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Posted: 2/1/2011 8:15:43 PM EDT
Some South Dakota lawmakers are taking aim at health care reform with a controversial gun bill. They want to make it mandatory for every adult in South Dakota to own a gun.

It's a person's second amendment right to own a gun.

But now some legislators want to make it mandatory. They say if the federal government can require every person to buy health care insurance, the state should also require every person 21 and older to buy a gun for self defense.

"As far as the health care bill that was passed that says we all have to have health insurance, this makes just as much sense, we can't be forced to do things, it's not within the constitution to do that," Republican State Representative Hal Wick said.

Wick is proposing the legislation to make a point, a point some agree with.

"I think people need to be aware of forced legislation of forced health care, I am a nurse, and it presents the principle of the idea of forcing health care on people," Erica Meyer said.

Hunting in South Dakota is popular and owning a gun like one of these is not a big deal, but we found some people who are adamantly opposed to this type of legislation.

Especially in light of what happened in Tucson, Arizona.

"It needs to have a test that says do you have mental capacity to have a gun, how's it going to be and you also have to realize there's going to be a higher crime rate because people have a gun," Alex Meyer said.

"I think it's a bad idea I think it's a little scary myself, I would not have one in my house," Stacey Sietsema said

"I don't know why everyone has to have a gun, what's the point, is it good, I don't think so," Ben Aning said.

Wick doesn't honestly believe the bill will pass. He simply introduced it to shoot holes in the idea that everyone must have health care.

We also got a lot of responses on our KELOLAND facebook page where we asked about the point Wick's is trying to make.

Some said it was a waste of legislator's time and taxpayer money. Others applaud his efforts to bring attention to the health care bill.

Obviously there's no chance of it ever passing, but it is an interesting attack on health care reform.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:20:01 PM EDT
we have budget problems and they waste time with this shit

i voted for wick too, double

time to send an email on stupidity.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 8:34:17 PM EDT
Welfare is welfare....
Link Posted: 2/2/2011 4:15:57 AM EDT
Hell, yes.  Good for them.

There should be no-gun permits.  If you can demonstrate (to the local sheriff) that you have a good reason why you should not carry a gun, then after attending a class and paying a fee and being fingerprinted and having your background checked, you can get a card that says you have permission to not carry a gun.  Anybody caught not carrying a gun, without permission to be unarmed, can be prosecuted for a misdemeanor.

In any contact with a police officer, you must declare that you are unarmed, and you must show your permit.

Then, the newspaper should publish the names of all people who have unarmed permits.
Link Posted: 2/2/2011 4:19:49 AM EDT
Isn't there a law in Kennesaw, GA that says every household must have a gun?  I'll have to look it up....

ETA: http://www.rense.com/general9/gunlaw.htm

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