. right handed masturbation.

If your theory turns out to be "double handed", you sir, are correct. And, congratulations, you've survived brainwashing.
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