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Posted: 9/20/2005 3:38:05 PM EDT
Is it legal to ship an upper receiver in state or out of state from a private person to another private person?
Link Posted: 9/11/2005 8:18:31 PM EDT
If the upper is barrelled, just make sure that the state you ship it to doesn't still have the "evil features" laws (IE: threaded muzzle) in effect.
Link Posted: 9/10/2005 9:38:15 PM EDT
Why would it not be? You can mail order them from companies/stores. There is no serial number, they are not tracked.
Link Posted: 9/11/2005 9:36:43 AM EDT
Yes, it is perfectly legal.  The upper receiver (with or without barrel) is a "gun part" and not considered the actual gun.

The only part of an AR that needs to be shipped to an FFL is the lower receiver, as that is considered a firearm.
Link Posted: 9/20/2005 12:57:00 PM EDT
Is there a list of states to beware of?  I think CA, NY, CT, DE, RI, IL, MD, HI, MA would fit on it.  Does anyone know?

Link Posted: 9/20/2005 1:52:03 PM EDT
you mean that I cant buy a short barreled upper and ship it to kalli?
I thought these things werent registered or traced like lowers...im confused?
Link Posted: 9/20/2005 3:39:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2005 8:05:45 AM EDT
Wow, I thought people would jump on this topic.   Does anyone have any ideas on where to not ship uppers?

Nick H
Link Posted: 9/25/2005 9:48:46 PM EDT

Is there a list of states to beware of?  I think CA, NY, CT, DE, RI, IL, MD, HI, MA would fit on it.  Does anyone know?


CA would not be included. If a AR is registered as a AW (per the law now) then it can have all the evil features one desires. For the non detachable mag lowers like the Vulcan and FAB 10, since they don't use a detachable mag they can also have all the evil upper receiver features.
Link Posted: 9/26/2005 5:40:40 AM EDT


Is there a list of states to beware of?  I think CA, NY, CT, DE, RI, IL, MD, HI, MA would fit on it.  Does anyone know?


CA would not be included. If a AR is registered as a AW (per the law now) then it can have all the evil features one desires. For the non detachable mag lowers like the Vulcan and FAB 10, since they don't use a detachable mag they can also have all the evil upper receiver features.

The same is true in NY with the exception that it needs to be assembled on a preban or fixed mag lower. There are no restrictions to shipping gun parts to NY. It is up to the purchaser to use them in a lawful manner and not the seller's responsibility.
Link Posted: 9/26/2005 1:44:55 PM EDT



Is there a list of states to beware of?  I think CA, NY, CT, DE, RI, IL, MD, HI, MA would fit on it.  Does anyone know?


CA would not be included. If a AR is registered as a AW (per the law now) then it can have all the evil features one desires. For the non detachable mag lowers like the Vulcan and FAB 10, since they don't use a detachable mag they can also have all the evil upper receiver features.

The same is true in NY with the exception that it needs to be assembled on a preban or fixed mag lower. There are no restrictions to shipping gun parts to NY. It is up to the purchaser to use them in a lawful manner and not the seller's responsibility.

So, does this mean that I really don't have to worry about where I'm shipping to?

Link Posted: 10/9/2005 2:48:19 PM EDT

you mean that I cant buy a short barreled upper and ship it to kalli?
I thought these things werent registered or traced like lowers...im confused?

Well, sure you can do it.  The problem might arise if your recipient gets caught with it.

Kinda like you can ship a kilo of coke to kali, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 5:23:39 PM EDT


you mean that I cant buy a short barreled upper and ship it to kalli?
I thought these things werent registered or traced like lowers...im confused?

Well, sure you can do it.  The problem might arise if your recipient gets caught with it.

Kinda like you can ship a kilo of coke to kali, but I wouldn't recommend it.

It's only a problem if the recipient has a AR and does not have the proper permits for a SBR issued from the feds and the state.

Upper receivers for ARs are not registered in any way, shape or form here in CA.
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:31:19 PM EDT

Is there a list of states to beware of?  I think CA, NY, CT, DE, RI, IL, MD, HI, MA would fit on it.  Does anyone know?


I don't know of any reason IL would be on that list, heck alot of uppers are MADE here....LOL
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 7:54:33 PM EDT


So, does this mean that I really don't have to worry about where I'm shipping to?


I've never had a problem ordering uppers here in NY .
Except when UPS bends them
Link Posted: 10/9/2005 8:00:42 PM EDT
From what I've heard, it's the buyer's responsibility to abide by their state's laws.  I can send high capacity mags to PRK.  The act of "importing" them into the state is what is illegal.  So the person receiving them is breaking the law, not you.

I wouldn't want to get caught in that hairy mess in the first place though.  If it's a Short Barreled Upper, I'd want to see some sort of paperwork before I shipped it.

Do what you feel is right.  If you get the gut feeling that its wrong, don't do it.
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