I use MS Flight Sim (2004) along with VATSIM to stay up to speed on instrument approaches. Can be done with just a keyboard and isn't too terrible. I've tried various flight yokes/systems, and currently just have an old joystick hooked up. It just doesn't have much "feel" to it, so I pretty much just push buttons on the autopilot to fly the simulated airplane (despite being strongly anti-autopilot in real-life, due to having had more than my share of scary auto-pilot failures already). So, good way to keep up in the procedures, not so much for physical flying skills. Using VATSIM will give you opportunity to work on your real world type comm skills too (if you pick to fly in staffed areas, picking non-staffed areas lets you practice your lost comm IFR procedures :-) ).
A couple quick comments on other flight sims. The wife uses MS FS X. I couldn't get into the X version though. Some of the views changed to be more realistic, but that also makes them harder to use on smaller screen sizes (like I have). I've also done the X-Plane thing. Didn't like it. Graphics are gorgeous and the flight models are a little better, but the instruments don't have enough size/detail. Very hard to read them/do instrument practice.