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Posted: 12/17/2010 3:27:14 AM EDT
I joined the ARNG a couple months ago in a neighboring state because they still allowed for 1 year enlistments where my state did not.  My current armory is a 2 hour drive.  There is an armory that is only an hour drive and in my state that has slots for my MOS.  I plan on finishing my 1 year enlistment with my unit.

How hard is it to do an interstate transfer?  When do I need to do an interstate transfer, when I reenlist?
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 3:32:21 AM EDT
Have you talked to you RNCO or the gaining unit?  it shouldn't be difficult as long as you meet 600-9
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 3:42:11 AM EDT
Have you talked to you RNCO or the gaining unit?  it shouldn't be difficult as long as you meet 600-9

Yup - talk the unit you want to join, they have incentive to work with you.  Your current unit will be less than eager to help.

I once transferred from the Reserves to the Guard back in the day... remotely.  Most of the work was done by the gaining unit.  I have a slew of paperwork the losing unit had to produce, though - including (IIRC) a formal discharge from the Army Reserve.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 5:41:11 AM EDT
My loosing unit was excited to get me to fill several additional duties since I have NBC, Enviro Compliance, Field Sanitation, and Radiological Safety Officer schools.  They will not be very happy.  

So I just call the gaining unit and talk to the RNCO?
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 6:27:54 AM EDT
My loosing unit was excited to get me to fill several additional duties since I have NBC, Enviro Compliance, Field Sanitation, and Radiological Safety Officer schools.  They will not be very happy.  

So I just call the gaining unit and talk to the RNCO?

Be sure to stop in, too, if possible.  It might help make you decide one way or the other.

As someone else so aptly put it a while back, in the Guard / Reserves, you don't join the service, you join that unit.
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 9:24:03 AM EDT
Also, since you're on a try 1 contract, and you plan on finishing up that contract at the first armory, you could ETS from the first state, then enlist in GA.
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