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Posted: 1/26/2009 4:51:39 PM EDT
Mexico’s war for survival endangers America. What will Obama do?
The Collins Report
Jan. 23rd, 2009
Kevin “Coach” Collins
Mexico is losing her war with powerful drug cartels. If Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano don’t act, the gunshots could soon be here on our streets. Neither Obama nor his Homeland Security Chief seem to understand the situation or what to do.

Napolitano thinks fences are useless, but the alternative is a military expeditionary force to take control of Mexico.

Last year more than 5500 Mexicans were killed in this ever widening war. The Mexican government now has 45,000 Army troops and 5000 civil police fighting full time for the life of their country.

Last week the U.S. Joint Forces Command, (USJFCOM), reported Mexico is in imminent danger of falling into total chaos which will certainly spill over our southern border. USJFCOM thinks Mexico can very well become a another Somalia.

USJFCOM says Mexico’s judicial, political and civil policing systems are reeling under the increased pressure of fighting a losing battle for their country’s survival. Drug cartels are using the most modern military weapons in an all out open war for control of Mexico.

In anticipation of conquering their own country, these gangs are openly challenging police in American border cities as well.

Obama has three choices : build a bigger higher fence; build a bigger military to forcibly take over Mexico; or do nothing and hope it will all go away.

Of course liberals will bleat “racism, racism!” over the prospect of a fence which will cower Obama. His social programs insure there will be no funds for a bigger military.

He will take the path of least resistance and do nothing.

America’s survival is on the line.

A dissolved Mexico blows a 1200 mile wide hole in America’s southern border providing a wide open door for Islamist terrorists.

A feckless utopian fool like Obama is exactly the wrong..
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 4:56:24 PM EDT
Yup. saw this on Faux News. Glenn Beck had a little trivia on which country was the second biggest threat to the US. I guessed China but when he said Mexico and went into why, I shat bricks. Definately some fucked up shit.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 4:58:11 PM EDT
Let's take that mutha. Summary execution for all cartel members. Then make it out 51st state.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:01:17 PM EDT
Lawl NAU.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:01:45 PM EDT
Strange times.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:03:53 PM EDT
Strange times.

its a replay of the early 20th really.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:05:19 PM EDT
Unfortunatley what Barry is going to do is aid the Mexican Gov by cutting off the cartels supply of weapons.

Which are of course in his opinion 100% sourced from inside of the US.

I'll let you connect the rest of the dots.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:06:26 PM EDT
I didn't buy all this ammo for nothing
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:08:21 PM EDT
Open up the gates for the poor refugees while bailing out (with cash) the corrupt mexican government.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:11:13 PM EDT
Strange times.

its a replay of the early 20th really.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:12:58 PM EDT
Lawl NAU.

Coming soon to a country near you
(by that I mean Canada, after US)
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:14:13 PM EDT
Open up the gates for the poor refugees while bailing out (with cash) the corrupt mexican government.

I hate to break it to you......but, we are ALREADY doing BOTH of those
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:15:06 PM EDT
51st state isn't so crazy, they all want to be here anyway. Like I keep saying turn the border into a aerial/artillery range.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:17:00 PM EDT
Unfortunatley what Barry is going to do is aid the Mexican Gov by cutting off the cartels supply of weapons.

Which are of course in his opinion 100% sourced from inside of the US.

I'll let you connect the rest of the dots.

Yeah, and I believe that they have already started that "plan"

and, I'd like to know which gunstores the cartels are getting their
grenades and rocket launchers from, just out of curiousity, of course
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:17:36 PM EDT
Strange times.

its a replay of the early 20th really.


Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:19:35 PM EDT
Let's take that mutha. Summary execution for all cartel members. Then make it out 51st state.

Orrrrrr.......we could do the first part........and THEN consider the second part
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:22:30 PM EDT
Strange times.

its a replay of the early 20th really.



"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:28:17 PM EDT

Last year more than 5500 Mexicans were killed in this ever widening war. ..

Since when is this a bad thing???

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:31:00 PM EDT

Last year more than 5500 Mexicans were killed in this ever widening war. ..

Since when is this a bad thing???

How about when it makes a few million of the survivors illegally RUSH across our border?
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:31:50 PM EDT

Last year more than 5500 Mexicans were killed in this ever widening war. ..

Since when is this a bad thing???

Because many of those killed were either innocent civilians or police officers battling the cartels.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:32:40 PM EDT
Unfortunatley what Barry is going to do is aid the Mexican Gov by cutting off the cartels supply of weapons.

Which are of course in his opinion 100% sourced from inside of the US.

I'll let you connect the rest of the dots.

Yeah, and I believe that they have already started that "plan"

and, I'd like to know which gunstores the cartels are getting their
grenades and rocket launchers from, just out of curiousity, of course

They're not from gunstores.  
They get them at the gunshow loophole............. duh..........

Haven't you been paying attention at all????

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:33:41 PM EDT

Barry will be just like Carter and welcome them all with open arms and again the crime rate will go up.  Change and Hope.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:35:18 PM EDT
Land mines and AC-130 Spectres.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:36:50 PM EDT
Let's take that mutha. Summary execution for all cartel members. Then make it out 51st state.

We've already got several black holes when it comes to cities, hell why not adopt a fucked country with 31 more fucked up states. We're paying for most of it any way.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:38:47 PM EDT

Last year more than 5500 Mexicans were killed in this ever widening war. ..

Since when is this a bad thing???

Because many of those killed were either innocent civilians or police officers battling the cartels.

So? Less people to cross over THIS border.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:40:02 PM EDT
Just send up the women, let the men fight it out!
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:40:55 PM EDT
Bush allready met with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. They came here to New Orleans early  last year.  NAU. There was minimal demonstration and the talk show guys have been preaching this sheet daily. There's also the National ID with the photo of North America, not just the United States. All the little crazy conspiracy stories are unfolding one by one. Our leaders are letting this happen. We are the sheep that our leaders herd. Right? OOoOoOO but we get upset and complain on the internet. IS this it? Is this how we go out?
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:43:06 PM EDT
I'd roll over to Germany and hire up a few of the people who had something to do with the Berlin wall, get their advice, sort the border out. Add a para-military section to the the Border Patrol to guard the thing 1-3mi deep, after that comes the standard BP units.

Hell, I'd cycle the military in and out of the S.border... Good training for interdiction overseas.

Pushing into Mexico isn't a good idea, for a ton of reasons... I know that idea isn;t a serious statement, but it is NOT a good idea.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:43:48 PM EDT
Bush allready met with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. They came here to New Orleans early  last year.  NAU. There was minimal demonstration and the talk show guys have been preaching this sheet daily. There's also the National ID with the photo of North America, not just the United States. All the little crazy conspiracy stories are unfolding one by one. Our leaders are letting this happen. We are the sheep that our leaders herd. Right? OOoOoOO but we get upset and complain on the internet. IS this it? Is this how we go out?

I believe that they(all three of them)have met regarding
the NAU(or spp.gov)at least five times in the last 8 years
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:45:46 PM EDT
Mexico’s war for survival endangers America. What will Obama do?
The Collins Report
Jan. 23rd, 2009
Kevin “Coach” Collins
Mexico is losing her war with powerful drug cartels. If Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano don’t act, the gunshots could soon be here on our streets. Neither Obama nor his Homeland Security Chief seem to understand the situation or what to do.

Napolitano thinks fences are useless, but the alternative is a military expeditionary force to take control of Mexico.

Last year more than 5500 Mexicans were killed in this ever widening war. The Mexican government now has 45,000 Army troops and 5000 civil police fighting full time for the life of their country.

Last week the U.S. Joint Forces Command, (USJFCOM), reported Mexico is in imminent danger of falling into total chaos which will certainly spill over our southern border. USJFCOM thinks Mexico can very well become a another Somalia.

USJFCOM says Mexico’s judicial, political and civil policing systems are reeling under the increased pressure of fighting a losing battle for their country’s survival. Drug cartels are using the most modern military weapons in an all out open war for control of Mexico.

In anticipation of conquering their own country, these gangs are openly challenging police in American border cities as well.

Obama has three choices : build a bigger higher fence; build a bigger military to forcibly take over Mexico; or do nothing and hope it will all go away.

Of course liberals will bleat “racism, racism!” over the prospect of a fence which will cower Obama. His social programs insure there will be no funds for a bigger military.

He will take the path of least resistance and do nothing.

America’s survival is on the line.

A dissolved Mexico blows a 1200 mile wide hole in America’s southern border providing a wide open door for Islamist terrorists.

A feckless utopian fool like Obama is exactly the wrong..

If the Mexican government falls and the country descends into anarchy you will see the largest mass migration in the history of the north american continent, possibly even the largest in modern history worldwide.
We already have anywhere between 10-30 million illegals here. That number would swell to well over 100,000,000 inside of a couple months. It would quickly become a landrush as every port of entry, hole in the fence and desert crossing would be a steady stream of cars, trucks and people on foot.

They would of course be "political refugees" per the UN and we would have to accommodate them. We would also be expected to feed, clothe, house and support them, as well as allow them to seek asylum here in the US.
The strain on our countries resources would be unimaginable and I honestly think any area within 200 miles of the border would degrade into one big giant refugee camp.

A prudent thought if you live in one of those areas would be to have a plan to GTFO ASAP if this happens. Conditions in those areas will quickly resemble those of the slums in Mexico (heck, many already do).

The scary and sad part is I don't know what the right answer would be. Most of the people who live in Mexico are good, hardworking folks. In a bygone time we might very well have armed them, trained them and sent them home to fight to regain control of their nation. Don't see much chance of that happening here.

Most Mexicans are unarmed, disgusted with their government and it's corruption and poverty. They would much rather hang out in el norte and get free stuff then stand and fight.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:45:54 PM EDT

Last year more than 5500 Mexicans were killed in this ever widening war. ..

Since when is this a bad thing???

Some of them were the wrong Mexicans dying (people who believe in civilization and the social contract). Inter-cartel killings are a matter of natural selection and law of the jungle but when it spills over to threaten those who believe in the good life (those who choose good over evil), well its just bad. Really bad.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:48:16 PM EDT
Let's take that mutha. Summary execution for all cartel members. Then make it out 51st state.

Making Mexico the 51st state is like making that panhandler on the freeway onramp the second brother who sleeps on your couch. You gained a brother but so what?
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:50:40 PM EDT
Let's take that mutha. Summary execution for all cartel members. Then make it out 51st state.

Making Mexico the 51st state is like making that panhandler on the freeway onramp the second brother who sleeps on your couch. You gained a brother but so what?

Yeah, I ran a couple of those "brothers" off of a friends property today

They just decided to plop down with their 18pack of beer in front of his house

If we didn't say anything today they'd probably start renting out boxes to families
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:12:31 PM EDT

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:19:47 PM EDT
This has been an issue in most border states for a few years.  Where I live the majority of crime is committed by the immagrationally challenge.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:22:33 PM EDT
Strange times.

its a replay of the early 20th really.


Where's General Pershing when you need him?
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:55:42 PM EDT
Destroy the drug source.

Pretty fkn easy since shit can be detected by satellite.

Just like the Poppies in Afgahanistan...why doesn't  our government destory it.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:59:51 PM EDT
Destroy the drug source.

Pretty fkn easy since shit can be detected by satellite.

Just like the Poppies in Afgahanistan...why doesn't  our government destory it.

After examining this shit for years

and, much more closely for the last few years

I'm convinced that the .gov WANTS drug smuggling

it's doing wonders for their agenda and their fee-based legal system
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:25:42 PM EDT
As this thread progressed, it developed an increasingly tin foily taste to it.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:27:22 PM EDT
Mexico’s war for survival endangers America. What will Obama do?

I think I speak for every member of this board when I answer: He'll sit there in the White House with a stupid expression on his face and his dick in his hand.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:32:15 PM EDT
As this thread progressed, it developed an increasingly tin foily taste to it.

Heh, I looked twice and couldn't find where you

made your prediction as to "what obama will do"
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:33:33 PM EDT
Mexico’s war for survival endangers America. What will Obama do?

I think I speak for every member of this board when I answer: He'll sit there in the White House with a stupid expression on his face and his dick in his hand.

I wish, I think he will get the amnesty through

I think that this has been "the plan" for twenty years

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:38:31 PM EDT
Yes, it was on the local news. They met to sign paperwork dealing with the NAU. Not much about it though. Other than the morning show guys raising hell about it.
Bush allready met with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. They came here to New Orleans early  last year.  NAU. There was minimal demonstration and the talk show guys have been preaching this sheet daily. There's also the National ID with the photo of North America, not just the United States. All the little crazy conspiracy stories are unfolding one by one. Our leaders are letting this happen. We are the sheep that our leaders herd. Right? OOoOoOO but we get upset and complain on the internet. IS this it? Is this how we go out?

I believe that they(all three of them)have met regarding
the NAU(or spp.gov)at least five times in the last 8 years

As for Obama and what he will do? I'm afraid to ask.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:42:48 PM EDT
Strange times.

its a replay of the early 20th really.



First thing I thought of, as well.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:44:23 PM EDT
Strange times.

its a replay of the early 20th really.



And Juan Cortinas.  

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:02:02 PM EDT
Mexico’s war for survival endangers America. What will Obama do?

I think I speak for every member of this board when I answer: He'll sit there in the White House with a stupid expression on his face and his dick in his hand.

He and Michelle taking turns picking nits off eachother, oblivious to reality.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:05:31 PM EDT
Just tell Texas that they can patrol their own border, no questions asked. Problem solved.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:08:47 PM EDT
Destroy the drug source.

Pretty fkn easy since shit can be detected by satellite.

Just like the Poppies in Afgahanistan...why doesn't  our government destory it.

After examining this shit for years

and, much more closely for the last few years

I'm convinced that the .gov WANTS drug smuggling

it's doing wonders for their agenda and their fee-based legal system

You said what I wanted to say.

I quit coming right at the folks here,  they are very sensitive to anything outside of what Limbaugh promotes or differs from party rhetoric.

It's like telling an ugly little girl, she is pretty.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:08:54 PM EDT
Strange times.

its a replay of the early 20th really.



And Juan Cortinas.  


Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:11:35 PM EDT
Just tell Texas that they can patrol their own border, no questions asked. Problem solved.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:43:36 PM EDT
Just tell Texas that they can patrol their own border, no questions asked. Problem solved.

I used to live down there. I know it happened some on its own. But if they were told to have at it. Oh yeah. I'm pretty sure NM and AZ would be the same way. Cali though, that might leave some holes in the line.
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