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Posted: 11/1/2006 12:09:44 PM EDT
About John Kerry's latest quote after sending her the picture of the troops in "Irak".  

Ya know....he really wasn't stating anything more than what already is in the demographic stats for the military??? I guess as long as you just look at the stats with your mouth closed OR say things behind closed doors...I'm not sure???

Love the picture though....too funny.


I'm at a loss for words.  I just thanked her for calling me stupid too.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:13:08 PM EDT
She's your mom so I'll withold the usual comments.

But, you might just ask her to provide the "stats".
If she can't, then you're perfectly warranted if you tell her to STFU.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:15:03 PM EDT
The military is smarter than the general public.

Proven fact.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:22:39 PM EDT
With the education requirements for the Officer corps, and the amount of technical training enlisted non-combat folks go through to maintain the war fighting capability, all I can say is...

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:23:37 PM EDT
That's worse than the time the neighbor across the street told me I had probably been brainwashed, and then immediately and in all seriousness ASKED me if I remembered being brainwashed.

I filed it in the WTF files, and forbade my household from ever referring to that man by his given name.  He is now and forever shall be "Jackass."

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:26:05 PM EDT
98% of the military has at least a HS diploma while the general population is about 70%. So there Mom.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:28:48 PM EDT

She's your mom so I'll withold the usual comments.


I honestly don't know how to reply to her...  She's a College Professor to boot.  

Anybody have a link to the Stats the Fox News was citing all morning?  those would be handy right now.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:36:26 PM EDT


She's your mom so I'll withold the usual comments.


I honestly don't know how to reply to her...  She's a College Professor to boot.  

Anybody have a link to the Stats the Fox News was citing all morning?  those would be handy right now.


Oh so she's one of the enlightened ones.

My dad votes democrat 90% of the time. At least he's a moderate though I suppose. He was in the Navy and is pro-gun.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:51:20 PM EDT
It would seem women are far more likley to have a liberal mindest than men.  I guess it is just part of there nature.  They trust there emotions more than there minds some times.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:54:02 PM EDT

She's a College Professor to boot.  

Well, that explains it.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:54:06 PM EDT

Sorry, someone had to make this synthesis.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:55:16 PM EDT
Dude, she teaches college....you could show her stats till the cows come home and she won't believe you.  

"Fuck you, Mom" would have slipped out of my mouth pretty quick.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:59:03 PM EDT

About John Kerry's latest quote after sending her the picture of the troops in "Irak".  

What picture???

Never mind i saw it.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:59:06 PM EDT
This is the most educated military yet. The only one that comes close is what was made during WW2, where the general population was drafted. Quite a large number of educated, skilled people were taken in.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 1:02:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 1:02:35 PM EDT
Here are some stats for you to show dear old Mom, courtesy of Michelle Malkin.

America has the best-trained, most professional, most well-educated military in the world. But the moonbats want only to hear the myths of the soldier-as-victim or the soldier-as-brutalizer or soldier-as-indentured servant. Never mind that for every two volunteer recruits coming from the poorest neighborhoods, there are three recruits coming from the richest neighborhoods, as The Heritage Foundation recently reported. Never mind that 99.9 percent of the enlisted force have at least a high school education. Never mind that 49.2 percent of officers have advanced or professional degrees; 39.4 percent have master's degrees; 8.5 percent have professional degrees; and 1.3 percent have doctorate degrees.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 1:04:26 PM EDT
don't know what to say either, but is your mom a hot MILF?
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 1:13:33 PM EDT

don't know what to say either, but is your mom a hot MILF?

If she is a MILF, I have dibs.  You get sloppy seconds.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 1:14:27 PM EDT

98% of the military has at least a HS diploma while the general population is about 70%. So there Mom.

fox news reported the military is 90% college graduates ...
and G.E.D. certified
and there was a slight pause when the talking head said that.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 1:22:16 PM EDT

She's your mom so I'll withold the usual comments.

But, you might just ask her to provide the "stats".
If she can't, then you're perfectly warranted if you tell her to STFU.

I won't.  Tell her the only reason she can flap that fucking Dorito chute of hers is because men had died for and killed for her to have that right.  She hides among other pseudoelitists who, like her, were afraid to go out and have to perform in the real world, and that her regressed feelings of inadequacy (and her peers) spew forth in liberal rhetoric to a captive and bound audience.  Screw her.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 2:28:22 PM EDT
This is just how out of touch the libtards really are.  My buddy's reserve grunt unit has more enlisted people with advanced degrees than zeros with advanced degrees.  

This whole flop is a gift from on high.  It reminds us out in the flyover how much the leftist elite really hates us.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 2:37:32 PM EDT
From my libtard sister,

Did you watch the news last night?
> >
> > It turns out that Kerry wasn't even referring to
> the
> > troops; he was referring to BUSH!  So either Rush
> > Limbaugh, Tony Snow, John McCain, and the
> > Imbecile-in-chief himself were too stupid to
> > understand, or they simply LIED!  My guess is the
> > latter, but who knows.  It's a toss-up as to which
> > is
> > greater for this administration -- lack
> intelligence
> > or lack of ethics.  Lack of competence surely
> trumps
> > both though.  
> >
> > Your loving sister

From my mother:

please excuse my conservative , NRA still- to-
> be-
> > > elightened-but has-a -cute- baby-  son

Now you see what I have to put up with
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 2:39:00 PM EDT
It's embarrrasing that this conversation even exists....all those really smart intellectuals that like to hang around in coffee shops and hypothesize about how the world could be ought to be on their knees thanking a soldier for what they do.

It's because of those soldiers that these self righteous assholes get to sit back here stateside on their ass and form opinions. It will never cease to amaze me how these thankless pieces of shit will shroud themselves in the blanket of protection our military provides them and then insult the military with every opinion they form of free will.

What I would give to put a few of these holier-than-thou liberals in a war zone, give'm a rifle, and tell them to go do the heavy lifting themselves.

This whole thing pisses me off.
Fuck John Kerry....and fuck anyone that supports him.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 2:48:06 PM EDT

From my libtard sister,

Did you watch the news last night?
> >
> > It turns out that Kerry wasn't even referring to
> the
> > troops; he was referring to BUSH!  So either Rush
> > Limbaugh, Tony Snow, John McCain, and the
> > Imbecile-in-chief himself were too stupid to
> > understand, or they simply LIED!  My guess is the
> > latter, but who knows.  It's a toss-up as to which
> > is
> > greater for this administration -- lack
> intelligence
> > or lack of ethics.  Lack of competence surely
> trumps
> > both though.  
> >
> > Your loving sister

From my mother:

please excuse my conservative , NRA still- to-
> be-
> > > elightened-but has-a -cute- baby-  son

Now you see what I have to put up with

I with ya man...  

You know, I can't honestly remember the last time I was offended.  I mean, what do I have to be offended about?  I'm a white, male, American.  but Kerry's comments pissed me off.  

My whole family is Dem...  They just don't understand how I could be offended by Kerry's remark.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 2:52:34 PM EDT
Fuck a democrat!!!!!
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 2:56:17 PM EDT
I'm in the military and I've consistantly scored higher than most of the students in the nursing program I'm in, to include a near record setting score on my NLN test to get enrolled in Nursing School.

In your face, Mom.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 2:57:46 PM EDT
And to think John Kerry (he was in Vietnam, you know) was just about elected President.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 3:29:11 PM EDT
When I think of all the Democrats I know, they still are usually less intelligent than the least intellegent military folks I know.

They might not be as educated, but they are a hell of a lot smarter.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 3:41:22 PM EDT

Fuck a democrat!!!!!

not with my dick
unless she looks real good or I'm really drunk
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 3:45:28 PM EDT

98% of the military has at least a HS diploma while the general population is about 70%. So there Mom.

Not only that but I know most military member's not to include their Job Training have at least correspondence courses, college credit or degrees just to help with promotion points.....
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 3:51:29 PM EDT
Who Are the Recruits? The Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Enlistment, 2003–2005

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 3:59:15 PM EDT

Who Are the Recruits? The Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Enlistment, 2003–2005


Yup, found that link earlier today and quickly sent it to Mom...  

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:02:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:03:23 PM EDT

I just thanked her for calling me stupid too.


Is she right?

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:07:32 PM EDT

About John Kerry's latest quote after sending her the picture of the troops in "Irak".  

Ya know....he really wasn't stating anything more than what already is in the demographic stats for the military??? I guess as long as you just look at the stats with your mouth closed OR say things behind closed doors...I'm not sure???

Love the picture though....too funny.


I'm at a loss for words.  I just thanked her for calling me stupid too.


Point out to her that 98% of the people in today's Volunteer military have at LEAST a HS diploma, nevermind the ones that have either some college, or degrees...THEN pijt out that in the population in General, only 75% of people have at MINIMUM a High-School Diploma.  In essence, comparatively the Military in the US is better educated than the general populace.  People forget that it's not the 60s/70s anymore, the Military has STANDARDS now, and they have no qualms about rejecting people for enlistment.. the days of "Do a hitch or go to Jail" by a Judge are LONG over.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:09:21 PM EDT

98% of the military has at least a HS diploma while the general population is about 70%. So there Mom.


We get paid to go to school... And paid more for it...

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:11:58 PM EDT
I would be interested in a comparison NOT to the geenral public - but to the avergae college freshman.

My gut tells me that the average 18 year old soldier has better numbers than your average college freshman.

By sophomore year - the college students no doubt pull ahead when the 50% or more with all money and no brains drop out.  Still - if you stick with recruits for college vs. recrutis for military - I bet the military wins.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:12:26 PM EDT
Oh, and just so you can "Show your work"  here is the Heritage fundation Article that lists ALL of the statitics, along with Maps.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 4:14:31 PM EDT

It would seem women are far more likley to have a liberal mindest than men.  I guess it is just part of there nature.  They trust there emotions more than there minds some times.

At least when we do think we think with the right head....

Hehe, but more seriously... Does Kerry really think that we're going to put guns and America's wellbeing in the hands of morons??? Ummm...NO! I'd rather have a high school drop out who's been out in the real world and knows what its all about than some stuck up elitist who needs to get their head out of their ass and their life out of academia

eta: And just for the record, I'm as conservative as conservative gets...liberals piss me off...A LOT....
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