I've been thinking, as I read these many threads of hopolophobes freaking out over the mere presence of a firearm, that the default perception that I'm some sort of criminal for being armed is as prejudiced as crossing the street because you don't like my skin color, or who I'm holding hands with. And since those sorts of prejudice are now considered actionable, isn't it about time we started suing these fuck knuckles for defamation?
What sort of possibilities are there? Like the city councilman in the other thread, who walked out of a meeting because of an armed citizen, as though that citizen were a danger to him, having one of these jerks project upon me some sort of nefarious intent due to my wearing of a weapon is libelous and injurious to my reputation. Shouldn't I be able to sue for rehabilitation and recompense? Punitive damages sound viable as well.