Its ironic to me that a few opinions expressed in a newspaper are suddenly the standing national opinion of an entire country as far as is concerned.
If you spoke to ten people in any NZ street, you would get ten different opinions, just as Im sure the same would occur on any street in the US. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. No one says you have to like it. To then make disparaging remarks about their country (of which I am very proud) is disappointing to say the least.
I work in Baghdad as a private security contractor for an American company. On my team there are Americans, Kiwis and South Africans. As with any team of alpha males, there is a healthy dose of smack talking about any and all subjects and a sense of humour is essential.
No one would ever make remarks about anothers country like Ive seen in this thread. Not even as a joke. Whilst we all give each other a hard time, we are all brothers and depend on each other each and every day. I would never tell any of my US colleagues their country was fucked. If anything, they are harsher critics of their own countries policies and politicians than we could ever be.
This thread confirms why I hardly ever look at GD or post in any threads. I'll stick to the Equipment Exchange if I need something or the AR15 forums to learn more about my primary.
I fear I would think all members were just as fucking ignorant as the ones in this thread.