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Posted: 8/22/2006 3:35:45 PM EDT
and do what against gun weilding bad guys??


Police Warn Restaurant Owners To Be On Guard Against Takeover Robbers
(San Fernando Valley, CA) -- Police are warning San Fernando Valley restaurant owners to be on guard against one or more groups responsible for a series of takeover robberies. The "Ski Mask Bandits" are believed responsible for up to 50 robberies since 2004. The attacks usually happen at night before closing.

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:08:56 PM EDT
[voice of the Benevolent State] Comply with the robbers. You are obviously far better off than they are, and they are simply bettering themselves in a fashion comfortable to them. Do not resist, as you may frustrate them. If you should be beaten or killed, the State will make every effort to garner as much publicity as to why self defense is a bad idea, and will martyr you in an effort to further render the public defenseless. [voice of the Benevolent State]

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:15:47 PM EDT
bust out the 10rd capacity AR, after all 30rd magazines and the like are for bad guys
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:25:10 PM EDT

bust out the 10rd capacity AR, after all 30rd magazines and the like are for bad guys

10rd max capacity hurts even more when you see it in writing
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:28:34 PM EDT
hell, you might as well get used to being outgunned if you are a law abiding citizen living in KALIFORNIA
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:28:45 PM EDT
Don't try to defend yourself.

The bad men will take your gun and use it on you.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:02:12 PM EDT

Don't try to defend yourself.

The bad men will take your gun and use it on you.

This is correct. Just roll up into a ball, and call 911 once they leave.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:08:11 PM EDT

Don't try to defend yourself.

The bad men will take your gun and use it on you.

You can call BS anytime you hear someone say that.

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:12:33 PM EDT
Don't defend yourself, because Corp can be liable for millions of dollars of damages if you shoot the perp(s); and if you get killed, then c'est la vie(french for "That's life" or "Such is life."   It is sometimes used as an expression in the English language to say that life is harsh but that one must accept it.).
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:16:16 PM EDT
San Fernando = Gangland.

Asian and Mexican.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:19:42 PM EDT
Kali Police Warn People To Cower In Fear And Urinate Themselves Due to rash of Robberies.

There, fixed it for you.

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:23:17 PM EDT

and do what against gun weilding bad guys??


Police Warn Restaurant Owners To Be On Guard Against Takeover Robbers
(San Fernando Valley, CA) -- Police are warning San Fernando Valley restaurant owners to be on guard against one or more groups responsible for a series of takeover robberies. The "Ski Mask Bandits" are believed responsible for up to 50 robberies since 2004. The attacks usually happen at night before closing.

Damn, I hope I rate such a cool name on my crime spree.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:24:37 PM EDT
What's the purpose of all the gun laws in Kali if the criminals can still get guns and commit crime?

I know, preaching to the choir....
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:28:55 PM EDT
I personnally LIKE it when the cops inform me of the happening in my area.

Intel is important whoever it comes from.

I swear some of you guys are reading WAY to much into this.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:35:09 PM EDT
We must now ban ski masks. It is for the children!
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 5:38:42 PM EDT
Cmon CA. govt... Protect your people now that you have neutered them..
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