Before everyone starts with the "Tramadol does this to me" responses:
ALL drugs have different reactions to different people. While a certain drug may knock me out for three days it may have no effect at all on the next person. this is why the side effects lists are so damn long and have all types of weird effects on them.
OP, go back to your doctor. GD is not the place to rely on for serious health questions.
You, sir, are a HERETIC!! GD is teh MECCA for advice on all tings medical and relationship-wise, most essentially on how to stay with your wife.
I was really just hoping that someone with experience might have run into this before, where Tramadol and Topiramte caused vomiting/weightloss. This week I am out of town, so the doc will have to wait. I will give him a call in the morning to talk to him, or at least leave him a message. Did not take either one last night, hoping I don't have so much pain I cannot deal with it.
Good news is that I am down by 10lbs since Tuesday, now I just have to drive to Little Rock for a week while I cannot keep down more than two tablespoons of food at a time. Yay.