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Posted: 8/21/2006 9:37:54 PM EDT
I want to help build her confidence, but I also want to teach her how to defend herself when made fun of.  She is 9 years old, and her brother and sister are 13 and 16.  They are pretty ruthless with the overweight comments.  I hope that I can find some good 'comebacks' that I can teach her to help her defend herself in situations where she may get picked on.  

Also, We are working on her weight issues... but in the meantime, any help would be appreciated.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 9:46:21 PM EDT
"I may be heavy, but you're ugly. Heavy people can lose weight."
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 9:47:01 PM EDT
Fat is temporary, stupid is forever.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 9:47:30 PM EDT
"When the SHTF, i'll survive but you'll all starve!"
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 9:49:46 PM EDT
You might pick up speed running, but I gain momentum.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 9:53:57 PM EDT
Teach her jiu-jitsu.  One hardcore asswhooping and the fat jokes stop like a robber faced with a 12 gauge.
ETA: I know of quite a few girls that were chubby in middle school, and graduated as absoltely stunning women.  
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 9:57:31 PM EDT
That's a toughie.

On the one hand, you want her to feel confident and good about herself (and stand up for herself), but on the other hand you don't want to give her the Oprah line of telling her that it's "okay" to be overweight (especially for a young child).

I'd agree with the hardcore asswhoppin' sentiment though.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 10:00:48 PM EDT
I'd have a little chat with the older siblings.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 3:58:44 AM EDT
get her away from the table and/or the television and send her outside to get some excercise
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:30:01 AM EDT
There is a lot of parental responsibilty in childhood obesity.  Put her in a soccer team, buy her a bicycle, get her a dog to take on walks, ban TV, something.

No food as rewards, try salads, wheat low fat low sugar cereals, lots of water, no sodas.

With some weight loss her self esteem will shoot thru the roof.  It may sound mean but it is a lot easier to adjust her weight than to adjust every kids attitude around her.

I used to be a chubby kid and now I score 300 on the APFT, big difference in my attitude.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:36:54 AM EDT
"don't make me eat you"
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:53:36 AM EDT

"don't make me eat you"

Now that there's just funny.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:55:06 AM EDT
I was fat and got picked on alot when I was a kid.

Tell'er to suck it up. It builds character :-)
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:57:13 AM EDT
I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but this might be what gets the ball rolling on her living a healthy life later on. If she gets her weight under control now, she'll have better chances in the future. That being said, tell her to respond with "I can lose weight, but you'll always be ugly/stupid/inbred/etc (improvise as necessary) "
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:58:11 AM EDT
I thank the people that made fun of me when I was a kid.

I was called everything from butterball, meatball, pugslie, etc.....

Now, I'm 170, 8% body fat, and turned out to be a  good looking guy, that got alot of hot chicks.

I thank them when I see them for inspiring me to change forever
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:59:13 AM EDT
I gave my little brother a thorough ration of shit. Even when he was 6'1" 240 to my 5' 10" 170. He ended up tougher, I ended up meaner. Siblings can push each other's buttons like no one else---they'll grow out of it.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:26:49 AM EDT
Slap her parents in the face and tell them to get her involved in some outdoor activities and SLOW THE HELL DOWN with the fast food.

I bet she eats a lot of processed shit and fast food, doesn't she?

Please, for her benefit, take care of the weight problem NOW while it's still easy to do.

I love my parents to death, but they should have taken my plate away several times.  I ended up WAY overweight and have been battling it since I was in my early teens.

Right now is nothing.  Just wait until she's the fat girl in high school.  High school years are VERY VERY hard for overweight kids.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:33:56 AM EDT
I know it's the oldest and gheyest cliche' in the book, but honestly... Exercise and proper diet is the key.

I use to weigh 270lbs when I was 16 years old... Now I'm an amateur body builder and I shit you not, the only way I cut weight down to 199lbs in 3 months was eating the RIGHT DIET for me, and working my ass off in the gym.

Since she's only 9 years old, she shouldn't be in a gym, she should be outside playing. Sports, dancing, any kind of physical activities. Hell, get her into yoga or something. Just SOMETHING to get her heart rate and metabolism going.

Make sure she gets the diet that suits HER NEEDS. Not all diets are going to work for every person in ever different category. Body builders need over 3000 calories a day when they train to help fuel their bodies of the energy they burn... Runners have to have different diets, so do swimmers, and so on and so on. Just make sure hers is to be a healthy preteen kid, and that's really all there is to it.

Might be a good idea to enroll her in a jiu-jitsu class or something along the lines of self-defense, let her beatup on her sibblings for a change :-)
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 6:52:10 AM EDT

Slap her parents in the face


She needs to be out running around and climbing trees and they need to stop buying fattening junk so that she can't eat it. My fruit bowl is always full if my kids want a snack, they don't need junk food.

If the two older kids were mine, I'd knock their heads together - hard - and tell them to cut that shit out. The more the younger child is ridiculed for her weight, the more miserable she's going to be and the more likely she is to turn to twinkies for comfort. But at the same time, I wouldn't be enabling the weight problem by letting her eat whatever she wants.

I don't know the situation though, or what the parents are doing about it, that's just how I'd handle it if it was my kid.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 6:58:04 AM EDT


Slap her parents in the face


She needs to be out running around and climbing trees and they need to stop buying fattening junk so that she can't eat it. My fruit bowl is always full if my kids want a snack, they don't need junk food.

If the two older kids were mine, I'd knock their heads together - hard - and tell them to cut that shit out. The more the younger child is ridiculed for her weight, the more miserable she's going to be and the more likely she is to turn to twinkies for comfort. But at the same time, I wouldn't be enabling the weight problem by letting her eat whatever she wants.

I don't know the situation though, or what the parents are doing about it, that's just how I'd handle it if it was my kid.

I Thought I was one of the last head knockers, my oldest 2 girls fight all the time and they get one warning then heads get knocked together LOL
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 7:00:58 AM EDT
Tell her to stop eating all the pies…

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 7:10:11 AM EDT


I Thought I was one of the last head knockers, my oldest 2 girls fight all the time and they get one warning then heads get knocked together LOL

My dad used to do that. He'd say "stop it or I'll knock your 'eads together" (you have to imagine it in a London accent), he only did it twice that I can remember and we got the message. It freaking hurts!

I've done it once to my daughters when they were fighting, and I did it real gently, but they didn't like it and now they have no doubt that mommy means business.

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 7:14:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 7:17:58 AM EDT
I think I would have a talk with the 13/16 year olds.  There comments are very detrimental to your nieces' ability to succeed.  If they were all the same age that would be one thing but the teenagers will destroy her with their insensitive comments.  

They need to be taken out and explained how important their role is in their sister's future.  I can not for the life of me understand how they at their age can be so mean.  If my son or daughter ever pulled that crap on a kid I would clean their clocks.

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 7:22:05 AM EDT

This one requires a two-pronged assault.  You can't step in and stop the other kids, she needs to build the confidence in herself.  Her parents also need to take an active role in helping her build good, healthy habits for life.

So, speak with her parents about getting her diet changed, and see if you can get her interested in more  outdoor activities.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 7:25:25 AM EDT
Teach her to kick the boys in the balls when they insult her.  The same approach reportedly works on girls, too, but maybe not to the same extent.

Teach her to fight,  basically.   It will ensure that they behave in a respectful manner toward her.

But getting her weight down to normal, and keeping it there, is far more important.

(Hint...it's the sugar and junk foods.)

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