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Posted: 5/11/2004 6:27:17 AM EDT
The guy that was selling his ex-wives wedding dress on EBay.
He was on the Today show.

Is becoming a comedian, and of course his big hit is when he puts the dress on!

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:33:57 AM EDT
Sad... I really need to come up with some gimick to make myself famous so I can get all kinds of money for being an ass clown... seems like the only way to fill your wallet these days...
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:39:30 AM EDT
Tell me about it!
The person that bought the dress backed out and he is keeping the dress!
Or maybe he's keeping the dress to get famous!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:46:00 AM EDT
Eh he'll probably have a short lived show on FOX, then a few fast food commercial cameos then he'll be old news.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:53:09 AM EDT
I'll take that 15 minutes of fame... it would certainly help buy more guns.
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