Ruling is not inconsistent, you're talking apples and oranges here. Couple quick things: one, child support, a person as a individual obligation to the child and it's "regulated" by the states. two,
as the judge ruled the commerce clause does not apply to inactivity; just because I don't have health insurance doesn't mean I'm affecting commerce because I could pay out of pocket or even
choose not to seek care!
If this ruling stands the federal government now will conceivably have the power to force us to purchase anything they deem necessary to commerce....HB1...all citizens will by law
purchase "insert item here" under penalty of law! Hey Mr. Congresscritter sales are down for my plant in said district, I'll donate to campaign if....just think about it or just read your history
as to why we here in this country had a little thing called the Boston Tea Party! or look up definition of Socialism/Fascism ya Statist Jackass! (nothing personal just ranting)
Interesting isn't it, that it's judicial activism to the libtards to sight the constitution and founders; but it's not to completely make crap up and sight international law