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Posted: 1/24/2011 2:01:31 PM EDT
Finally got around to seeing it.  Entertaining, but I guess I expected more.

- During the Kobiashi Maru exercise, Kirk should have at least gone through the motions of taking appropriate action.  Instead, the director had him munching on an apple with way too much of a flippant attitude.  

- The Uhura/Spock kissy face thing was

There were some other points, but making them make sense would have derailed the storyline.

On the plus side, I enjoyed Scotty.
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 2:10:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 2:45:16 PM EDT
I think the last one sucked monkey balls!
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 2:51:11 PM EDT
I enjoyed it a heck of a lot more than basically anything since Wrath of Khan.  Star Trek Next Generation through now on TV have been so crappy it's almost unwatchable.  The idea of modifying the time time, while soap opera, at least bought us a relief from the hashed and rehashed crap TV characters from the craptastic efforts since the original.

The good news is I am not a trekkie or trekker or ...  I enjoy sci fi, so if it looks good I'll watch it.  If it sucks I'll turn it off.  

The large #s of trekkies who would watch two hours of  a steaming turd with vulcan ears stuck on it ensure I get a new movie worth watching every once in a while.
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 3:12:47 PM EDT
Sorry. I couldn't see any of it through the harsh bridge lighting!

Link Posted: 1/24/2011 3:21:23 PM EDT
I really liked that movie.

Just a grab your salty, ultra buttery popcorn and an ice cold Coke and enjoy movie.

Looks great on bluray.
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 4:46:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 6:13:44 PM EDT
i enjoyed it, and i've NEVER liked star trek, being a star wars junkie.
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 7:10:57 PM EDT
Always liked Star Trek growing up and I thought this movie was great. They did a great job with the casting. Really enjoyed it, and everyone I saw it with (both Star Trek fans and not) loved it as well.
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 7:14:11 PM EDT
I had fun pointing out the difference between ROSHA and OSHA.  For example OSHA requirements would have had handrails and fall protection on the Romulan ship.  Romulan OSHA or ROSHA prohibits such things.  Sometimes the sarcasm in watching movies is better than the movie itself.  

After the third or fourth time watching it a few beers and a MST3000 approach to the movie makes it even more fun.

I cant wait for the next one.
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 11:59:35 PM EDT
I thought it was was awesome how the phasers had recoil.
Link Posted: 1/25/2011 3:59:25 AM EDT
I really liked that movie.

Just a grab your salty, ultra buttery popcorn and an ice cold Coke and enjoy movie.

Looks great on bluray.

I liked it.  As already mentioned, it was heads above everything since "Khan."

Link Posted: 1/25/2011 11:26:21 AM EDT
And it settled that time travel paradox about whether you can go back abnd meet yourself when you were younger.
Link Posted: 1/25/2011 11:41:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/25/2011 11:50:38 AM EDT


Sorry. I couldn't see any of it through the harsh bridge lighting!


That was the only thing I really did not like.

Tone down the camera flares on the bridge next time, will you?

Link Posted: 1/28/2011 6:31:36 PM EDT
I think the last one sucked monkey balls!


Kirk was given a commendation for beating it. I cannot see Star Fleet handing out awards to someone munching an apple and admitting that he cheated. It wasn't until Wrath of Khan, that he admitted to cheating to anybody else but his close friends.

Also, there is a book called Kobayashi Maru that has the officers from ST:TOS talking about their experiences with the test. Kirk won, Scotty fought it to a stand-still, and the others lost.

Yes, I am a card carrying nerd
Link Posted: 1/28/2011 8:32:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 11:40:39 AM EDT
I've been giving this some thought off and on and have decided a few things

The reality we saw in the movie split off from the established Trek universe prior to Nero showing up.
Reasons I say this include:
The Kelvin being larger with a larger crew than the TOS Constitution class, not strong evidence but the TOS Constitution class is generally accepted as being the biggest ship SF had at that point.
Warp technology. The "rocket thrust" effect can be explained away as artistic license or used as evidence of a split earlier, but the 2009 Enterprise appears to be slower than the NX-01 unless they changed the warp scale after Nero showed up. Chekov makes a comment that "if Mr Scott can get us to warp 4" in a way that implies that is difficult to do. The NX-01 routinely went warp 4
Everyone in starfleet, including the Kelvin crew, had the Enterprise ship uniform insignia. In the "prime" universe each ship had their own chest insignia until around the time of the TOS movies when the Enterprise's insignia became SF standard.

I've also decided that future Spock isn't actually from the "prime" universe. The jelly fish ship says it's manufacturing origin is stardate 2387
that's not the stardate system used in that time period of the "prime" universe
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 1:13:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 6:59:26 AM EDT
The whole time travel/alternate reality thing is so played. I liked the movie but the premise seemed like it was really only made to set the stage for the ongoing re-treading of the series. By changing the reality it offers them more freedom to work outside cannon.
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