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Posted: 10/10/2005 9:48:14 PM EDT
Had my boys this weekend and realized just how much my older son pays attention.

He askes me quesations about how they fight in real life so he can play with his action figures correctly.

Anyway I walk to his room and hear
" 4 man move, 2 man move, 3 man move, 1 man move."

I look in and he had his dudes IMTing across the floor.

Shoot Move Communicate. He even told me what they were doing then asked if it was correct. He pretty much was dead on from what I can remember. I told he should use the other dudes with the m240 to cover their movement and he did that.

The Paratrooper action figure is me he says, the VN era Marine is my Dad the WWII guy is his Great Grandpa, the other one is himself. Thats what he told me.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 9:35:46 AM EDT
That has to make you proud.  
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 10:44:17 AM EDT
That Brought a tear to my eye. I remember when I used to do that, but I had no one to name the figures, so I made up names.
Link Posted: 10/13/2005 12:07:47 AM EDT
A kid who actually cares about and appreciates tactics! You are a lucky man indeed!
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