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Posted: 5/13/2004 4:28:29 AM EDT

You'll LOVE this!

Lightning Bolts and Thunder: How the AK-47 Came to Rule the Streets
Commentary, By Nino Brown,
Pacific News Service, May 12, 2004

Editor's Note: There are practical reasons why AK-47s are the weapon of choice for young gangstas on the streets of San Francisco. PNS contributor Nino Brown, 27, explains the gradual evolution from small pistols to large assault rifles in the inner city.

SAN FRANCISCO--I got my first gun when I was 12. It was a .32 automatic, a small pistol no bigger than the palm of your hand. This guy would come around the neighborhood every three weeks with a backpack full of pistols and sell them for $25 each.

Eventually he stopped coming around and we had to get our guns elsewhere, which wasn't too hard growing up in the Fillmore and the Tenderloin, inner city neighborhoods. My first "big" gun was a .357 Magnum, a revolver close to 12 inches long that sounds like thunder when it's fired. My mom found it and took it away.

Between the ages of 12 and 18 I came across so many pistols that it was second nature to have one on me. One day when I was about 14, a police sergeant saw me drinking a beer on the street. He's patting me down, and through the whole thing I'm thinking, "What if he finds the pistol?" I had a .45 caliber under my waistband in the small of my back. He missed it.

After that, I stopped holding guns for a while. But later that year something happened that made me start holding full time.

It was nighttime, and almost all the hommiez was outside kickin' it on the block. An old man came out of the building, stopped and posted up against the wall, right in the middle of us all. It was night but he was wearing black sunglasses and some kind of army outfit.

The next thing I know he pulls out what looked like a 9mm Beretta and opens fire. I was stuck for a few seconds watching this dude shoot at my hommiez. Then I reached into the small of my back for my gun -- and it wasn't there.

"Damn, I'm dead." I thought.

The shooter finished unloading one clip, ejected it, came out with another clip, loaded it, cocked a round into the chamber and looked at me and two other guys still sitting there. We got up to run, but one of the guys was hit in the lower back and fell down. The guy next to me stopped to help him and got shot in the leg. I stopped to check on him but he just screamed, "run lil' nigga, get outta here." I ran and hid in a nearby doorway.

After that incident, I stayed strapped.

Of all the guns I've had over the years, my favorite was a sawed-off shotgun with a pistol grip. I kept the barrel of it in my pants pocket. I'd put the handle under my armpit, which made me walk with a gangsterish limp. It was either walk with my shoulder hunched up 10 inches higher than the rest of my body or walk like a gangsta. I walked like a gangsta.

In the mid-'80s the gun of choice on the streets was the Uzi 9mm, a small submachine gun able to hold 30 to 60 rounds. With a longer clip the gun tended to jam. In a shooting battle that could mean death, so people soon switched to the Glock 9mm and the .45 caliber.

Bulletproof vests became a hot commodity to defend against these small handheld pistols, until some genius invented hollow-point bullets. Police upgraded their vests, but then someone laced the hollow points with Teflon and silicone, creating bullets known as "Cop Killers."

The latest weapon of choice on the streets, the one getting all the attention today, is the Russian Kalashnikov, or AK-47 -- a large assault rifle capable of holding 100 rounds in one clip. On the streets it's called a street-sweeper, because anything it hits gets swept away. Cars and trucks are turned into Swiss cheese -- imagine what this weapon does to human beings.

Why is this gun the gun of choice? Simple. Let's say you have a shotgun, or a snub-nose .38, or a Glock 9mm. I have a rapid-fire, handheld cannon (the AK-47). When you run out of bullets, I'm just getting started. You can't hide. I'm the equivalent of seven well-armed hunters; you're a sitting duck. You've got a pellet gun; I've got lightning bolts and thunder.

I've never shot an AK-47, but I have had, and shot, a Mac 90, which is a very close knock-off. I think that both guns aren't good weapons to carry around unless you're about to go to war against a large group of people.

Some people think that banning assault rifles will somehow stop them from circulating in "our" society. But even with the current ban, you can still buy an AK-47 on the streets. The same is true for almost any gun, big or small.

Brown, whose name has been changed, writes for YO! Youth Outlook, a magazine by and for Bay Area youths, and a PNS project.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:32:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:35:04 AM EDT
It's difficult to even dignify this article with a reply.  It's obviously the fantasy of a social worker.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:38:53 AM EDT

"Damn squareheads."

What's the difference between a squarehead and a hooplehead?

Serious question: Where do the terms originate from?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:43:29 AM EDT
Obviously, a piece of fiction, even if believe accurate by the author.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:43:56 AM EDT
Does anyone else hear the voice of snoop dogg when reading this?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:44:24 AM EDT
Whaddyawannabet "Nino Brown" is the creation of some liberal Poindexter type sitting at a keyboard, recycling what his HCI masters tell him to write?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:46:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:50:42 AM EDT


"Damn squareheads."

What's the difference between a squarehead and a hooplehead?

Serious question: Where do the terms originate from?

I don't know their origin.  I was using a line from Deadwood by my favorite character, Al Swearengen.
I believe he was referring to naive pioneers. In the one case I think they were Swedish or from the same area.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:55:26 AM EDT
Nino Brown is a 'gansta' rapper.  (Google is a wonderful resourse)  The article is an obvious ploy to create a bad boy personna.

What a crock of shiite,
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:56:15 AM EDT
"The guy next to me stopped to help him and got shot in the leg. I stopped to check on him but he just screamed, "run lil' nigga, get outta here." I ran and hid in a nearby doorway."

Such chivalry.

You have got to be kidding me.

This is a fabrication.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:08:57 AM EDT
When did gangsta thugs start writing news editorials?

Do they fit that into their busy schedules right between beating their bitches and jacking a new Benz?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:12:10 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:15:34 AM EDT

The shooter finished unloading one clip, ejected it, came out with another clip, loaded it, cocked a round into the chamber

So,what this guy is saying is after the first mag was expended and the slide automatically locked itself to the rear... he loaded the other "clip" (God I hate that term), released the slide, and then cocked it, popping an already chambered round? I smell

It's difficult to even dignify this article with a reply. It's obviously the fantasy of a social worker.

Does anyone else hear the voice of snoop dogg when reading this?
= I hear a Liberal journalism student (maybe Rene Gonzalez) who was raised in a predominantly white, suburban residential community. If there is one thing I hate it's reading the "words" of a "gangsta" as they always spell everything out foe-net-ickly to give it that extra taste of "realism". It's so ridiculous and truly lends itself to poor journalism/writing.

Ok... I just read Nino Brown... and now the flag goes up.

Has anyone seen New Jack City? Wesley Snipes drug dealer kingpin thig character's name was... you guessed it... Nino Brown.

In the mid-'80s the gun of choice on the streets was the Uzi 9mm

while I don't doubt that the Uzi was popular, I have to wonder if calling something an Uzi is like calling Pepsi Coke... I think Uzi is a generic term for Mac-10, Uzi, etc.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:17:23 AM EDT

Nino Brown is a 'gansta' rapper.  (Google is a wonderful resourse)  The article is an obvious ploy to create a bad boy personna.

What a crock of shiite,

True he is, but this writer ain't that nino brown.

A lot of the other comments about how they got guns though, those are rather dead on.

It does seem to reinforce the fact that criminals and others prohibited from owning firearms don't get them from gun shops and because of a "gunshow loophole". Granted the antis will never make that connection.

He didn't do a very good job explaining the gradual transition from pistols to assault weapons. In fact he didn't say a whole hell of a lot at all really, execpt that gun laws don't work. This was almost more anti AWB than it was pro AWB.

ETA: Also like how he helped push the myth of the teflon/silicone"cop killer" bullets, to bad that info is bullshit. Teflon and silicone on a bullet will not help it penetrate a vest any better than it would without it.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:23:08 AM EDT
Brown, whose name has been changed, writes for YO! Youth Outlook, a magazine by and for Bay Area youths, and a PNS project.

Nuff said.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:30:07 AM EDT
That article doen't pass the smell test.
Schpelink be tuff!
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:47:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:58:59 AM EDT
From the mouth of a admitted criminal, thug, and idiot.

Bulletproof vests became a hot commodity to defend against these small handheld pistols, until some genius invented hollow-point bullets.  Really HPs penetrate a vest better than FMJ, who knew?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:00:21 AM EDT
Actually, in my line of work I talk to "dopeboy/gangsta" types everyday and almost every one of them relates a story like this. They all think hollow points defeat BP vests. They all call magazines, clips. They also think Hi-Point pistols are Glocks. The Hi-Point carbine is "The Big Dog". If you listen to them 9mm's blow limbs off, blow holes the size of basketballs in you. SKS's are often called Ak's.

Everyone of them talks a good game until it comes down to it. The worse I've ever seen in any of the raids I've been on has been 1 AK with approx. 500 rds, 4-5 30 rd mags and 2 75 rd drums. Mostly, it's 9mm's, lots of 38/357 wheelguns and .22 rifles. Oh yeah, and those wicked .40 cals. "dat MaFugger stop a car!"

Almost forgot...if you've got 20-50 rds of whatever you rule the streets. When the guys at work found out from a friend what I have as far as firearms and ammo...let's just say EVERYONE says Good Morning with a smile.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:02:50 AM EDT
More thrusts per squeeze perhaps?

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:07:05 AM EDT
I will not dignify this feces with a response.

+1, bitches!
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:11:40 AM EDT

Actually, in my line of work I talk to "dopeboy/gangsta" types everyday and almost every one of them relates a story like this. They all think hollow points defeat BP vests. They all call magazines, clips. They also think Hi-Point pistols are Glocks. The Hi-Point carbine is "The Big Dog". If you listen to them 9mm's blow limbs off, blow holes the size of basketballs in you. SKS's are often called Ak's.

I think my head would explode if I had to listen to that crap all day.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:17:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:19:37 AM EDT


Actually, in my line of work I talk to "dopeboy/gangsta" types everyday and almost every one of them relates a story like this. They all think hollow points defeat BP vests. They all call magazines, clips. They also think Hi-Point pistols are Glocks. The Hi-Point carbine is "The Big Dog". If you listen to them 9mm's blow limbs off, blow holes the size of basketballs in you. SKS's are often called Ak's.

I think my head would explode if I had to listen to that crap all day.

Tru dat.... fo shizzle ma nizzle!!! I don't know, it might be a breath of fresh air for me being a stay at home dad and listening to Elmo and Boobah every day... my brain is rotting byt the day.

To people with more than a half functioning brain this article does seem to lend itself to the theory of "outlawing guns wil lead t only outlaws having guns". So, when cops read shit like this do they follow up on it and track to clowns down who talk all this smack, or is it an act of futility to even bother trying to punish them for breaking the laws anymore?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 10:08:52 AM EDT
Hey this site will pay you $125 for writting a "story".  Everyone should flood this site with amazing CCW stories or other pro-gun situations.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 10:43:50 AM EDT

More thrusts per squeeze perhaps?


I still love that phrase......stupid liberals
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 11:10:11 AM EDT



Actually, in my line of work I talk to "dopeboy/gangsta" types everyday and almost every one of them relates a story like this. They all think hollow points defeat BP vests. They all call magazines, clips. They also think Hi-Point pistols are Glocks. The Hi-Point carbine is "The Big Dog". If you listen to them 9mm's blow limbs off, blow holes the size of basketballs in you. SKS's are often called Ak's.

I think my head would explode if I had to listen to that crap all day.

Tru dat.... fo shizzle ma nizzle!!! I don't know, it might be a breath of fresh air for me being a stay at home dad and listening to Elmo and Boobah every day... my brain is rotting byt the day.

To people with more than a half functioning brain this article does seem to lend itself to the theory of "outlawing guns wil lead t only outlaws having guns". So, when cops read shit like this do they follow up on it and track to clowns down who talk all this smack, or is it an act of futility to even bother trying to punish them for breaking the laws anymore?

You just have to laugh at their stupidity. If I took it to heart and was offended I'd go crazy.

BTW, only "wiggers" speak "gangsta". All the brothas talk like they have a mouth full of shit.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:20:03 PM EDT
the grammer and spelling is to good for someone from the hood yo.

of course I saw right thru the BS as soon as I hit the first sentence  but it made me laugh thu.
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