20 gallon tank? Is this a well established tank that you've had for awhile or a new tank?
First impression is that you are way over stocked for the tank. I never really bought into the 1 inch per gallon rule or whatever it is but it seems to be a pretty decent rule to go by when mixing species. But I wouldn't even consider that a 20 gallon tank would support 20 individual one inch fish. I'd divide by 1/2 and wind up at maybe 10 one inch fish for 20 gallons. Fish get stressed and become highly susceptible to infections to the point you've got to have immaculate water to be able keep high population densities.
Also, if you just set the tank up it's gotta cycle. Look up the ammonia and nitrogen cycle to get an understanding of how the tanks get set up. It's the reason you always go with cheap fish from the get go on a new tank or after moving a tank. Risk of loss is very high during on set. I've got a 30 gallon tank in the house I set up about 2-3 months ago that I still have yet to put fish in because I'm waiting on having the plants established and the cycle complete before adding a couple fish.
My main tank is a 55 gallon tank with only two Jack Dempseys. They are about max size for the tank and couldn't be happier with the conditions even though my water quality is virtually shit. I've got plants in handling a bit of biological filtration along with two biowheel filters rated for 70 gallons each by themselves. But I only do water changes maybe once every 6-9 months which is pretty remarkable and goes against most of the common advise. I've had the two Dempseys for about 2 to 2 1/2 years now with such conditions.
For comparison....
Same tank, with only 8 stupid little colorful guppies was a PAIN IN THE ASS to try to keep running. I did have luck with 4 Bala Sharks in my 55gallon tank but they were smallish at maybe 3-4 inches long. Balas don't seem to take stress very easily, in other words they spook the fuck out and run headlong into a side of the tank(repeatedly). I would not put balas in a tank smaller than 55 gallons for the reason that they are spastic. A comparable 20 gallons at a pet store is fine because they probably lose 1/2 the fish a week and just keep restocking it and you never get to see the loss.
Most incredible thing though...
Stupid Dempseys. I was going to try to put a few Bala sharks back in my tank, got two mediums that were about as big/long as my pinky finger. Came home from work to see the larger Dempsey with only the remains of a tail fin sticking out his mouth. Yep, he ate one and he wasn't spitting it back out either due to the fact that Bala's grow a spine off their dorsal fin. I never lost that Dempsey, he just digested that Bala and kept on keepin on. Very impressive given the fact that the stupid Bala shark that it ate was a good 1/2 the length of the Jack Dempsey that consumed the Bala. At some point I am sure my Dempsey was pooping out the head of the Bala just as he was getting to digest the tail.
My recommendation? Keep the tank to maybe 3-4 smallish fish like mollies(hate those fish) or Gourami. Or maybe get one decent Cichlid.
Also, if you have room you could go bigger. Bigger tanks are more forgiving while smaller tanks are generally the PITA because they are so sensitive to small changes.
Once you get the outbreak taken care of you might get the temperatures down on the tank to the minimum listed for the breed of fish. Slows the metabolism, slows their digestion, keeps the waste from fermenting quite so quickly, and seems easier to care for them.