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Posted: 12/31/2006 6:37:32 PM EDT
Talk about bad timing, i showed up at her house yesterday about ten minutes after she had the miscarriage. My wife went into the bathroom to talk to her and i stayed in the living room and i talked to her husband. I asked where everything was and he pointed to one of the bottles a hospital gives you to pee in. I picked it up and light it up with my flashlight Thats one bottle i should have never picked up. About a inch or so long, hands,toes, eyes, the whole nine yards. I hugged my kids tighter the last few days, and you should do the same. Happy new years.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:38:33 PM EDT
That's something that nobody should have to see.  
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:41:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:43:47 PM EDT
Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:45:33 PM EDT

Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.

On the other hand, some things are facts of life and should be.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:47:21 PM EDT


Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.

On the other hand, some things are facts of life and should be.

Like this tragedy in his family?
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:47:30 PM EDT

Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.


I'm sorry that you and your sister had to go through that, but I agree, some things are better left unsaid.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:49:05 PM EDT
Seen that four times, still have the nightmares every year or so.  You have my sympathy.z
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:51:42 PM EDT

Seen that four times, still have the nightmares every year or so.  You have my sympathy.z

+1 btdt....and 18 years later...it still hurts like a bitch.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:53:03 PM EDT



Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.

On the other hand, some things are facts of life and should be.

Like this tragedy in his family?

What I mean to say is, a little education can go a long way to prepare
people for things that happen every day.  

Everyone is so shielded and protected from everyday things that
people are becoming wimps.

How has it gotten to the point that the average person doesn't know how to
deliver their own child.  

How many people would be vegetarians if they saw where meat came from?

If people were given facts on miscarriages, educated even slightly,
it wouldn't be such a dramatic shock.  An ounce of education could
prevent psychological scarring that could last a lifetime.

Parents question themselves, wondering if they did something to cause it.
Wifes blame husbands, and vice versa.  Marriages dissolve over things like this,
because of sheer ignorance.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:53:22 PM EDT
My heart and prayers go out to your family.



Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.

On the other hand, some things are facts of life and should be.

Like this tragedy in his family?

If feels the need to get it off his chest, yes.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:56:26 PM EDT
my wife is at ten weeks.

It would destroy me if she miscarried. I already have a love for the child.

I would hold the little babe in my hands and cry. I would bury it in a real grave too.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 6:56:58 PM EDT

My heart and prayers go out to your family.



Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.

On the other hand, some things are facts of life and should be.

Like this tragedy in his family?

If feels the need to get it off his chest, yes.


If the Original Poster vents a little, I will be better prepared if something like this
should ever happen to me.  

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:00:23 PM EDT

Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.
In some cases that's true, but when somebody needs a little support, there's nothing wrong with it IMO.

To the OP,

Man, that's rough...but since this is completely outside my experience, I am at a loss for words.  
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:01:26 PM EDT

My heart and prayers go out to your family.



Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.

On the other hand, some things are facts of life and should be.

Like this tragedy in his family?

If feels the need to get it off his chest, yes.

I agree, sometimes people need help, prayers for the family.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:02:11 PM EDT
God bless them and I hope the memory will fade for all of you. A miscarriage like that is natures way of saying something is wrong with that pregnancy. It is hard but it is a mechanism. I hope the next time will go much better. Fact is almost everybody will go through one miscarriage. It may have been good timing that your sister in law had your wife there at that time.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:02:35 PM EDT


My heart and prayers go out to your family.



Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.

On the other hand, some things are facts of life and should be.

Like this tragedy in his family?

If feels the need to get it off his chest, yes.


If the Original Poster vents a little, I will be better prepared if something like this
should ever happen to me.  

Do you really think so? That if your wife or sister had a miscarriage that this thread would actually help you deal with the pain.

Out of respect for the OP I'll say no more, I'm sorry for your sister in laws loss.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:14:03 PM EDT
I mostly took it for granted that our kids would be born healthy..I mean I knew about miscarriages and birth defects but I figured they were rare.. Once my friends/family started having kids my wife and I realized how lucky we were..We sat down one night and estimated that over half of the couples of child bearing age that we knew personally have had fertility problems, miscarriages, or children born with health problems.

Sorry for your SIL's loss
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:26:30 PM EDT



My heart and prayers go out to your family.



Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.

On the other hand, some things are facts of life and should be.

Like this tragedy in his family?

If feels the need to get it off his chest, yes.


If the Original Poster vents a little, I will be better prepared if something like this
should ever happen to me.  

Do you really think so? That if your wife or sister had a miscarriage that this thread would actually help you deal with the pain.

Out of respect for the OP I'll say no more, I'm sorry for your sister in laws loss.

I'm not the type to open up to total strangers on the internet. Hell, I don't open up much to my closest friends.

But many other people do find comfort in opening up to others. And if someone needs to talk about something then I'll listen and offer what comfort I can.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:30:52 PM EDT
Why would you have that bottle sitting around like that anyway?
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:32:52 PM EDT
This thread is kind of a downer
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:33:47 PM EDT
Damn dude, im sorry to hear that..  

Why would you have that bottle sitting around like that anyway?

Cause it probably just happened and they didn't know what to do with it...
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:34:43 PM EDT

This thread is kind of a downer

+1. I'm sorry for the loss. That's really sad.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:38:04 PM EDT
the girl I proposed to (Then she ran off) two miscarriages in a row.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:40:29 PM EDT

Why would you have that bottle sitting around like that anyway?

To prove that she didn't have an illegal abortion?  There was a small controversy locally when a local GYN called the cops on a woman that he believed had had one.  The article in the paper said that it was illegal to dispose of it in the trash or in the sewer, and they recommended taking it to your doctor for proper disposal.z
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:40:54 PM EDT
For your sister in law. It made me remember as I was sitting in the triage room at the hospital and my twin girls were trying to be born 3 months early. We overheard the doctor in the next tent tell the mother to be that her 9-mo full term child had died in the womb. My wife and I cried over that, the next day she gave birth to the stillborn child. Better for the miscarriage to happen early instead of full term. Still sucks.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:48:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:59:12 PM EDT
Sorry to hear about your sister in law

But remember a miscarriage is nature way of saying somthing is wrong with the fetus.
..I've been lucky with all four of my children,.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 8:39:42 PM EDT
Why would you have that bottle sitting around like that anyway?

 You might find the following a bit too much information (and gross maybe) so skip it if you wish.

 I warned you.  The reason to capture everything from the miscarriage is so that the doctor (and lab) can determine if everything was expelled.  If not, the woman most likely would have to undergo a D&C (pretty much the same thing as an abortion).  The woman will return quicker to a normal cycle and it reduces the risk of infection.  Also, there may be some indication within the expelled material that gives a hint as to why it happened.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 9:15:48 PM EDT
Sorry to hear that.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 9:21:15 PM EDT
That just freaks me out.

My wife and I have had some failed pregnancies.  I sure love my 2 kids that we do have though.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 9:37:29 PM EDT
Yikes...sorry man..
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 9:45:11 PM EDT
I'm very sorry your SIL miscarried. Seeing such a small tiny baby many years ago made me realize what abortion truly is.

I hope your SIL finds comfort in her family and friends. It is a hard thing to have happen to you.

My condolences to all.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 9:49:11 PM EDT

Somethings don't need to be shared with the world.

I'm sorry, but this is something that DOES need to be shared. Hundreds of thousands of these "tissue masses" are destroyed every year by the "choice" of the mother. Pro-choice groups, and the Party of Death, would have you believe that abortion is a medical procedure of little consequence. Having lived through the pregnancies and births of three children, as well as two miscarriages, I believe otherwise.

To the OP, my heart goes out to you and your sister-in-law. The loss of a child is very painful.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 10:52:12 PM EDT
wow im so sorry.  This hit pretty close to home since my sister is pregnant.  She had one miscarriage already and this baby is due in june.  My heart goes out to your family.  
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