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Posted: 12/19/2016 6:30:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 6:37:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 6:43:01 PM EDT
What a disappointment.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 6:45:17 PM EDT
Now there is a guy who doesn't give a single fuck anymore.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 6:49:21 PM EDT
Interviewer is to blame.

Day One:  Don't ask "yes / no" questions if you want detailed answers.  Duh.

Garbage in / Garbage out.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 6:53:11 PM EDT
He's cranky and needs a nap
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:00:49 PM EDT
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You're right of course.  Interviewer was a total twat.  Asks questions designed to put a 90 year old man down instead of looking for wisdom, reflection, nostalgia and the future path.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:03:58 PM EDT
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Interviewer is to blame.

Day One:  Don't ask "yes / no" questions if you want detailed answers.  Duh.

Garbage in / Garbage out.
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Interviewer asked some yes/no question, but also plenty of open ended questions. Lewis is a jerk.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:07:58 PM EDT
I love it!

Interviewer is the jackass here.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:11:30 PM EDT
Literally does not have time for this shit!
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:13:27 PM EDT
I loved it.

Old men rock, and THR is a liberal rag.

Pure win!

Way to go Mr. Lewis! 
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:14:12 PM EDT
He's 90 years old, he can do what he wants.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:17:39 PM EDT
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Interviewer is to blame.

Day One:  Don't ask "yes / no" questions if you want detailed answers.  Duh.

Garbage in / Garbage out.
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Guy asked plenty, JL was being a douche or is senile beyond belief.  Seemed more like a douche, didn't much appear to be senile.  

He can suck it, just say no to the interview.  That makes it much easier.  
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:17:50 PM EDT
That was awesome!  I could imagine the interviewer wondering "what the fuck did I do to deserve this?"

Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:19:14 PM EDT
I see time has not mellowed Jerry out. He is till a major asshole.. Interesting that he said working with Dean Martin was his favorite time in his career considering he killed the act...

Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:20:37 PM EDT
Is he still using TV interviews to shill for his spinal stimulator?
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:20:56 PM EDT
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He's 90 years old, he can do what he wants.
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Absolutely agree.  Doesn't make him any less a douche.  Interviewer could have been better but not as bad as being portrayed here.  JL was gonna do his grumpy schtick no matter how or what he asked.  You can see that by the answers given. 

He is entitled at age 90, but still a douche.  Decency doesn't get retired if your payday comes from public entertainment.  

Change him out with the latest douchey NFL player, everybody here would be beating the NFL player down.  
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:25:54 PM EDT
Reminds me of the interview of the Beastie Boys I saw several years ago. There were all a bunch of tools, gave one word answers, and just acted like they were too cool to be there.  Tools.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:27:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:29:54 PM EDT
Not funny then, not funny now. Amazing how that works. 
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:43:15 PM EDT
Say what you want about the man. He did a hell of a lot more charitable work than any other Hollywood type.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:46:39 PM EDT
Jerry Lewis on his split from Dean Martin - EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 7:56:44 PM EDT
After reading this I can't knock him for the interview...

In a December 2015 interview on EWTN's World Over with Raymond Arroyo, Lewis expressed opposition to the United States letting in Syrian refugees, saying "“No one has worked harder for the human condition than I have, but they’re not part of the human condition”. In the same interview, he criticized president Barack Obama for not being prepared for ISIL, while expressing support for Donald Trump, saying he would make a good president because he was a "showman". He also added that he admired Ronald Reagan's presidency.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:00:31 PM EDT
He might be an ass, but Jerry Lewis knows politics and foreign policy better than 90% of Americans...   listen to his comments about ISIS, Trump and Reagan. He did not skewer Obama like he could have , but he still took a nice little jab about him being inexperienced ...

Jerry Lewis Interview with Raymond Arroyo
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:01:38 PM EDT
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After reading this I can't knock him for the interview...

In a December 2015 interview on EWTN's World Over with Raymond Arroyo, Lewis expressed opposition to the United States letting in Syrian refugees, saying "“No one has worked harder for the human condition than I have, but they’re not part of the human condition”. In the same interview, he criticized president Barack Obama for not being prepared for ISIL, while expressing support for Donald Trump, saying he would make a good president because he was a "showman". He also added that he admired Ronald Reagan's presidency.
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I just linked the video of the interview .. its a good watch.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:05:06 PM EDT
Just because you have good political ideas doesn't excuse acting like a cunt.

He could have just not done the interview.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:06:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:07:28 PM EDT
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Just because you have good political ideas doesn't excuse acting like a cunt.

He could have just not done the interview.
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Its better than having bad political ideas and acting like a cunt...
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:10:01 PM EDT
I saw him years ago on Johnny Carson, Leno, or one of those shows.  Was always a fan until seeing him interviewed that night and showing what a liberal POS he really is.  Fuck him!
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:10:07 PM EDT
I thought he was dead?

Maybe that's just "Mandela Effect" going on.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:13:31 PM EDT
The interview on Isis was solid. I think his disgust in Hollywood and millennials is apparent.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:24:05 PM EDT
Would it change your mind if you knew Jerry used to be an accomplished sixgun shooter and quick-draw artist?  He and Sammy Davis Jr. both were.  He knows his way around a Colt single action.

And being 90- well, I gotta give the guy some slack just for being 90.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:31:17 PM EDT
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I love it!

Interviewer is the jackass here.
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Agreed.  Lewis was just responding appropriately.
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 8:31:54 PM EDT
always enjoyed his movies

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