They seem so anxious to lose this election by being scared of what they stand for. I encourage you to send them something similar to what I sent them today:
To Whom It May Concern:
As you no doubt know, the 2010 midterm congressional elections will have a tremendous impact on the future of our country. I confess that I am not very hopeful. It is not clear to me that even a resounding conservative victory in November can reverse the current trend of socialism which will lead to the inevitable destruction of our liberty and our civilization. However, the Republican party currently seems anxious to accelerate that destruction by losing the midterm elections.
As a conservative, I believe that there are many lessons to be learned from studying the past. Therefore, I am puzzled as to why the Republican Party is currently ignoring the lessons learned from the 1994 midterm election. Republicans swept to power in 1994 not because they weren’t Democrats, but because the Contract with America provided voters with a solid, concrete view of what Republicans stood for and what they would do if elected—and voters liked what they saw. To repeat that victory, you must provide voters with a clear, unified set of goals which you will accomplish if elected. And you need to publicize it. Give it a name, and shout it from the hilltops to anyone who will listen. Otherwise, people like me are left to believe that Republicans only stand for Republicans getting elected—and that is not acceptable. I need to know that you stand for conservative principles and will deliver results, or I won’t come out to vote.
Therefore, I suggest the following statement. It’s not as conservative as what I would like, but it’s a start. Heck, maybe even the turncoats like John McCain and Olympia Snowe could sign on to this one. Call it whatever you like, but please, do something with it, or you will lose in November.
“We are Republicans. We stand for limited government, individual rights, free enterprise, and private property. We believe that the Constitution places much-needed restrictions on the size, scope, and powers of the federal government—and we intend to adhere to those restrictions.
If elected, we will work to accomplish the following goals:
(1)Reducing the federal budget deficit to zero. A household cannot spend more than it takes in, and the federal government should be no different. We will cut spending on welfare and other wasteful programs. We will not raise taxes.
(2)Reducing the national debt. Our national debt is the greatest theft in all of history. Our children and grandchildren should not be forced to pay for the cowardly, self-serving decisions made by today’s politicians. We will reform entitlement spending, cut discretionary spending, and promote policies which will grow our economy—and we will use the resulting surpluses to pay down the debt.
(3)Repealing Obamacare. The current healthcare “reform” legislation is an unconstitutional monstrosity that will destroy our healthcare system and cripple businesses. It will lead to rationed care and doctor shortages. We will repeal Obamacare—in its entirety—and replace it with a free market solution that leverages American ingenuity and free enterprise to reduce costs.
(4)Securing the border. The current administration has no interest in securing our southern border because they believe that illegal immigrants will become a permanent welfare class that can be counted upon to vote for Democrats. If elected, we will fund the construction of a robust, complete fence to seal the border with Mexico. We will increase the manning and funding for the Border Patrol, and force the President to deploy National Guard units to protect the border.
(5)Repealing regulations. Along with taxes, regulations are the biggest reason why our economy is currently stagnant. Businesses cannot grow, prosper, and hire new employees when they have to face hundreds of thousands of cumbersome, unnecessary regulations. We will curtail the power of regulatory agencies and begin repealing burdensome, unnecessary regulations.
(6)Restoring local control of education. Parents and local communities have a much better idea of what their children need than unelected bureaucrats in Washington. If elected, we will abolish the federal Department of Education and get the federal government out of the education industry—leaving education in the much more capable hands of states and local communities.
(7)Restoring the sovereignty of our states. The current system of federal tax revenues being distributed to states with “strings” attached is a perversion of our federalist system. The states should be truly independent. We will abolish federal mandates for states and eliminate federal subsidies to state budgets.
These are our goals. We will work tirelessly to accomplish them. If we ignore these principles, vote us out.”
That’s just a start. Follow it and you will win. Ignore it and you will lose.