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Posted: 8/10/2011 8:30:51 PM EDT

Gov. Mitt Romney lobbied the credit ratings agency Standard &
Poor’s in 2004 to raise his state’s credit rating in part because
Massachusetts had raised taxes during an economic downturn two years

The claim was part of a presentation to the ratings
agency obtained by POLITICO under a state freedom of information law
from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Administration and Finance.
The Nov. 4 presentation, stamped "confidential,” helped persuade S&P
to raise the state’s grade and handed Romney the perfect talking point
for last week’s humiliating national downgrade by the same agency.

Link Posted: 8/10/2011 8:38:28 PM EDT

I don't have a problem with that per se.  State's have different problems than the feds per debts and deficits.  One state raising taxes doesn't really affect the national economy, unlike a federal tax increase .........
FYI - Romney is not even in my top five of the "anyone but Obama" candidates.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 9:27:36 AM EDT
meh ...

obama lite
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