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Posted: 10/24/2016 3:53:37 PM EDT



A Syrian refugee who claims social benefits in Germany with his
four wives and 22 children has sparked debates on social media, after
the German press brought his story into spotlight.

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man in question, Ghazia A. (the surname is not disclosed) fled Syria in
2015 and headed to Germany via Turkey, accompanied by his four wives
and 23 children.

Reacting to the case, a German financial manager released his
calculation of what the German state is paying to the entire family
annually. On the website of the Employers’ Association he estimated that
the refugees are getting roughly 360,000 Euro per year. There is no
official confirmation on the numbers yet.

"I am practically always on my way to be with my family – yet I would gladly like to work,”

the Syrian refugee told BILD. Back in his home country the man used to
earn enough money with his car sharing and car service business to cover
the expanses of his large family, the magazine said.

Link Posted: 10/24/2016 3:55:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 3:59:32 PM EDT
I'll bet we can find similar welfare rats here in the good old USA.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:00:19 PM EDT
why the fuck is this even a point of concern? damn, just damn, anyone who would object must be a jingoistic, anti muzzy, phobic, cultural centric, asshole of a racist to even mention this. Diversity, that is what will save our societies, our governments, our countries, our special unique cultures..........believe it.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:00:34 PM EDT
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I'll bet we can find similar welfare rats here in the good old USA.
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They won't be collecting that much.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:00:53 PM EDT
Any source not named RT?
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:02:01 PM EDT
So they're paying muslim immigrants to outbreed the native born German citizens?
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:02:18 PM EDT
Just give him 28 non-refundable one-way tickets to Damascus.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:03:24 PM EDT
WTF ???

[Now I will go read the article.]
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:06:56 PM EDT
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So they're paying muslim immigrants to outbreed the native born German citizens?
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isn't our own government attempting the same with us and immigrants from south of the border?
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:15:10 PM EDT
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isn't our own government attempting the same with us and immigrants from south of the border?
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So they're paying muslim immigrants to outbreed the native born German citizens?

isn't our own government attempting the same with us and immigrants from south of the border?

They're at least mostly catholics and arent completely incompatible with America.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:18:24 PM EDT
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They're at least mostly catholics and arent completely incompatible with America.
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So they're paying muslim immigrants to outbreed the native born German citizens?

isn't our own government attempting the same with us and immigrants from south of the border?

They're at least mostly catholics and arent completely incompatible with America.

if you discount that they come from almost exclusively socialist countries that is.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:20:50 PM EDT
You do realize, this is exactly why the Dems want to bring them here, right?

Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:21:36 PM EDT

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They're at least mostly catholics and arent completely incompatible with America.

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So they're paying muslim immigrants to outbreed the native born German citizens?

isn't our own government attempting the same with us and immigrants from south of the border?

They're at least mostly catholics and arent completely incompatible with America.

Do people still believe that nonsense?

Link Posted: 10/24/2016 5:18:39 PM EDT
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They're at least mostly catholics and arent completely incompatible with America.
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Stupidest thing I've read all day.

South America's default setting is socialism.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 5:23:21 PM EDT

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Do people still believe that nonsense?

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So they're paying muslim immigrants to outbreed the native born German citizens?

isn't our own government attempting the same with us and immigrants from south of the border?

They're at least mostly catholics and arent completely incompatible with America.

Do people still believe that nonsense?

It might be different where it is more populous

but we have lots around here and they really do not cause much trouble and for the most part are personable and easy to work with

However I have no illusions however for how they vote
They however have moved from meat packing to construction and as such they have been filling those jobs with African Muslims which do seem to cause more crime problems and seem to be actively hostile even in day to day interactions
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 5:28:45 PM EDT
If these crazy krauts continue this BS.......they could end up with a PM with questionable Islamic roots.  I'm glad we would never do anything that damn reckless in the USA.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 5:37:42 PM EDT
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Stupidest thing I've read all day.

South America's default setting is socialism.
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They're at least mostly catholics and arent completely incompatible with America.

Stupidest thing I've read all day.

South America's default setting is socialism.

Its their primary religion.  Christ comes after government to those who come here for the freebies.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 5:41:48 PM EDT
Cultural suicide on display.  Liberalism is a suicidal death cult.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 5:45:21 PM EDT
In before the swede shows up to tell us why it's a good thing.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 6:29:00 PM EDT
Coming to a city near you, soon, very, very soon.

Link Posted: 10/24/2016 6:37:24 PM EDT
Would be easier to do it without the wives and just go for straight identity theft.

I recall hearing that criminal gangs were making so much off tax fraud and other forms of ripping off the government they stopped most of their other activities
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 6:42:45 PM EDT
Maybe we could convince our welfare rats how much more generous they apparently are in Germany and get them to emigrate there.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 6:52:50 PM EDT
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So they're paying muslim immigrants to outbreed the native born German citizens?
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And using German tax dollars to fund their demise
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 8:10:30 PM EDT

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It might be different where it is more populous

but we have lots around here and they really do not cause much trouble and for the most part are personable and easy to work with

However I have no illusions however for how they vote

They however have moved from meat packing to construction and as such they have been filling those jobs with African Muslims which do seem to cause more crime problems and seem to be actively hostile even in day to day interactions

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So they're paying muslim immigrants to outbreed the native born German citizens?

isn't our own government attempting the same with us and immigrants from south of the border?

They're at least mostly catholics and arent completely incompatible with America.

Do people still believe that nonsense?

It might be different where it is more populous

but we have lots around here and they really do not cause much trouble and for the most part are personable and easy to work with

However I have no illusions however for how they vote

They however have moved from meat packing to construction and as such they have been filling those jobs with African Muslims which do seem to cause more crime problems and seem to be actively hostile even in day to day interactions

I spent 15 years working in a neighborhood that was predominantly Mexican and Central/South American. The welfare office in our district was packed... always. We passed it multiple times a day and it was always mobbed.

You'd see the same thing all the time, Mexican woman with huge pregnant belly, looked like a beer keg with a black wig on top, pushing a stroller, two or three little kids following behind her, walking in or walking out of Welfare.

And you knew, her old man was over on the main drag, shaping up for day labor jobs, getting paid cash. The local ER was the doctor's office - also always packed.

Maybe $700 a week off the books, plus welfare on 4 or 5 kids... not a bad life compared to living like peasant, dodging death squads in the 3rd World.  And all on our dime.

Of course, their kids went to school on our dime too. We had classes come visit the firehouse where not one kid in the class spoke English. One of the teachers had the balls once to tell us we really needed to learn Spanish. Fucking cunt.

Now, just who do you think the kids went to school with? The rich and vibrant crowd - learning rich and vibrant values. They weren't going to do day labor or wash dishes or work as hotel maids and shit when they grew up.

No sir, the boys were gonna sling dope or do robberies (The Bloods were always hiring in our neighborhood) and the girls were going to pop out some bambinos and go on the dole themselves.

Then there was the park near the firehouse. On Sunday mornings in the summer, it looked like the trainyard scene from "Gone With The Wind" - 100 or more drunks, sleeping it off in the grass.

All summer long, EMS runs all night long, scraping drunks off the sidewalk. When the bus finally got there ('cause they were as busy, if not busier, than us) and they asked what we had, I used to tell them, "Bicardiac Condition".  

Anyway, that's my personal experience with those good Catholic immigrants from south of the border.
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