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Posted: 4/27/2001 8:56:25 AM EDT
Unfortunately I was in Texas when the new law came into effect, So the weapon of choice for this Native California Boy is going to the mini-14 and I will leave the AR(coming soon) in Texas. I love California but some things are being done for pure political gain, not compassion for the people.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 9:00:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 9:04:51 AM EDT
sad but true- the mini- m1 garand, m1 carbine and m1a 'muzzle breaked' are pretty much all your choices.  geez when i think back to the late 80's and all the cool stuff that used to be on the walls of the gun shops ........personally i'd do the m1a but your choice.

i way overspent on my meager gun budget before the ban and am still paying for the spending spree.  and there are times that i think i have too much (5 ar's) - but then i realize this is most likely it for ever!!  then it doesn't seem so bad.

steve (and sasquatch)
"i feel your pain"
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 9:08:18 AM EDT
California legal M1A is the way to go.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 10:32:19 AM EDT
In CA the absolute best option is the M1A.

Gripless FAL is another option, but inconvenient.

Does anyone know why DOJ won't allow Beretta BM-59s'? I know they were outlawed in the first ban, but why?
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 10:33:34 AM EDT
Don't worry all of the mentioned guns and more will be included in an updated SB23 list.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 3:47:34 PM EDT
I own 2 Mini-14's, one had to be registered (SB-23) due to flash hider.  So it has a pistol grip on it...  but I have two pistol grips (the other was SB23 as well, but I "un-modified" it back to the original stock).  So now if the SHTF, I've got a rifle that is .223, with a little less accuracy, but it's still quite workable.

Taking them to the range, and pointing out that they are the same rifle, completing the same job, and that you can't do anything more with one than the other... well, it's downright fun to show that to the former anti-gunners!

Remember that every Saturday is take a friend to the range day!
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 3:59:25 PM EDT
Some Friendly Advice


4. Buy a case of AMMO every month [:D]

Link Posted: 4/27/2001 4:05:43 PM EDT
Isn't the SKS, with fixed mag, still available?

I just acquired one, and i really like mine. Ammo is dirt cheap, no ban on stripper clips yet, and down right dependable.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 4:22:15 PM EDT
SKS with fixed 10 rd mag only!

No fixed 20rd, no detachable mags.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 5:39:08 PM EDT
Wait til you see your selection when it comes to handguns.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 5:41:14 PM EDT
Red Ryder
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