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Posted: 6/11/2002 12:24:49 PM EDT
firing 6 rounds.

These f**king old p***sys threw me out of my gunclub, Fall Township Rifle and Pistol Assoc. in Morrisville PA , for firing ONE more round then allowed. I can't believe these f**king old a**holes !

The rule is you can only load 5 rounds at a time. When practicing for IPSC I put 5 rounds each in 2 mags for my pistol and do a reload with 1 round left in the chamber from my first mag. So when I shoot the second mag there is technically 6 rounds in the gun for a split second. These fagots threw me out for this ! These f**king p***sys have nothing better to do then to sit there and count rounds that they hear being fired to see if god forbid someone shoot more then 5 god damn rounds.

No one was even on the range when I did this. A few guys were on the archery range and they heard and counted my shots like the little bitches that they are.

I'm f**king pissed. I just joined this club back in November. I didn't even know what I was doing was wrong. I never loaded more then 5 rounds in a magazine. I told the board of directors I didn't know what I did was wrong and I even apologized 3 times ! They still threw me out. And these f**king p**sys didn't even have the f**king balls to tell me to my face - they mailed me a letter telling me I was thrown out.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:29:33 PM EDT
That's messed up.  [:(!]

Surely there must be another range in the area that actually WANTS your business?
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:31:39 PM EDT
So, no wheelguns allowed there?
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:33:01 PM EDT
You can shoot revolvers there, but you can only load 5 rounds in them.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:33:22 PM EDT
well I think that you should sue them..

If their silly little rule says that mags can only be loaded to 5 rounds then you did just that.

If they said that you can only FIRE 5 rounds at a time then they are SOL.

Do they have video or tape evidence of your terrible crime???

Do NOT back down on this issue!!

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:35:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:36:53 PM EDT
The rule book says you can only LOAD 5 rounds. They say since on was in the chamber when I changed mags then I loaded the gun with 6 rounds.

No they do not have me on tape firing 6 rounds. Two members and a board member heard 6 rounds being fired from another area of the club.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:39:25 PM EDT
So I'm guessing that slapping a 30 rounder in you AR and letting her rip is a definite no-no? Shit, man, the range I go to has ZERO restrictions on rapid fire, full auto, etc. as long as you're safe and in control. Sounds like you need to find a place out in the woods to HAVE FUN instead of worrying about a bunch of fuddy-duddys that need to get a life instead of worrying about HOW MANY ROUNDS YOU SHOOT AT A SHOOTING RANGE. Maybe it's me, but I find this ri-fvcking-diculous.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:42:10 PM EDT
5 rounds = Hunter/ protected under the 2nd  Amendment..[whacko]
6 and up = Anti .gov freack that wants to kill babies.

[0:)] [>:/] [V]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:42:33 PM EDT
That range sounds like a pos as far as I'm concerned.  Be glad your out of there and find a good place to shoot.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:43:27 PM EDT
So I'm guessing that slapping a 30 rounder in you AR and letting her rip is a definite no-no? Shit, man, the range I go to has ZERO restrictions on rapid fire, full auto, etc. as long as you're safe and in control. Sounds like you need to find a place out in the woods to HAVE FUN instead of worrying about a bunch of fuddy-duddys that need to get a life instead of worrying about HOW MANY ROUNDS YOU SHOOT AT A SHOOTING RANGE. Maybe it's me, but I find this ri-fvcking-diculous.
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Fucking A man. I love to have a place in the woods to just shoot away. Unfortunatly I live in Philadelphia and there are no woods aroud here.

I'm gonna look into joining Langhorne Rod and Gun but their club doesn't have an indoor pistol range or a plinking range like falls township does.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 12:53:21 PM EDT
Philadelphia_GunMan couldn't you ask for a hearing/meeting with the president to at least  explain yourself? Seems they should at least hear your side.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:08:28 PM EDT
PG I live right around the corner from there.  That really blows but I had my fill of that place years ago when I would go trap shooting on Tuesday nights.  It was open to the public and was like 2.50 a round.  Anyway all these idiots are there decked out in blinders, vests and Krieghof's.  Since I didn't use a 5k shotgun nobody would talk to me.  Fuck em' bunch of idiots if you ask me and my cousins are big time into that place.  You probably know them!  What's the cost of a membership there now?  Do you have to put in man-hours also?  A big clique there it seemed when I would go there.  Just saw all the better than thou jackasses that couldn't hit a grouse in grapevines to save their life.  5 rounds? is that for all weapons?  

There's also a club up in Doylestown.  A pretty good ride if you are in the city.  I hear Langhorne isn't too bad, can't say for sure.  The last time I was there was for my hunter safety course 19 years ago!  This area sucks for anything that is remotely related to shooting/hunting/fishing/outdoors!  I belong to a range in Somerset PA that is $6 a year, can shoot whatever I want, no restrictions, no assholes, no attitudes and best of all the old timers are fun and like to see you blast away.  It isn't much.  A 50, 100 and 200 yard backstops 3 benches, That's it!  But it is damned nice to be able to SHOOT.  Hell the PGC range at Nockamixon restricts you to 3 rounds!  The old folks up on Motzart rd won't allow any semi-auto center fires because some yuppies are constantly trying to shut them down.  I've been entertaining moving to northern Chester County or Berks.  This area just blows all around.    Now I'm depressed.  
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:09:39 PM EDT
that just sucks ass.  I mean, at least they can talk to you about it, investigate it.  But summarily throwing you out for a minor infraction?  It reminds me of all the range officers throwing people out for some silly innocent infraction (HAVING FMJ at a range that doesn't allow it, even if you offer to leave it in the car)

It's just ludicrous how some of us gun enthusiasts are treated by other gun enthusiasts.  

I'd definitely be in contact with the president, and POLITELY explain my position.  Ask if that's how law abiding gun owners are going to treat other law abiding gun owners.  If he's resistant to talking about it, don't get angry and shout, but slyly mention how your experience is being shared with a broad audience and the general concensus is that the club's actions are REDICULOUS.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:09:57 PM EDT

The rule is you can only load 5 rounds at a time. When practicing for IPSC I put 5 rounds each in 2 mags for my pistol and do a reload with 1 round left in the chamber from my first mag. So when I shoot the second mag there is technically 6 rounds in the gun for a split second. These fagots threw me out for this ! These f**king p***sys have nothing better to do then to sit there and count rounds that they hear being fired to see if god forbid someone shoot more then 5 god damn rounds.
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I would be glad to be gone. If these fvckers advocate you running your pistol dry, you are better off somewhere else. I would guess you have no recourse like a rules committee? Maybe you should explain how bad it is to run your pistol dry before making a mag change.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:10:54 PM EDT
[b][i]When practicing for IPSC I put 5 rounds each in 2 mags for my pistol and do a reload[/b][/i]

How the hell does one become competitive in IPSC with a 5 round max?

Personally I would have argued that they are anti competitive shooter. Competitive shooters are some of the best ambassidors of shooting and guns.
That, and "I know where you live".

Find yerself a new club.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:12:28 PM EDT
Well, while I agree that this rule is pretty bogus, the fact does remain that you knew about this limitation when you joined the club (right?) and that you subsequently violated it on numerous occasions.  Of course, if this is truly a misunderstanding (they say "load 5" and mean no more than 5 in gun at a time, you take it to mean five in a mag), then you would certainly evpect them to hear your side of the story.

My club doesn't have a limit on handguns, but you are limited to a single shot in your rifle in the rifle tube.  And they do make it crystal clear that they mean only one round in the rifle at a time - not one in the chamber and one in the magazine, etc.  Even with all these warnings, some guy recently loaded and shot off multiple rounds *while the board of directors were meeting in the adjoining room*.

I think their handling of the incident (guy had to apologize to the board, and then lost his rifle tube priviledges for a month or two) was handled far better than your club's banning you, but then again, I suppose that also is based on the rules of the club.

Pretty spineless that you just get a letter in the mail, IMHO.  Perhaps for a gross safety violation (ND through the window behind the shooting line, etc.), but just for violating the round count?  At the very least, the letter should have said that there were "charges" against you, and that you could either appear to answer to them, or be tossed out.

How many arrows can they have in their quiver at one time?  :)
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:14:21 PM EDT
So you fired the last round of the first mag during the mag change. You can't help it your so fast.[:D]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:15:47 PM EDT
I belong to a club too. Only it works the other way around: if you load less than ten rounds in a mag we throw your ass out! [:D]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:19:35 PM EDT

That is so freaking stupid!!  Even here in California we are able to fully load 30rnd mags and shoot to our hearts content! Granted they don't like the bump and all but for the most part are very AR/AK friendly.  What are those old farts going to do when they come for their guns?  By that time they will have pissed everyone off and no one will come to help them.

So much for United we Stand........

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:27:15 PM EDT
They would'nt happen to have a email addy we could use would they ?!?! [}:D]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:50:15 PM EDT
That's not gay, just stupid. No gays I know would nit-pick like that [:D]


Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:58:43 PM EDT
What exactly does the rule say? Is it that you can only load mags with 5rds or that you can only have your gun loaded with 5rds?

If you were clearly in the right I would demand a refund of any money you might have lost by being kicked out of the club, or threaten a lawsuit for the same along with "punitive damages" & attorneys fees. While you might not be able to do shit about it, it would be nice to make 'em sweat thinking they might get sued.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 1:59:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 2:00:12 PM EDT
I used to shoot at a range with plenty of old farts who didn't think an SKS was much of a deer rifle. I was on the line shooting when I sensed this guy standing in back of me. I figured he just never saw a gun that fired cartridge ammo. Anyway, I emptied the whole ten rounds from the magazine and he puts his hand on my shoulder and says the RSO wants to talk to me. He then says leave my gun on the bench (like I'm likely to go postal). So, me and Gump are standing before this guy with a filthy old John Deer B-cap with "Range King" scrawled onto the bill (in his own feces from the looks of it) and I get dressed-down for "shootn too fast" Gump was actually standing behind me timing me! I suggested we look at the target down range so they will see all my rounds hit within the target area. They both stared at me like I just suggested they take a night off from beating their wives and take a bath instead. I packed up and left never to return.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 2:07:55 PM EDT
And you paid to be a member of this club knowing that they have this kind of rule???

You sure must have been pretty desperate PG!

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 2:29:06 PM EDT
Not even a warning? Sh*tty.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 3:00:02 PM EDT
[b]Board members, I hate those pricks with a passion.
It  seems they have nothing better to do than harass the members.[/b]
I suggest having a little chat with the range owner or president.

Honestly a 5 round limit? Dude there has gotta be a more friendly place for you to shoot.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 3:23:55 PM EDT
I thought Penn was a gun owners Mecca...?
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 3:59:00 PM EDT
I belong to a club too. Only it works the other way around: if you load less than ten rounds in a mag we throw your ass out! [:D]
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With the exception of single stack .45's and concealed carry guns right?[:)]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:03:19 PM EDT
Wouldn't that be funny if a bunch of us showed up with fully loaded Beta-C's?
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:14:32 PM EDT
Yeah, that's so phuckin' gay I don't even know where to begin. Some of the old codgers at the ranges these days just end up screwing themselves and they wonder why everyone is out to ban guns.... it's because THEY alienate everyone they come into contact with if they don't shoot a bolt action surplus rifle that holds 5 rounds or less. I know a lot of these types and they make my blood boil.
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I had this once.  "Young man the sign said rapid fire is discouraged."

I ask "why".

"So no errant shots are fired."

I gesture towards the spotting scope and he looks.  "ohh sorry."

I say nothing and he walks away.

8 rounds in the 10 ring with two in the 9 ring.

Have a nice day A$$HOLE.

The "This is my Range and I am God Syndrome," has been witnessed by yours truly at a recent ARcom shoot.  I am tight lipped to protect our interests there, because many people had a good time shooting at this place.

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:17:14 PM EDT
Hey man,why not try Bucks County Fish & Game, up by doylestown? Thats where I go. They have no mag restrictions, but you have to limit yourself to 1 round per 2 seconds. However, they **seem** to have no problem with faster fire as long as you keep your weapon under control (or maybe I got lucky). They have roofs over all their rifle/pistol ranges (100yds down to 25 ft), and separate archery and shotgun areas (but I've never tryed them, or found out their rules)
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:46:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 6:49:03 PM EDT
Wierd.....never would have expected that in PA. I live in Jersey, but since I've never been able to find any info on the public range at Ft. Dix, I head out to PA to shoot. Classic Pistol indoor range out in Southampton. Damn nice place...indoor, climate controlled, nice facilities. And there's nothing like being greeted by the sight of a shitload of handguns on the wall nestled next to an HK91 and suppressed MAC! Granted, it's a tad on the expensive side (I think 12 or 13 a session for handgun...note session, not hour), but I think it's worth it. I've only shot pistol there, but they'll allow a heck of a lot....pistol, rifle, shotgun, even full auto....hopefully I'll be able to siphon the money to rent an MP5 for the day, hehehe....

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 6:58:25 PM EDT
I belong to a club too. Only it works the other way around: if you load less than ten rounds in a mag we throw your ass out! [:D]
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That's the kind of place I shoot at--if the owner or any of the RSOs are around (rare, except on match day or you roll up while they're shooting) and you're loaded to less than max capacity for anything other than El Pres or Bill Drills, they inquire as to why. [:D]

God, I love Tennessee.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:10:23 PM EDT
Sounds like the Olin range here...yep, thats right Olin as in Winchester...Their range is a bunch of JO's too..A bunch of old farts shooting 22's because they don't make much noise...Trucker [50]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:15:27 PM EDT
firing 6 rounds.

These f**king old p***sys threw me out of my gunclub, Fall Township Rifle and Pistol Assoc. in Morrisville PA , for firing ONE more round then allowed. I can't believe these f**king old a**holes !

thrown out.
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You did that? your nuys man![:O]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:22:40 PM EDT
Sounds to me like that club is run by a bunch of pansies. You're better off, in my opinion.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:43:26 PM EDT
Wouldn't that be funny if a bunch of us showed up with fully loaded Beta-C's?
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Damned if ya didn't beat me to it Wave!

What's the fee to join the club?  Might be worth it to show up with a 5 round mag for a few shots in the M16 & then slip in the Beta.

"5 rounds!  I lost track couldn't count that fast."  
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 8:08:54 PM EDT
What a week.   First the Emerson & Haney appeals are denied by the SCOTUS, and now I have to read about this kind of BS!

It's bad enough that we get screwed by the government over and over again, but far too many gun owners are ready dick over their own kind for little or no reason.  

F@*KING pathetic!
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 8:52:57 PM EDT
Wouldn't that be funny if a bunch of us showed up with fully loaded Beta-C's?
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Damned if ya didn't beat me to it Wave!

What's the fee to join the club?  Might be worth it to show up with a 5 round mag for a few shots in the M16 & then slip in the Beta.

"5 rounds!  I lost track couldn't count that fast."  
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LOL!...I was thinking the same thing.  

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 9:29:59 PM EDT
What exactly does the rule say? Is it that you can only load mags with 5rds or that you can only have your gun loaded with 5rds?

If you were clearly in the right I would demand a refund of any money you might have lost by being kicked out of the club, or threaten a lawsuit for the same along with "punitive damages" & attorneys fees. While you might not be able to do shit about it, it would be nice to make 'em sweat thinking they might get sued.
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This is what I'd do.
Worth every penny.

Those range turkeys aren't thinkin' right.
They aren't "here", today, post 9-11, pro-gun, etc.
They're stuck in the mud and they'll understand what being sued is all about.
Good luck and I hope you find a better club.
You sure won't be welcome there anymore!!! [;D]
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 9:56:53 PM EDT
I just joined a really cool club with just about every type of range for any kind of firearm. They've been around for 50 years and have over 1000 people. It's mainly old guys but they are cool, so far.

Anything but Fully auto (they say you can bring your fully auto, but you can't shoot it on full) goes, and think that is reasonable.

In your situation, the clubs rules are to strict to feel like part of "club".
Rules like this do more harm then good follows modern Americas' fuzzy logic.
Look, everyone's listening for someone to fault, THAT F'IN BS! That creates a "hostile" environment.

You should not have put yourself in this situation by NOT joining.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 10:14:52 PM EDT
5 rounds!!!  Gees..... some people.  Well, if it's 5 rounds, why don't you bring a BIG 50....
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 8:34:16 AM EDT
Am -O-Tramp, I had a hearing in front of the board of directors (all 19 of them) and they voted to kick me out.

Valkyrie, It cests $350 to join falls township. $250 initiation fee and $75 a year.

SIX, I had gone in front of the board the previous month to ask for an exemption from the 5 round rule so I could practice for IPSC. That actually counted as a mark against me becuase I had the balls to even ask the board for something.

Ponyboy, the exact wording in the rule book is you can not load more then 5 rounds.

Riddler, yes I knew about the 5 round rule when I joined. Falls township is one of only 2 clubs near me with rifle ranges.
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 9:05:32 AM EDT
Holy F@ck!
I'm going to add salt to the wound sorry, I have too. [:)]

$250 joining fee!!!

Not only did you join this club knowing about the 5 round rule you also had to bend over and take it to join.

I hate to see a fellow brother get shafted so bad, but we all control our own lives.

So you went in front of the board to propose something and they shaft you for it? Nazi's, straight up. These guys should be shut down and the only way is to not join and not get others to join. If someone opened another club that is normal, do you think your location would have enough "gun people" to support it?

Are you sure this is an American ran club?
This is the scum of gun owners folks, I am so heated right now, those arrogant SOB's!!
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 9:13:50 AM EDT
Exercise the Law!  Just because they have a rule doesn't make it so.  The term 'loaded' is a subjective term.  Unless there was inspection performed on the spot all is hear-say.  

I wonder how many other people have been booted out for breaking that rule.  Has it has just been you?  

Find you a solicitor and bring suit against them.  At least as the man said get your dues back and fees.  Most clubs like this have very limited funds and a suit would hurt not only in the pocket book but in their pride.  File the suit and tell the local papers.  It wouldn't take much to get them shut down completely.
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 9:16:33 AM EDT
sounds like these have a problem. you should of ripped out a 30 rounder in the ar before leaving and hit everyones targets
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 9:21:26 AM EDT
Sorry to hear that you got kicked.
Did you piss these guys off any other time?  Were they just looking for an excuse?
I had a JarHead give me a hard time in a match.  He didn't like the way I changed my mags.  I asked him if I was being unsafe.  His answer was "No" but he still thought that I should do it differently.  I said thank you for your concern.  He persisted. So I asked him to please refrain from speaking to me for the rest of the match.  He didn't so I said "Would you please back the Fu@% off".  He got the msg.  My point is there is always some a hole out there.  Unfortunately you had a run in with someone who could screw you.
Link Posted: 6/13/2002 9:23:27 AM EDT
i would suggest digging a grave sized hole in thier lawn.
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