User Panel
Posted: 4/19/2007 6:10:58 PM EDT
In light of the VT shooting, I felt compelled to research my University's rules and ultimately to contact the Dean. Below are the transcripts of the emails so far. I will update them as I receive more.
Dean, I was shocked and disgusted as many of us were when I learned of the campus shooting at Virginia Tech. What sickened me more were the campus's rules pertaining to the legal carry of firearms by students and faculty. If even one of the other law abiding students or faculty members was allowed to defend themselves, the scope of the day's events would have been drastically different. Connecticut State Law says the following: "Penal Code, Sec. 53a-217b (a) A person is guilty of possession of a weapon on school grounds when, knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do so, he possesses a firearm or deadly weapon, as defined in section 53a-3, (1) in or on the real property comprising a public or private elementary or secondary school or (2) at a school-sponsored activity as defined in subsection (h) of section 10-233a." This statute clearly states that it is legal for licensed individuals to possess concealed weapons on school grounds. I have searched high and low for a UCONN rule pertaining to this and have only found two restrictions. 1.) Firearms and other weapons are expressly forbidden from Residence Halls and On-Campus Housing. 2.) Faculty members regardless of position are expressly forbidden from possessing weapons. I have not found a statute as applies to students. Is there one? If so can you send me a link to the information? If UCONN does in fact have a rule prohibiting students, who are legally licensed and permitted to do so by the State, from concealing a firearm, I would like to express my GREAT dissatisfaction. The mere presence of a gun does not cause crime, especially when it is concealed, just as the presence of food does not make one fat, or the presence of a car cause an accident. The Connecticut Constitution states the following: "Article I: Section 15: Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state." If UCONN does not allow licensed students and faculty to defend themselves, they are not only stripping them of their Constitutional Rights, but are putting many at risk of great bodily harm. The UCONN Police are a fantastic organization and I have every faith in their commitment and dedication to defending students on this campus. But when a gunman walks into a classroom and starts shooting, there is not time to call 911 and wait the several minutes required for the police to show up. Thank you for taking the time to read what I had to say. I know you are a very busy person, but I hope you can get back to me about this very serious issue. Sincerely, Blue_Genes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue_Genes, Like most campuses (I don't know any where this isn't true, but there may be), UCONN clearly prohibits the presence of firearms of any kind on campus with the exception of our police officers. While I agree that in certain situations, a chance to defend oneself with a gun could make a difference, in many more cases guns would lead to violence and death that wouldn't otherwise happen. In my position, I see up close the results of fist fights and other assaults between angry and drunk students, and I can imagine that the availability of guns would greatly increase the chance that these fights would turn deadly. Additionally, the rate of depression among college students is significantly higher than the general population, but the rate of completed suicides is much lower among students than the general population. This is, in part, because college students have very limited access to lethal means of self-harm, and so tend to rely on less lethal methods like pills. If guns were more prevalent on campus, we would have more completed suicides. I'd encourage you to work toward better gun laws, including stricter background checks. That's where our system really failed us. The VA Tech gunman bought his guns with virtually no difficulty. Over a quarter of a million 9mm guns are manufactured each year in the US alone, and the gun lobby is committed to making it easy to get them. This puts us all at risk. Thanks very much for writing. Take care, Dean ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dean, Thank you for taking the time to return my email. You mentioned that "UCONN clearly prohibits the presence of firearms of any kind on campus". Can you please direct me to where this rule is posted? I searched all over the website and could not find the statute you refer to. I respect your opinion and your authority, but I could not disagree more. The fear of a firearm's presence is a widely held, but unwarranted one. My Sociology professor brought up the same argument you just have. "Can you imagine if everyone on campus had a gun?", she said "Can you imagine what fights could escalate to?". Ms. Williams, what you need to take into account is that we are all adults in this community. We do not all own firearms nor will any significant portion of our community do so. You also need to realize that allowing LEGAL concealed carry of personal defense weapons does not play into the scenario you envision. Adults who choose to concealed carry a firearm in Connecticut must go through a series of things to weed out anyone who would be considered a threat or a danger. Applicants must be 21 years of age, pass local, state, and federal background checks, must have their local law enforcement deputy sign off, and are required to pass safety courses. The people who will go through this process are level headed and responsible individuals only looking to protect themselves. If two people get into a fight, the presence of a firearm does not greatly increase the chance of deaths as you predict. To kill a person requires a special and deviant mind set. The VT shooting is a perfect example of this. There is a book in my room. I do not want to read it one bit. Just because it is there, it does not mean I will read it. I need to WANT to read it. This applies just the same to murder. Killing is not a natural thing to do. There is no evidence to suggest that the presence of a firearm will equal a death just as there is no evidence to suggest that the presence of car will equal an accident. It is unfortunate that depression is so wide spread on college campuses. I fail however to see the merits of your argument that the presence of guns will lead to more successful suicides. Again, the only people that would be allowed to possess firearms would be those legally licensed to do so. Your intentions are good, but your are directing your attack at an inanimate object and not the real problem. The problem with the VT shooting was not the availability of a weapon, any thug can find a gun on the streets if they wanted, but the psychotic behavior of the individual. The gun would not have leaped out of the store and murdered those 32 innocent people, the shooter did that. The real problem seems to be depression itself. If this is such an issue on campus, why are this universities resources directed toward the prohibition of firearms and not the real problem: the student's depression. I fear that there is nothing I can say or do that would sway you from your opinions, and I fear that much of the university's staff are comprised of like minded individuals. I seek nothing but the safety of myself and everyone else on this campus. I know that your policies are not making us safer and only exposing us to potential harm. I do urge you to put aside your biases, research and think hard about what I have to say and to reconsider this university's dangerous policy. Thank you, Blue_Genes --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4/20 Update: Blue Genes, The prohibition of firearms is addressed in the Student Code of Conduct and the Housing Contract, both of which are in keeping with state law regarding the carrying of firearms in public buildings, including schools. You're wrong about the ability of my mind to be changed. My mind can be changed by thoughtful argument backed up with compelling evidence. I've heard and seen none of this with regard to the availability of weapons. I have now, and have had in the past, jobs that brought me into contact with unstable and very angry people, and on many occasions I have been glad they did not have weapons within reach. I wouldn't support anything that would potentially increase that likelihood. And for the record, a significant expenditure of resources on this campus ARE directed toward dealing with student depression. Virtually no resources are directed toward the prohibition of firearms, save the ink our rules are written with, and violations recorded with. If you're interested in improving safety on campus, one way to do that is to learn about the Americans with Disabilities Act, federal legislation that prohibits us from removing from campus students (and staff) who have demonstrated erratic and frightening behavior that falls short of actual, overt, clear threats. This is a significant part of what happened at VA Tech, and truly handcuffs the authority of people in positions like mine to swiftly address troubled students' behavior in a way that might increase safety. A concerted effort by citizens to push for legislation that recodifies the ADA and allows us to respond to safety concerns would be of tremendous benefit to our campuses. Thanks for writing. Take care, Dean |
I wish you luck, but feel your efforts are akin to holding your breath underwater; some people respond to logic, the rest are "liberals".
I think you are a rare bird at UCONN . I think you have writen a great letter and an even better rebuttal .You have also put an target on your back , so watch it !!!
I lived in CT for 20 years , did a lot of roofing work around UCONN . About the time when you were just a gleam in your daddys eye !! I used to carry a Browning Supperposed to High School ( Rockville ) on the BUS . Try that now . Everybody had a Buck 110 on their belt . Those were the days . The gun laws were not as bad as they are now . I cant move back , I would have to sell 99% of the firearms I own . They call Connecticut the "Constitution State" ass . Good luck in your fight . |
Soon, as a result of your efforts, you will find that specific prohibition against students carrying on campus.
You read the rules. It wasn't there. You were good to go. Now you won't be. |
Never point out loopholes that work in your favor.
Simple rebuttal: Laws and rules only work on those who are inclined to obey them. How many laws and rules did Mr. Cho intentionally violate? And how could any of them have stopped him or anyone else who had determined that he didn't care about the legal consequences of his actions? How can a law stop someone on a suicide mission? It can NEVER do that. Laws aren't barriers. They prevent NOTHING except by the threat of punishment, and if the threat of punishment is no deterrent to someone, the law is utterly useless and only a fool would think otherwise. The problem with gun control is that those who intend to commit crimes, or who are insane, are going to just ignore those pesky gun control laws. Which does make them quite useless. CJ |
Funny, i was thinking of writing the same thing to my dean after the "Emergency Preparedness Plan" was emailed to the student body.
Let me know how it turns out. |
"To kill a person requires a special and deviant mind set."
I'm sure you meant murder a person? |
I thought it was a good letter. I went to UVSC....I carried there all the time, as did MANY people I know. I have since become somewhat lax in with carrying, but since Trolley Square and VT and other events I now carry all of the time again.
Listened to the radio the other day and they were saying that a year or so before the shooting there was an attempt at a similar massicar (sp) at Appalasion state (I think that was the name) The murder killed the professor, then 2 people with concealed carry stopped and held the man at bay until the cops showed up.
Not the mention how the states house tried to pass a law allowing concealed carry in schools mere months before the other days tragedy. |
Good job is keeping things rational, and showing that you are a level headed person who wants to protect themselves and not a "gun nut". Keep that attitude, even when he turns you down flat.
Have you informed the Dean that you posting what he might believe to be private emails on a public internet forum? |
Good Point. |
Your Dean seems to have the liberal anti-gun mindset ingrained in him quite solidly. Not surprisingly.
Sorry man, you're wasting your time. |
I think you'll find:
liberals = appeal to emotion or opinion everyone else (republicans, gun owners, etc?) = appeal to logic |
bet you dont get a reply to that second email...
im sure the dean has a means of defense incase a VT situation happens on his campus... screw the students though, afterall he knows whats best for them. btw i hate that fistfight annalogy, it is complete and utter horse shit as CHL holders would have already been shooting people because of a light skirmish. |
No flame intended, but as the dean of UCONN, a public university, he should not expect any privacy when communicating with students, parents, professors, etc. |
tag for response (if the dean hasn't already crapped his pants and realized he's lost).
ETA: Didn't read carefully enough to realize UCONN has no anti-CCW policy. Why did you bring this to his attention?!?!?! I assumed you were writing these emails to attack an existing policy, not bring attention to a lack thereof. You should've just carried quietly. Owell. |
Well said, eswanson!!!! I will be heading to CT soon enough, and am thankful that Brainiac here doesn't attend the University that I'll be studying at (though, I'm sure they already have a policy in place). Blue_Genes, you are the kind of person who would as the Drill Sergeant or the Ranger Instructor whether or not you and your fellow students were allowed to have a certain, current-unbanned piece of Gucci-gear. The universal response to that question is "No, Ranger, you can't have that, put it in your amnesty bag!" All of your fellow students should thank you for bringing this oversight of Big Brother to His attention. |
private emails
honest politician girls who are single, make good sammiches, clean house, and are good in bed See the common thread? They don't exist. |
Sure - in principle that is absolutely correct. My point is that there's a difference between ALLOWING someone to think you are having a private conversation, while broadcasting it to the world behind, and actually making him aware of it up front. In my opinion, one is disingenuous, and the other is not. |
true.. nothing in email should ever be considered private. |
This pisses me off so much, I have deleted what I have been typing the last 10 mins and am going to sleep. GLOCK 19 BY MY SIDE AND ALL. OH NO!
In addition to my grand experiment of putting up pro-gun posters and political cartoons around my campus, I'm thinking a letter to the university president, a copy of which will be forwarded to the campus newspaper, concerning allowing CCW holders to carry on campus, would be appropriate. I'm also planning on printing out pamphlets concerning the truth about crime, terrorism, and gun control.
I'd tell that guy that for my 10-25k annually I'd be thanking him to provide me with a written statement of variance to possess such a firearm. Tell him you will gladly provide him with a similar note restricting yourself from drinking alcohol or commiting suicide or perpetrating a crime. If he won't do that, ask him to enter the university in a legally binding contract guaranteeing your safety and obligating the University to civil suit for damages/indemnity in the event that the university defaults on such an agreement. |
I hear this argument come up all the time but have yet to see any examples of CCWs going nuts any blasting everyone in sight. It really pisses me off that these people disarm responsible people and put them at the mercy of someone like Cho based only on "Feelings" and Scenarios that are not based on facts. |
I do not advocate breaking the law, but if the only thing that kept me from possession of a gun was a campus rule, well, screw that. I'd rather be alive and expelled than have my melon opened by a kid with a chip on his shoulder.
Mention this little fact to them.
I applaud you taking the time to try to educate the dean, but be careful. Do not assume that he will act with integrity. It is obvious from his response that his loyalty lies with his liberal ideology. You are making a dangerous assumption if you think he actually cares about student's self defense options.
Also you are cheating yourself, and other CCW minded people of any possible loophole that may have existed. If you wanted to raise the Deans awareness, you should have asked about starting an official "Campus Undercover Deputy Certification Program" or some such. My advice: do what you need to do to stay safe and graduate, then work hard so that you can be in the position to one day make policy. Never assume that Libs will play fair. It is all about power. Right now he has it, and you don't. He would rather see you die, than share it. |
Got that right. |
all the statistics you need to shut down any anti-gun argument
read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this has every statistic you need to support your rights. it can shut down any anti-gun argument. I promise you. |
You say that as if it's so easy, but as someone who thought this way until he got his handgun "confiscated" I say it was stolen, during a surprise room inspection that is against even his own universities rules, and almost got kicked out of school, and lost my commission int he United States Army, no, I do not think it was worth it at all. On that note, here is what the president of my university put out two days ago in response to the VT shooting. I currently attend Norwich University, the Military College of Vermont, one of the big 4 private military academies and the oldest private military college in the nation which is located in a state with probably the most liberal gun laws (Vermont carry anyone?) in the nation. TO: University Community FROM: Richard W. Schneider, President DATE: April 18, 2007 I know all of you join with me in sending our condolences and sympathies to the students, faculty, staff, and parents of Virginia Tech, who suffered such incredible losses on Monday. Virginia Tech is one of the six senior military colleges of the United States, along with Norwich. Many in our University community have friends and colleagues who are members of their community. This hits us all. This tragedy certainly makes us all mindful of the necessity for campus security and how important it is that we watch out for each other. In an effort to provide an opportunity for the healing to begin, Reverend Wick, our University Chaplain, is scheduling a time of remembrance and reflection to be held in White Chapel from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, April 20 for those lost and wounded at Virginia Tech. You may remember that last fall we implemented a campus lockdown when one of our students received a threat from a resident in central Vermont. Although we received some criticism because people thought we overreacted, I felt at the time, and now am even more convinced that we made the right decision. I have charged Mr. Magida, the University's Chief Administrative Officer, with reviewing our emergency planning, to update our plan with any lessons learned from the Virginia Tech tragedy, and to continue to work with local and state law enforcement and emergency preparedness offices to ensure we have the very best plans in place. Thankfully, we are a small campus. I want to remind everyone that for now, in the event of an emergency on our campus, we will use existing online communications via CLiC, as well as e-mail to all faculty, staff, and students, and voice mail messaging to all faculty and staff. We will explore other options and implement them where appropriate. I wish to remind everyone that no weapons are authorized on our campus or on university property. If someone has direct knowledge of anyone with a weapon on campus, please contact the Commandant's Office or the Dean of Student's Office immediately. If anyone has a weapon, they should immediately remove it from campus and/or turn it into the Commandant's Office for safe keeping until such time as it can be removed. For the next two days, ending at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 20, 2007, anyone who turns in a weapon or removes it from campus will not be punished for violating University regulations. Working together, we can begin the process to recover from the Virginia Tech tragedy and can make our campus safer for all of us. For those of you who might need some additional help dealing with these current events, I urge you to take full advantage of the counseling and support services offered throughout the University. |
I like the part in the Dean's response about the high rates of depression.
If you can't handle school you've got some problems. What does he think you can only commit suicide by a gun? You can't kill yourself or someone else with a knife, blunt instrument, a vehicle or alcohol... Your Dean needs to get a clue. |
What sort of 'private correspondence' would a Dean of a public university have regarding policy discussions with a student? All such email is an available public record. |
Thanks for all of the responses to this. I will certainly keep you updated if I ever receive a response.
I was only able to find the same information that you just posted. There is NO clear ruling against the possession of firearms on campus by legally able students. While my intention was to clarify this and learn about the real rules, I am afraid all that I have done was bring a loophole into the light. I think because of the ambiguity of the current campus rules and the State law, any person found to have a legal concealed weapon would have a strong case against the University. |
Have a lawyer draw up a statement saying that since you are not allowed to protect yourself,the campus administration will be held liable for any harm that may come to you.
A university is not a school. From Wikipedia" Secondary school is a term used to describe an institution where the final stage of compulsory schooling, known as secondary education, takes place. It follows on from primary or elementary education. There are many different types of secondary school and the terminology used varies around the world. "
Now you are onto something. If they can not provide you with book, line and verse of where it is against their rules to have weapons in other parts of campus.
As you have not provided me book, line and verse; and as I believe your rules are unconstitutional, I have retained legal representation. My lawyer will be serving papers on the university seeking damages. Keep it focused. Do not fall into the trap of talking about depression, or fist fights, or potential issues. You have asked a question get the answer. |
Prediction: the OP will now be a "person of interest" who is now "known to the police". Expect scrutiny, at the very least, if not a dorm room search. |
If the Dean wants it off record he should ask. Do you think he didn't write that letter, in this climate, knowing full well it would be read more broadly than just the intended recipient? |
tagged for this link!! [need to verbally spar with libtard coworkers!] |
I just updated the first post with the Dean's second response.
The Dean stated that "The prohibition of firearms is addressed in the Student Code of Conduct and the Housing Contract, both of which are in keeping with state law regarding the carrying of firearms in public buildings, including schools." While the Housing Contract clearly prohibits the use or possession of firearms, the Student Code says the following: "Use, possession, or distribution of firearms, other weapons, fireworks, explosives, or dangerous chemicals except as expressly permitted by law and University regulations." The Law says it's legal. The University Regulations only pertain to faculty members. I am not going to bring this to the attention of the Dean. I have yet to decide how I will approach this and if I will write another letter. From all I can tell, and since the Dean has failed twice to give me a quote or direct link to the "clearly stated" rules, CCW on this campus is legal. Any attempt to remove a student from campus or to expel them would be an attack on that student's rights. |
This dean is a shining example of the sheeple/liberal mindset. "We need more government laws to protect us because if we are allowed to protect ourselves, bad people might continue doing what they are already doing."
Good work, dude. If you do decide to write a letter, may I humbly suggest that you remind the distinguished Dean that the Supreme Court of the United States declared in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School Dist., 393 U.S. 503, 506 (1969) that students do not "shed their constitutional rights…at the schoolhouse gate." Perhaps if you include that quote, he'll be forced to address whether or not he thinks Constitutional rights are suddenly invalidated simple because you're on a college campus. Justin |
Studies in Texas and Florida have show (1) concealed carry is REDUCING crime, not causing it to increase, and (2) CCW licencees are MORE law abiding, on average, than teh general populace.
Explain to your dean that NO ONE is advocating free guns for all. Explain to him that you are only asking the STATE funded university to allow what Conneticut state law allows - that persons over 21 yrs, who have had a Fed background check, a local LEO chec k, a mental health check, that are trained in the lawful application of deadly force and firearms useage be allowed to defend themselves. Explain to him that laws against having guns almost NEVER actually stop people from having guns. Explain to him there is no such thing as "gun free zones." Only "unopposed murderer zones." Explain to him how at another campus just a few miles from Va Tech , armed STUDENTS stopped a killer. Comapratively, unarmed students were slaughtered at Va Tech. Good luck, my friend. I applaud your efforts. Remember - you may not succeed today. But if you do your part, there is a better chance someone else will succeed in teh future. Maybe, just maybe, when these scared, patheric liberals see the obvious truth that there is no such thing as a "gun free zone" (read: enuf people have died due to their stupidity) they'll see the light. |
"My mind can be
changed by thoughtful argument backed up with compelling evidence." Here is some-,0,4514008.story?track=ntothtml |
Be careful in further correspondence with the dean. The last reply already has a hint of emotion laced into it. He/she is starting to resent having logic used as an arguing to against him.
Thank you for all of your support and thoughts. I think my next move will be mobilization of the College Republicans. I may write a few opinion pieces for the papers here, but there is only one week of classes left. While I would prefer to strike while the issue is all over the news, this may need to be a next semester campaign.
Maybe I should suggest a poll on our student website? I hear those ARFCOM firemissions do wonders. I think the most important thing is to educate as many people as I can. I have personally turned the opinions of half the people on my floor, most of which were just ignorant to the facts and scared about nothing. It may be a liberal campus with liberal administrators, but all hope isn't lost on students. |
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