Looking for a FFl to do an out of state transfer for a Kali legal M1A.
Had a great FFL guy for years but for some reason, I think he's out of buisness. He doesn't return my calls.
Bought quite a few guns from him and had great prices. (he still made a profit and I didn't mind paying more to support his buisness) Took me years to fing this guy and now I'm on the look out again.
Every Gun store, FFl person I call all wanna charge 10% or a 100 bucks. I wouldn't mind the gouging if the folks I talked to were nice decent people, but every time I talk to someone about this, they talk to me with a huge attitude.
I don't blame them for acting this way because of the way things are in Kali but why take it out on a fellow gun owner and a possible buisness relationship.
Thats my sob story.
Looking for a honest, nice, easy going FFl/dealer who I can do some buisness.
I seriously have to move out of this state.
Any help would be great.
Email me at
[email protected]thanks
BTW, I tried most gun stores within a 30 mile radius. Got ripped off at a few too.