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Posted: 7/22/2010 9:46:11 AM EDT
Has anyone heard of this? Where some kid challenges another kid to hang himself and then they text another kid to get to the kid before he dies... or something to that effect?

The son of a guy I work died this way... he didn't intentionally kill himself... I don't know if this is a growing trend or something....
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:47:15 AM EDT
The world is indeed in the toilet and this thread is proof of that. Lots of
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:47:30 AM EDT
Sounds alot like auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:47:55 AM EDT

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:48:38 AM EDT


Sounds alot like auto-erotic asphyxiation.

I find if much easier and less risky to... oh, nevermind
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:48:51 AM EDT
Hmmm sounds.......
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:50:36 AM EDT

Is there any documentation of this phenomenon?
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:52:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:52:25 AM EDT

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:52:39 AM EDT
Yep, my neighbors 12 yo son did it. Died upstairs in his room, sad and very stupid. Shame too he was always very polite and well spoken, which is odd for kids these days.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:53:01 AM EDT
Darwin wins again.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:53:32 AM EDT
I tried to find something about it. I couldn't which is why I came here... I figure if it's happening anywhere else someone here would have heard about it...

Yep, my neighbors 12 yo son did it. Died upstairs in his room, sad and very stupid. Shame too he was always very polite and well spoken, which is odd for kids these days.

Case in point... so it's some sort of dare thing?

Hung Fu

I went to junior high with a few guys that would choke themselves (and each other) for the light headed feeling.  One of them would do it the entire day.  You rarely saw him without his hand on his throat.

Me and my friends would do this where you basically hyperventilate yourself and then they would pick you up from behind while you hold your breath. Very stupid. I stopped wen my friend dropped me on a ceramic tile floor. That was about 20 years ago.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:53:45 AM EDT
I went to junior high with a few guys that would choke themselves (and each other) for the light headed feeling.  One of them would do it the entire day.  You rarely saw him without his hand on his throat.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:54:04 AM EDT
These kids have way too much time on their hands.  
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:54:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:54:40 AM EDT
RIP, but that might just be a convoluted way to lie to yourself so as not to admit that a loved one committed suicide or died from auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:55:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:55:03 AM EDT
just when i thought kids coudln't get any dumber.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:56:00 AM EDT
Why can't they just sniff glue like we did?
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:56:38 AM EDT

Kung Fool

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:57:02 AM EDT
My Mother's (rest her soul) best friend lost a son to this phenomenon 25 years ago. Very dangerous game.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:04:05 AM EDT


RIP, but that might just be a convoluted way to lie to yourself so as not to admit that a loved one committed suicide or died from auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:10:09 AM EDT

RIP, but that might just be a convoluted way to lie to yourself so as not to admit that a loved one committed suicide or died from auto-erotic asphyxiation.


Honestly, this is what I was thinking as well.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:16:32 AM EDT
My Mother's (rest her soul) best friend lost a son to this phenomenon 25 years ago. Very dangerous game.

It's nothing new.  I can remember a cousin doing it to himself in the 80's.  (ETA: not killing himself, just going for the light headed feeling)

In the late 90's, my mom worked with a mother of a 15 y.o. who hung himself trying to get off.  That's got to be the most embarrassing ways to go.  I always found a bottle of hand lotion and the sports illustrated swimsuit issue to be sufficient at that age.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:28:44 AM EDT



Sounds alot like auto-erotic asphyxiation.

I find if much easier and less risky to... oh, nevermind
Try holding your breath.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:38:07 AM EDT
Yeah, auto-erotic asphixiation; the same way Carradine died in Thailand. Truly a stupid way to get your grove on in the weekends while spanking the monkey.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 4:20:42 PM EDT
RIP, but that might just be a convoluted way to lie to yourself so as not to admit that a loved one committed suicide or died from auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 4:22:36 PM EDT
Choke and spank.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 4:22:43 PM EDT


Sounds alot like auto-erotic asphyxiation.

This.  Google "Choking game"

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