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Posted: 8/13/2011 11:56:19 PM EDT
so about 3 weeks ago my wife noticed a flea on my dog, and then we found a second one that same day. we had an exterminator come and spray the carpets for the fleas and washed our clothes and whatnot, as well as gave my dog another dose of his anti-flea meds.

tonight we were in bed and noticed the dog biting his butt again, and my wife examined him. we found another 4 or 5 fleas on him. so now we're washing our linens again and gave him a bath and more flea spray on his coat.

is this normal? what else can we do? my wife said the exterminators said it can take up to 4 weeks to kill all of the fleas in their life cycle.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:00:06 AM EDT
Go to your local pet store and buy a month's worth of flea and tick treatment. The oil you buy in little packets, applied in between the shoulder blades, is what I would do.

At least it ain't abcessed anal glands, for the second month in a row. At $119 per treatment, the free pup in my avatar is costing me far too much.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:00:22 AM EDT
What flea control are you using?
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:05:16 AM EDT
What flea control are you using?

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:06:34 AM EDT
Go to your local pet store and buy a month's worth of flea and tick treatment. The oil you buy in little packets, applied in between the shoulder blades, is what I would do.

At least it ain't abcessed anal glands, for the second month in a row. At $119 per treatment, the free pup in my avatar is costing me far too much.  

he gets monthly frontline every month. its the oil that goes between the shoulder blades.

as to how he got it in the first place, a friend of mine who is a vet said that this year has been notably bad with fleas, and to start giving the dose every 3 weeks instead of 4 weeks.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:08:13 AM EDT



What flea control are you using?


Fleas have been especially bad this year (atleast around these parts)

Everyone I know has had issues.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:22:56 AM EDT
spray the yard down.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:29:02 AM EDT
spray the yard down.

I live in an apt
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:33:46 AM EDT
Comfortis works well. You can get it a the Vet. It is a chewable tablet. Kills the fleas as they bite the dog.

For a quick kill try Adams flea spray. Adams wont kill the eggs but it kills fleas on conact, and it smells good.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 1:18:30 AM EDT
my brother runs our family's pest control business, he said that the best thing to do is vacuum the house just before the pest control guys arrive, supposedly the noise from the vacuum causes the eggs to hatch. He sprayed my yard three times this year and I finished cutting the yard as he pulled up to spray it two weeks ago, since then I have not noticed them on any of my dogs. Also, you may want to have pest guys add an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) to their spray. This will cause the fleas that do hatch from eggs to not be able to reach maturity and reproduce, so shortly your problem will be gone.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 1:27:37 AM EDT


3 oz to the gallon.  2 oz if it's a young pup.  Do not use on pups < 12 weeks old.
Mix with warm water.
Wet the dog down with water.  Let him shake it off.  Apply with nozzle starting around the neck, down the back and tail.  Do the shoulders , sides and flanks.  Roll the dog over and do the belly and pits.
Let dry.
I do it with the nozzle against the skin, under the undercoat.

Use the excess on the kennel.

Repeat in a month.

Do not use this on cats.

Okie flea dip makes for happy, itch free dogs!

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 1:46:00 AM EDT
Fleas, your dog does not get fleas, it's entire living area gets fleas.

You need to flea dip / wash the dog, then you need to apply flea killer to EVERY PLACE the dog has been.

You don't do this once, you have to do it repeatedly.

You need to kill the adult fleas, the flea eggs and the flea larvae.

You kill the adult fleas, but don't follow up then you get fleas again when the larvae develop and when the eggs hatch.

You're looking at flea control for at least two months.

You live in an apartment?

If your neighbors pets have fleas you're fucked until your neighbors control their pets fleas.

Google has a lot of great info on how to kill fleas and control the problem.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 3:11:50 AM EDT
Comfortis works well. You can get it a the Vet. It is a chewable tablet. Kills the fleas as they bite the dog.

For a quick kill try Adams flea spray. Adams wont kill the eggs but it kills fleas on conact, and it smells good.

My fiance has a black lab and was using front line. The fleas are building a resistance to it. The Vet had her get Comfortis and it has been AMAZING. That should do the trick on your dog...not sure about the house!
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 3:15:14 AM EDT


Comfortis works well. You can get it a the Vet. It is a chewable tablet. Kills the fleas as they bite the dog.

For a quick kill try Adams flea spray. Adams wont kill the eggs but it kills fleas on conact, and it smells good.

Isn't Comfortis the pill that kills fleas within 40 minutes?  I thought that was a godsend, until I asked my vet about it...it only works for 24 hours.  Which would explain why they give it to animals with fleas that come in for vet services.

Big, fat +1 on fleas being uber-bad this year.  My vet has been telling me the same thing.  We've never had a problem with our dogs in the past.  6 years without a single flea.  This year, we can NOT keep the fleas off the dogs.  Advantix II treatment monthly, washing the bedding, I've sprayed the yard with liquid spray, treated it with the granules, etc.  It just appears to be an impossible battle this year.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 3:21:41 AM EDT


3 oz to the gallon.  2 oz if it's a young pup.  Do not use on pups < 12 weeks old.

Mix with warm water.

Wet the dog down with water.  Let him shake it off.  Apply with nozzle starting around the neck, down the back and tail.  Do the shoulders , sides and flanks.  Roll the dog over and do the belly and pits.

Let dry.

I do it with the nozzle against the skin, under the undercoat.

Use the excess on the kennel.

Repeat in a month.

Do not use this on cats.

Okie flea dip makes for happy, itch free dogs!

We gave our dogs a bath with this:

Waited two days, and then applied our monthly Advantix.  We thought the dip would nuke the existing fleas (which it did), and the Advantix would keep new ones off / away / dead.  Within a week, our flea problem was back.  Speaking with my vet, she said I may have shot myself in the foot.  According to her, not many people do "dips" anymore, because there are better (longer lasting, etc) products on the market.  According to her, the dips coat the hair / skin with a residual layer that lasts for a few days to a week.  This layer serves as an inhibitor for the Advantix, so the Advantix cannot soak into the skin and get distributed via the skin oils.

She suggested I wait another week or so for the dip to wear off, then re-apply the Advantix.  I followed her suggestion, and the results were much better.  

FWIW, she said the Advantix has a flea killer that remains active for nearly a month, but the flea repellent ingredient only works for 2 weeks or so.  She said re-applying every 3 weeks should be fine.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 3:22:45 AM EDT


My fiance has a black lab and was using front line. The fleas are building a resistance to it. The Vet had her get Comfortis and it has been AMAZING. That should do the trick on your dog...not sure about the house!

Our dogs have used Frontline since '06.  This year, it just seemed to be completely ineffective.  Our vet stated that she was running into this with a -lot- of the Frontline users.  As a result, she switched to Advantix, and I must say, it is working much better.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 4:04:41 AM EDT
I have heard good things about comfortis.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 4:16:16 AM EDT
Adams flea and tick shampoo followed with Frontline. It's what I've used on my dog for the last 6-7 years and it works. I'm doing Frontline every other month. I've always used Adams products. Also don't let your dog around other dogs. Are you the one bringing the fleas in from another source?

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 4:30:44 AM EDT
K9 Advantix.  
I've used it on my dog since she was old enough, three years ago, and I've never found a single flea.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 4:44:08 AM EDT
Try Comfortis for a few months.  Upon initial ingestion of the pill, you will see dead fleas dropping off the dog.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 4:53:40 AM EDT
Revolution is absolutely the best topical flea, tick, tapeworm, ringworm, earmite product we've used for our pets.  

We'd used Frontline for years but it became ineffective so our vet switched us to Revolution.

Link:  http://www.revolutionpet.com/revolutionpet.aspx


It starts working immediately.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 5:09:35 AM EDT
Oh, and don't forget, after you have eliminated the fleas, you must get the 2 doses of anti tape worm meds from your Vet. Fleas carry tapes to your dog. :(
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 5:23:01 AM EDT



3 oz to the gallon.  2 oz if it's a young pup.  Do not use on pups < 12 weeks old.
Mix with warm water.
Wet the dog down with water.  Let him shake it off.  Apply with nozzle starting around the neck, down the back and tail.  Do the shoulders , sides and flanks.  Roll the dog over and do the belly and pits.
Let dry.
I do it with the nozzle against the skin, under the undercoat.

Use the excess on the kennel.

Repeat in a month.

Do not use this on cats.

Okie flea dip makes for happy, itch free dogs!


Fleas can be tough to control and this is the only sure-fire method I've found to get rid of them totally. I tell people to do this and they give me thelook.
Pine needle and cedar bedding helps, but cedar messes with their ability to smell. Spraying kennels with bleach helps. Once you get them under control, it gets easier.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 6:20:04 AM EDT
Frontline works by inhibiting flea reproduction. Once the current ones die off, the eggs still hatch and those neutered fleas gotta die off too. The bigger problem may be the fact that around your apartment there are living, fertile fleas that keep jumping onto your dog even if the meds are working. You gotta kill source.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 7:36:49 AM EDT
What flea control are you using?


Well there's part of your problem

Fleas have to bite multiple times for Frontlint to start killing them off

Take your dog to the vet and ask about comfortis or Trifexis. Both kill the fleas in one bite, last a month, and start working immediately

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 7:43:22 AM EDT
Go to your local pet store and buy a month's worth of flea and tick treatment. The oil you buy in little packets, applied in between the shoulder blades, is what I would do.

At least it ain't abcessed anal glands, for the second month in a row. At $119 per treatment, the free pup in my avatar is costing me far too much.  

You can home treat them for almost nothing. One of my dogs got a nasty abscessed anal glad, it was about the size of a quarter (8lb dog so it looked HUGE). After some research we found that a butt soak in fairly warm epsom salt water will open it up allowing it to discharge on its own. After 5 min of having him sit in a tub of the water it released, it was nasty as hell but a 5-10 min soak 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks healed it 100% with no vet bills and a year later he's still healthy and fine.

Also, to prevent it from happeneing again try adding some dry oatmeal into his food. The main reason the glads get abscessed is modern food dosen't make thier poop firm enough. Those glads are meant to secrete when they poop. If the poop is too soft it wont put enough side pressure on the gland opening alloing it to squirt out, it then builds up and becomess abscessed. After our incident all 3 dogs get dry oatmeal in thier food once a day, it does the same thing it does for humans, just provides fiber to firm the stool up. Metamucel is supposed to work also but the oatmeal is super cheap insurance. If your puppy has loose poop or diahrea semi often I can almost 100% guanrantee adding the fiber into his diet will stop the gland problem.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 7:51:25 AM EDT
We've had our dog for 4 years now and never had any issues with fleas until this year.

We've found a few on her and only have found 1 around the house.
Again we've never had an issue before.

We haven't seen any on her in a few weeks but she seems itchy still.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 7:52:18 AM EDT
maybe you're giving him fleas?
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:04:25 AM EDT
have you sprayed the lawn?
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:16:42 AM EDT
We always used the flea and tick treatments like Revolution, frontline, etc. I switched to the cheaper heartz and walmart brands and they still worked great. The expensive ones require vet visits and perscriptions due to the heartworm treatment. The over the counter meds run $14 to $20 for 3 months. Even if your house has fleas, you put this on the dogs and the fleas will jump on them and die.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:20:28 AM EDT


Comfortis works well. You can get it a the Vet. It is a chewable tablet. Kills the fleas as they bite the dog.

For a quick kill try Adams flea spray. Adams wont kill the eggs but it kills fleas on conact, and it smells good.

Isn't Comfortis the pill that kills fleas within 40 minutes?  I thought that was a godsend, until I asked my vet about it...it only works for 24 hours.  Which would explain why they give it to animals with fleas that come in for vet services.

Big, fat +1 on fleas being uber-bad this year.  My vet has been telling me the same thing.  We've never had a problem with our dogs in the past.  6 years without a single flea.  This year, we can NOT keep the fleas off the dogs.  Advantix II treatment monthly, washing the bedding, I've sprayed the yard with liquid spray, treated it with the granules, etc.  It just appears to be an impossible battle this year.


Comfortis works for a month or more. You're thinking about Capstar, it only works for 24 hours. We give that to the cats (3 cats) to get ride of fleas.

We used Comfortis on our dogs (we have four dogs now) for well over three years now. Have not found a flea on one of the dogs or in the house!!

After the fist 3 or 4 months of the taking it they weren't getting any fleas so we started skipping a month or two beteewn doses. Still no fleas.

Now we just keep the pills on hand and give them one if we see a flea. Still haven't seen any.

My son just moved in with his dog (fourth dog in the house). We gave him a Comfortis pill to give his dog a few days before he moved in.

Haven't see one flea on her.

Comfortis is the way to go. It costs a little more, but it WORKS!!!!

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:21:34 AM EDT
Wash him in Dawn dish soap to kill fleas instantly.  Then treat him with the meds.  Also put water in a bowl with Dawn dish soap around the house and the fleas will hop in and die.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:26:31 AM EDT
Our new dog was infested the only thing that worked was the comfortis.We could see dead fleas within an hour.It has worked very well.Also as everyone has stated the vet said this year has been one of the worst years he has seen for fleas.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:28:56 AM EDT
Buy some Advantix II, apply per directions monthly. Flea problem solved.....

Note, Advantix is poisonous to cats, if you have those around go with Advantage.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:34:22 AM EDT

The shit works!
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:42:18 AM EDT



Comfortis works well. You can get it a the Vet. It is a chewable tablet. Kills the fleas as they bite the dog.

For a quick kill try Adams flea spray. Adams wont kill the eggs but it kills fleas on conact, and it smells good.

Isn't Comfortis the pill that kills fleas within 40 minutes? I thought that was a godsend, until I asked my vet about it...it only works for 24 hours. Which would explain why they give it to animals with fleas that come in for vet services.

Big, fat +1 on fleas being uber-bad this year. My vet has been telling me the same thing. We've never had a problem with our dogs in the past. 6 years without a single flea. This year, we can NOT keep the fleas off the dogs. Advantix II treatment monthly, washing the bedding, I've sprayed the yard with liquid spray, treated it with the granules, etc. It just appears to be an impossible battle this year.

Comfortis lasts 30 days. It starts to work in about 30 minutes.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:45:09 AM EDT
if you live in a house, and have squirrels in your yard, i guarantee you they are bringing fleas to your dogs.  squirrels are notorious flea bags.  i kill every one i see in my yard and my brother's yard.  

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:50:22 AM EDT
The flea pills are amazing. We used them on the cat, and the fleas literally fell off within an hour in the carrier, never to return.

I can't remember what brand, but as far as I know, it's the only flea pill on the market.
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