Dear Sirs,
I would like to take a moment to share my feelings with you, regarding your broadcast of the VT Shooter's "manifesto."
Cho Seung-Hui was an evil and sick person. He sent that "manifesto" to NBC as part of his plan. After the shooting, his words would be heard across the nation.
And you played right into it and gave him what he wanted.
You willingly (and seemingly gleefully) made yourselves Cho's accomplice, in disseminating his words and images of hatred.
You were under no obligation, legal or otherwise to do differently. But simple morality should kept you from jumping into bed with a murderous and hateful psychopath, all for the "ratings" and "the scoop."
The worst thing you could have done to Cho, was to bury his words. Instead, you rewarded him. You paid him for his actions. Thirty Two bright, promising young students with futures ahead of them are dead. 32 families have been ripped apart. And you rewarded the murderer by giving him the attention, and the notoriety that he desired.
NBC, you have lost a viewer forever.