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Posted: 8/12/2011 11:23:33 AM EDT
So for you guys that keep an AR in the trunk.
I was wondering how many magazine you carry for the gun?

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:25:12 AM EDT
I just ask my trunk monkey how many he needs.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:27:45 AM EDT
Trunk = FAIL

Front passenger seat FTW

With 8 42 round mags ready to go:

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:28:14 AM EDT
I keep 87
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:29:32 AM EDT
If I have my AR with me, I usually have one in the gun and two spares in the center.

There is an "oh shit" back pack in the back of my Explorer that has a couple loaded Glock mags and one loaded AR mag, but it also has a lot of other stuff in it so I can't put too much gun stuff in there, it's more of a survival bag with enough to get me through a couple days. I consider whatever is in the bag as non existant so that I don't leech out of the bag for stuff and then forget to replace it so I also carry a couple spare mags for my carry gun in the Glove box and center console. Call it paranoid if you want, I don't care.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:30:44 AM EDT

You live in Baghdad?

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:34:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:34:42 AM EDT

Trunk = FAIL

Front passenger seat FTW


With 8 42 round mags ready to go:

You live in Baghdad?


Fith Ward?
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:35:22 AM EDT
I was going to say 87, but I was too slow

2-3 would be the best I would think.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:38:13 AM EDT
40 subscriptions to Vibe.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:39:29 AM EDT



You live in Baghdad?


Fith Ward?

El Paso?

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:52:23 AM EDT
#of mags in your possession (MiP) + 3 = # mags you need. (MyN)

Rinse and repeat.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:59:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:03:40 PM EDT
Kel-Tec SU-16c and 5 30-round mags.

About to switch to a converted saiga 5.45x39 and probably up the mag count to 6-8
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:05:07 PM EDT
Trunk = FAIL

Front passenger seat FTW


With 8 42 round mags ready to go:

what do you do when you park your car at the store, just leave that stuff sitting out.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:06:26 PM EDT
40 subscriptions to Vibe.

The hearts & minds approach
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:07:26 PM EDT
WASR-10, 1 mag in the gun and 4 in a mag pouch.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:11:50 PM EDT


So for you guys that keep an AR in the trunk.

I was wondering how many magazine you carry for the gun?


how big is your trunk

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:18:15 PM EDT



So for you guys that keep an AR in the trunk.

I was wondering how many magazine you carry for the gun?


how big is your trunk

Shit. Beat me to it. Fill 'er up, Cletus!

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:42:17 PM EDT
VZ-58 and 5 mags + 2 extra 1911 mags.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:42:37 PM EDT
I view it as an escape and evasion weapon.  I'm comfortable with two 30 rounders.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 1:50:12 PM EDT
I keep 4 in the eagle case pouches. Also have a mag carrier like the one @ HardShell`s link, made by eagle. I can transfer them to that if I need to.

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 1:50:49 PM EDT


Trunk = FAIL

Front passenger seat FTW


With 8 42 round mags ready to go:

You live in Baghdad?


Fith Ward?

El Paso?

San Antonio.

You have never seen crazy until tamale season starts up here for the holidays!!!!!
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 1:55:32 PM EDT
6, obviously.  
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 1:58:15 PM EDT
This chest pouch with six 30 round Pmags is in the case with my trunk gun AR. The rifle has a 20 round PMag in it.  

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 2:01:12 PM EDT


You live in Baghdad?



Link Posted: 8/12/2011 2:02:25 PM EDT
Trunk guns, lol

Since I have no plans on driving to Fallujah, a handgun is more than sufficient.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 2:04:20 PM EDT
This chest pouch with six 30 round Pmags is in the case with my trunk gun AR. The rifle has a 20 round PMag in it.  


so... you're a lefty?  

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 2:04:52 PM EDT
One box.  

But then, my trunk gun is a lever action.  
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 2:08:35 PM EDT
When I had a trunk gun it was a low cost AK(Romanian G kit I assembled)
with a Chinese chest rig containing three mags. So four 30 round mags

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:05:08 PM EDT
7 mags.  One in the rifle, six in the pouch.  

Galati International GLMP30.  It holds six 30 rnd M16 or Mini-14 mags.  Shoulder strap, D-rings on each corner, velcro flaps over each mag.  Each mag in a separate slot, so they don't rattle.  I've used these pouches for many years, and have some that are at least 20 yrs old, maybe older.


Let the strap out via the adjuster.  To use, grab your rifle with your right hand, and at the same time grab the pouch at the middle of the strap, putting it over your head and let your arm go through, while shifting the pouch to fall at your left hip.  One fast and easy motion.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:13:33 PM EDT
Trunk = FAIL

Front passenger seat FTW


With 8 42 round mags ready to go:

I had a FS2000, and an HK.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:22:22 PM EDT
one C-mag and a couple of 30's
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:28:08 PM EDT



So for you guys that keep an AR in the trunk.

I was wondering how many magazine you carry for the gun?


how big is your trunk


If the bumper's not dragging you don't have enough.

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:30:09 PM EDT


I just ask my trunk monkey how many he needs.

At least 5 please.

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:32:45 PM EDT
31 mags.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:32:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:33:58 PM EDT
8 30 rounders
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:37:28 PM EDT
40 subscriptions to Vibe.

I WAS doing a pretty good job of ignoring a story whilst browsing arfcom... And Now I'm explaining to my GF, exactly what's so damn funny. Thank you.

ETA: something relevant- I keep 3 extra mags for my carry piece. If I can make it home with that- then it wasn't gonna happen.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:40:31 PM EDT
This chest pouch with six 30 round Pmags is in the case with my trunk gun AR. The rifle has a 20 round PMag in it.  


Jeeze you just had to show off your bathroom door didnt you .
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:41:16 PM EDT
When I bother with a "truck gun" I use a S&W M59 gripped Kel-Tec Sub-9 (all metal receiver/sights predecessor to the KT-S2K) w/4 - 20 round Meggar mags. It fits nicely in a old GI tool bag and it's not in the way. The carbine's mags also work in my KT-P11.

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:42:31 PM EDT


When I bother with a "truck gun" I use a S&W M59 gripped Kel-Tec Sub-9 (all metal receiver/sights predecessor to the KT-S2K) w/4 - 20 round Meggar mags. It fits nicely in a old GI tool bag and it's not in the way.


I really really wished they made on in 45ACP that used Glock 21 mags.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:49:58 PM EDT


what do you do when you park your car at the store, just leave that stuff sitting out.

That is what tarps are fer....... just toss it over the whole shooting match.

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:50:31 PM EDT

When I bother with a "truck gun" I use a S&W M59 gripped Kel-Tec Sub-9 (all metal receiver/sights predecessor to the KT-S2K) w/4 - 20 round Meggar mags. It fits nicely in a old GI tool bag and it's not in the way.


I really really wished they made on in 45ACP that used Glock 21 mags.

It may have worked in the metal Sub-9 but I think it would be a bridge too far in the current blow-back poly S2K. I have a G17 gripped S2K also but the Sub-9 is built much better. They did not sell that many Sub-9s what with the $700.00 price tag so it was redesigned as the poly framed S2K.

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 6:02:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 6:09:50 PM EDT
No such thing as too many.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 6:10:57 PM EDT
Trunk guns, lol

Since I have no plans on driving to Fallujah, a handgun is more than sufficient.

+1  I have a Glock 29 with a 10 rounder in it and two 15 round mags from a Glock 20 beside it.  Those forty rounds of 10mm should afford me the time/space to get the hell outta there.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 6:46:00 PM EDT
This chest pouch with six 30 round Pmags is in the case with my trunk gun AR. The rifle has a 20 round PMag in it.  


Jeeze you just had to show off your bathroom door didnt you .

Don't tell Subnet about the door.

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 7:00:39 PM EDT
Trunk = FAIL

Front passenger seat FTW


With 8 42 round mags ready to go:

Jesus Christ!
Are you planning of taking on a Mexican drug gang?
Or ARE you a Mexican drug gang!!??
I think one in the gun and 2 spares is sufficient.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 7:17:29 PM EDT
Trunk = FAIL

Front passenger seat FTW


With 8 42 round mags ready to go:

Jesus Christ!
Are you planning of taking on a Mexican drug gang?
Or ARE you a Mexican drug gang!!??
I think one in the gun and 2 spares is sufficient.

until you run out of ammo, then you'll be wishing you had more.

There aint a whole lot of one shot one kill in the real world.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 7:55:38 PM EDT
So for you guys that keep an AR in the trunk.
I was wondering how many magazine you carry for the gun?


minimm of eight primary weapon mags in a vehicle bailout bag.  per person.
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