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Posted: 8/13/2007 7:42:56 PM EDT
at Front Site (Sight?)

Heard of this place for years but never been.  

Have any of you ladies been to this training?

Could maybe take a two day or a four day basic class.   I think it would be so much more fun than standing and shooting at a bloody target propped against the grassy bank outside my house.

Interested also in IDPA, but got offered this opportunity.  We're thinking both uxb and I might get to go.  He's had enough training for a lifetime, but says he can always learn something new or get a refresher.

Me?  I've never done ANY actual live fire defensive style handgun training.  Lots of target shooting.  B.O.R.I.N.G.  after so long.

We've been to the web site and it looks really interesting.  It's a LONG way from Kentucky though.  Long tiring trip for a 2-4 day class. (I figure you have to drive cuz of having to bring all that ammo.)

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 2:20:04 AM EDT
I'd be cautious. They're offering the class for free but there's a lot mixed up in it. I've never heard complaints about their training itself but the school is involved in a lot of weird stuff.

If you live in Kentucky, you're not far from some good schools and with the cost of gas to LV, it would probably be cheaper. Try TDI in Ohio, or  Tactical Response in Camden, Tennessee. Or come up to Michigan next month, there's a really good class being put on up here!

Definitely do some training, though..and you're right..its a lot more fun than shooting at a paper target from a static position.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 3:54:49 AM EDT
I agree with Barb -- I get FS's mailings all the time. A little too pushy for my tastes. There are a couple of guys that frequent the range I work at who have been to Thunder Ranch and they can't say enough good things about it. No grandstanding or anything, just good clean shooting instruction and fun. Only "bad" thing I have heard is that their classes fill quickly and it is not unusual to have to wait to get in.

ETA: I shoot IPSC competitions regularly and have a really good time. IDPA (no rants, or corrections or history lessons please. I am saying the following as a generalization) have a lot of the same qualities, but the rules are different. My husband shot IDPA for a couple of years and I went to the matches with him, but never caught the bug. First IPSC match I went to watch I wound up mad at him because he didn't think far enough ahead to bring my gun! (I know . . . He is my husband. He should have known!!) The only thing I can think of that made IPSC seem "better" to me was they were shooting outdoors and all the IDPA matches I had seen were at indoor ranges. Back then just the sound of guns going off made me nervous. My, my, my how times have changed!
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:18:27 AM EDT

I'd be cautious. They're offering the class for free but there's a lot mixed up in it. I've never heard complaints about their training itself but the school is involved in a lot of weird stuff.

If you live in Kentucky, you're not far from some good schools and with the cost of gas to LV, it would probably be cheaper. Try TDI in Ohio, or  Tactical Response in Camden, Tennessee. Or come up to Michigan next month, there's a really good class being put on up here!

Definitely do some training, though..and you're right..its a lot more fun than shooting at a paper target from a static position.

What weird stuff?

And I'm always a little cautious about the schools around here.  Some of them are newer schools, and there's a tendency to hire instructors that can be...well..a little like drill instructors.  All they have to do is yell at me once and I'll hand them their ass and say f*ck you I'm not in the military, I want my money back.  

I've wanted to go to one of these schools for a long time.  I'd heard Front Site had a great reputation, so if stuff is going on, I wanna know.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:20:14 AM EDT

I agree with Barb -- I get FS's mailings all the time. A little too pushy for my tastes. There are a couple of guys that frequent the range I work at who have been to Thunder Ranch and they can't say enough good things about it. No grandstanding or anything, just good clean shooting instruction and fun. Only "bad" thing I have heard is that their classes fill quickly and it is not unusual to have to wait to get in.

ETA: I shoot IPSC competitions regularly and have a really good time. IDPA (no rants, or corrections or history lessons please. I am saying the following as a generalization) have a lot of the same qualities, but the rules are different. My husband shot IDPA for a couple of years and I went to the matches with him, but never caught the bug. First IPSC match I went to watch I wound up mad at him because he didn't think far enough ahead to bring my gun! (I know . . . He is my husband. He should have known!!) The only thing I can think of that made IPSC seem "better" to me was they were shooting outdoors and all the IDPA matches I had seen were at indoor ranges. Back then just the sound of guns going off made me nervous. My, my, my how times have changed!

I do know they want you to become a "member" which I'm not interested in.  I don't have any material directly FROM them, just the offer from a long time member to go and take a class or two on her since she's had most of them.  

Oh, and all the IDPA video I've seen has been outside.  Are there other differences you know of that make you like the other organization better?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:08:42 AM EDT


I agree with Barb -- I get FS's mailings all the time. A little too pushy for my tastes. There are a couple of guys that frequent the range I work at who have been to Thunder Ranch and they can't say enough good things about it. No grandstanding or anything, just good clean shooting instruction and fun. Only "bad" thing I have heard is that their classes fill quickly and it is not unusual to have to wait to get in.

ETA: I shoot IPSC competitions regularly and have a really good time. IDPA (no rants, or corrections or history lessons please. I am saying the following as a generalization) have a lot of the same qualities, but the rules are different. My husband shot IDPA for a couple of years and I went to the matches with him, but never caught the bug. First IPSC match I went to watch I wound up mad at him because he didn't think far enough ahead to bring my gun! (I know . . . He is my husband. He should have known!!) The only thing I can think of that made IPSC seem "better" to me was they were shooting outdoors and all the IDPA matches I had seen were at indoor ranges. Back then just the sound of guns going off made me nervous. My, my, my how times have changed!

I do know they want you to become a "member" which I'm not interested in.  I don't have any material directly FROM them, just the offer from a long time member to go and take a class or two on her since she's had most of them.  

Oh, and all the IDPA video I've seen has been outside.  Are there other differences you know of that make you like the other organization better?

Back then I didn't know enough about any of it to make any kind of judgment. What swayed it for me was at the IDPA matches none of the guys spoke to me except for a brief nod when my husband introduced me to them. I went to several of the matches with him and it was like I had f*@king herpes or something. No eye contact, no "hey, how's it going?", nothing. I quit going with him. Then that club lost their range and the hubby would drive to another town to shoot, but no way was I gonna sit in a car for 1 1/2 hours one way to be treated like that.

A couple of years down the road he goes out and shoots an IPSC match. Comes back home, "its great, its fun", yada, yada, yada. I'm like "F/O you dumb ass -- you guys are all the same" He keeps on until I finally get in the car and go with him. Now mind you:
1. it is winter (I do not like),
2. it is cold (I do not like),
3. it is raining (I do not like),
4. he has gotten his way by using a tactic usually employed by me -- nagging (I do not
5. we are going to watch people shoot guns (I do not like).

You can imagine the atmosphere in the car for the 30 minute drive to the range.

We get there, people introduce themselves to me, ask me if I shoot (don't care that I say "no", they will change that haha), etc. They actually engage me in conversation. They explain to be how the stages are run, how the range is run, what the basic rules are (stay safe, have fun) and ASK me if I want to shoot. Don't have your own gun? That's okay, we'll find one for you. No ammo, that's okay, we'll find some. I listen to the "speech" for first time shooters and go through the walk through of the stages even though I am not shooting. They don't mind. (OK, these guys aren't so bad -- the hook is in my mouth.)  They divide up, go to their stages and get ready. I hear "Shooter Ready? BEEP BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG" Less then 10 seconds and it is over. (F*#K, the hook is set and I am screwed!)

I have not shot an IDPA match yet, but I shoot IPSC and ICORE at least 3-4 times a month. We would do 3-guns, but there is not one close. I am NOT banging on IPDA. I am simply relaying my own personal experience with the two groups. YMMV

I say go to either one or both. The only reason I haven't tried IDPA is I like IPSC and we have so many matches here in Oklahoma that the different disciplines have a tendency to overlap on dates. There is a lot of information at each of their respective websites. Have fun!!
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:01:27 AM EDT
Thanks BadgeBunny!

That is what cinches it for me.  I know a lot of folks have heard this story, but I once asked uxb to get me an application for the local gun club--I wanted to join.

He brought it home--had told them I wanted to join and all that--(he knew some of the people in it and saw them regularly at his work).  

I looked at the app.  

First line said Name_________________________________

Second line:  Wife's name_____________________________

That's as far as I got.  I handed the app to uxb and said fuck 'em.  They can have it.

The same thing happened with the local FOP.  I wanted to join to support local law enforcement.  WE got the app, we filled it out, sent the money, went to the first meeting.  Uxb (who was NOT a member, but was with me who WAS the member), was welcomed, beat on the back the way men do--hard enough to knock loose a kidney--shook hands, hey man...

The shook my hand and turned and directed me toward the other side of the room and said "come on, I"ll introduce you to the auxilliary."

I stayed about ten minutes, turned around and left.

Never went back, and they'll never get another dime of mine.

I have no patience for the "boys club" mentality.  Yes, I know it's been that way a long time, but being treated this way ANYWHERE gun related pegs my bullshit meter into the red.

I expect it was just that particular group.  It's great that you found one you like, and what a shame for the other group.  I didn't even know about anything but IDPA until this thread--that's how far I've gotten.  Interest, but no research yet.

thanks for the input.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:16:16 AM EDT
You know, I used to let it get to me but then I decided "what the F". 95% of the guys out there are absolutely tickled pink that women are interested and participating. The other 5% aren't well like by the guys either I have found. I have started taking it as a compliment when some guy (who is obviously NOT kidding around) makes a crack about me or my shooting or my lack of femininity. (God knows how they got the idea that I cared a flying F what they think about my girly side, but it happens. As long as GC is happy, ain't nobody else I gotta please! ) I have found it is inevitably because they are threatened by me. I have enough friends at the range now that I figure it is their problem, not mine.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:48:04 AM EDT

You know, I used to let it get to me but then I decided "what the F". 95% of the guys out there are absolutely tickled pink that women are interested and participating. The other 5% aren't well like by the guys either I have found. I have started taking it as a compliment when some guy (who is obviously NOT kidding around) makes a crack about me or my shooting or my lack of femininity. (God knows how they got the idea that I cared a flying F what they think about my girly side, but it happens. As long as GC is happy, ain't nobody else I gotta please! ) I have found it is inevitably because they are threatened by me. I have enough friends at the range now that I figure it is their problem, not mine.

Yeah, I don't give a crap what individuals do or say as far as that goes.  But the organizations themselves--their attitudes--are what I have no tolerance for.  

With so many women voting against 2nd amendment rights, EVERY organization that supports 2A should consider their position with regard to women--are they a place that makes female shooters or those interested in learning feel welcome, and as equals on the planet? (FWIW, Equal, to me, does not mean SAME) Or are they remaining the same "good ol boys club" and looking at women as though we have three heads any time we walk through the door?  There will always be individual assholes, but any organization worth my attention will not, as a whole, treat me like an alien.

I've spent my entire life working in male dominated fields, and can actually walk into a room where I'm the only female and I don't notice until someone else calls my attention to it (which they have done, which is why I noticed) but when the attitude is like the one you related at the IDPA match--where you're treated differently and WORSE because you're a female--nope.  Not goin there.  I'll vote with my feet--as they walk out the door.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:40:22 PM EDT
There's a club near here that doesn't allow women members..only as auxillary. Ha. Like I'd give them a dime to be a second class citizen.

I shoot ACTS matches, which are carbine/pistol. There's only one other woman who ever shoots them and she doesn't get to come very often (), but the guys are seriously great..no slack, even when there's a 165 dummy to drag around and I'm the only one it outweighs. It's a blast.

I'm even weirded out by women-only classes but they're popular here..there's a good woman instructor in Michigan who does them and several in Seattle. Maybe that would be good to try?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 6:05:49 PM EDT

There's a club near here that doesn't allow women members..only as auxillary. Ha. Like I'd give them a dime to be a second class citizen.

I shoot ACTS matches, which are carbine/pistol. There's only one other woman who ever shoots them and she doesn't get to come very often (), but the guys are seriously great..no slack, even when there's a 165 dummy to drag around and I'm the only one it outweighs. It's a blast.

I'm even weirded out by women-only classes but they're popular here..there's a good woman instructor in Michigan who does them and several in Seattle. Maybe that would be good to try?

Hey Barbara:

I didn't mean to imply that there was a lack of good instruction out there. There's plenty, and there's a lot that is female friendly.  I was just making a comment about those that were NOT friendly toward females.  Thread kinda got misdirected.  My fault entirely.

Point is, I have the opportunity to go to Front Site but it's a LONG drive for a basic class.  So I was asking opinions of anyone who has been there.  I could probably get a lot more responses if I posted in GD, but I don't go in there.  My bullshit tolerance is too low for GD, and it just makes me tired.

The club you mentioned that won't allow women--see what I mean?  WTF?  They're shooting the 2A, and themselves, right in the foot.
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