and playing me a message from Wayne about the UN Small Arms Treaty...
I understand that not everyone in the NRA keeps track of this stuff, but I don't need to be reminded. I've told them not to call and they still do.
I can't think of a better way to get me to cancel my membership than to bug me at home at 9am and 9pm every few days...
Playing me a recorded message saying that the UN is coming to steal my guns isn't going to help their cause, they've had decades to stop this shit.
I just told the guy that came on after the message that I am aware of the threats to my rights and not to call my house again...
Not only that but I've moved since I joined, how the hell did they get my land line number?
I'm not sure how much stroke anyone on this forum has, but this is a piss poor method of collecting funds and memberships. Please pass that on.
If they call me again I'm canceling my membership.