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Posted: 2/13/2001 5:01:46 PM EDT
Hey guys,
  About a week or two ago, I posted some questions about obtaining an FFL. I then revealed I am only 18, and found out I cannot get a FFL. What if my dad were to get one? Would I be able to "run" the buisness? With him being the one responsible? I am seriously considering this oppurtunity to make a buisness profit. I would like to hear from some of you that own a Small shop. Is it worth it? What are some good tips to stay in the game? The nearest gun shop is about 20 miles away, and I like in between 3 cities which make up a population of about 120,000 people. How would someone check out the gun market, without diving into it? I could use all the suggestions/comments you guys can dish out. Thanks!

Link Posted: 2/13/2001 7:41:39 PM EDT
Don't quit your day job.

Don't want to rain on your parade but unless you are a spectacular salesman and can devote a tremendous amount of time to selling guns, your profits will be miniscule.  You won't lose money unless you buy inventory that you can't sell, but unless you have a formula for coaxing dollars out of people who would rather go to Wal Mart you will make just enough to cover your own gun purchases.

I had an FFL for three years.  I mostly sold to friends or (friends of friends) who knew the wholesale prices and just could not pry extra dollars out of their wallets.

That being said, it is not hard to get an FFL (at least in Louisiana) and if you are a collector of military rifles it is a good way to lower the costs on your expensive hobby.
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