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Posted: 7/23/2010 4:28:45 AM EDT
Since we all know its impossible for our computers to get a virus I am talking about you personally...Been sick a few times had food poisoning once....man that was a pain.

CentOS user here.

communal pc and HTPC is CentOS personal computer is Windows 7 for Graphic design / video editing / programming.  

Fuck Ubuntu.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:57:36 AM EDT
Linux users don't get viruses. Although if you are a novice, you may get a root kit installed.

Protect your system and don't allow yourself to disillusioned into believing you're invulnerable.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:03:32 AM EDT
Not that i know of
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:09:16 AM EDT
Nope, but I've seen 'em on some servers.  Usually they don't affect the servers themselves, they infect content (websites).
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