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Posted: 10/30/2006 6:59:06 PM EDT
I was cutting the grass the other day and I saw this little guy scramble out in front of me. The crazy nut-job in me said "Hey go catch it." and so I did. She/He is extremely docile, made no moves whatsoever to bite me or show any signs of aggression. It's about 1.5ft long and I'll adjust the cage size as it gets bigger. Going to go and get some pinkie mice from the pet store too.

Since I couldn't find an approriate cage I decided to build one by plastic welding these two cages together and cutting a hole in one to amek it multi leveled. I also placed an under tank heater under it and placed it next to a window to get good natural light.

Oh, it's a Speckled Kingsnake from what I can tell.

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:02:49 PM EDT
They are great snakes. They do like to eat other snakes as well.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:05:12 PM EDT
Snakes are evil, I woulda killed it

I just hate snakes, can't explain it.  I usually kill any snake I see in the yard.

Edit: did he replace this little buddy?

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:08:22 PM EDT
Nice , I guess.

I have never been really into having one in the house. I'm not afraid of them. I just don't like them as a pet.

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:08:26 PM EDT
Cool Snake.

I am suprised you did not kill it......most of ARFCOM will frown upon you now.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:09:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:09:42 PM EDT
Nice looking reptile.  I loooove snakes
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:11:01 PM EDT

Cool Snake.

I am suprised you did not kill it......most of ARFCOM will frown upon you now.

Hell, I figured the lawnmower would have scared it shitless, but when I lightly picked it up by the tail i kinda felt like Steve Erwin.

On the other hand, if it hand been a venomous snake I would have run it down
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:21:30 PM EDT
Can you make a soup with it?
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:24:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:30:16 PM EDT

I heard something screaming outside my window one night and one of those was tossing down a green tree frog.

You might want to include that in the diet.

Warning! They scream like motherfuckers as they are going down!

Hmmm, going to have to go check now, thanks
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:37:49 PM EDT
They are escape artists.  Also, put a thermometer inside the "tank" to make sure the plastic doesn't act as a magnifying glass and cook your little buddy.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:44:34 PM EDT

They are escape artists.  Also, put a thermometer inside the "tank" to make sure the plastic doesn't act as a magnifying glass and cook your little buddy.

Already done, I have a little gadget that measures humidity in there too. A snake is a first for me, I've had other reptile in the past and have a bearded dragon and a Uromasytx at present, so this will be a bit of an experience.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:09:17 AM EDT
Bump for the daywalkers
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